Joy Ann Reid has embraced controversy, but has also faced fire for writing unkind blog posts, along with anti-Semitic and even homophobic remarks. In spite of all that, she still has a newscasting career at MSNBC. What's going on?

Over the past week, she issued a media frenzy against California Trump supporter Roslyn La Liberte based on a false tweet sent out by open-borders activis Alan Vargas. Click here for the article which contains the full report on that social media frenzy.

Today, Reid finally issued a retraction and a partial "apology":

It appears I got this wrong. My apologies to Mrs. La Liberte and Joseph.

— Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) July 2, 2018

She posted her tepid retraction on Facebook, too:

There are a few problems, of course.

First of all, her original post went super-viral. This retraction has only received 200+ shares. Hardly any in comparison to the slanderous story which has spread like wildfire across social media.

Next, she softens her failure with "It appears …".

No. Without a doubt, she got this wrong … WAY wrong.

Look at the vicious comments which she wrote, drawing so many false conclusions from one photo:

He showed up to a rally to defend immigrants. … She showed up too, in her MAGA hat, and screamed, “You are going to be the first deported" … " dirty Mexican!”

He is 14 years old. She is an adult. Make the picture black and white and it could be the 1950s and the desegregation of a school. Hate is real, y’all. It hasn’t even really gone away.

3. Mrs. La Liberte's business website is still crashing. She has lost considerable business as well as standing in the community because of the awful, unjust slander which she has endured.

Let's assess fully the truth of MSNBC Reid's complicity in slander and wrongdoing.

Reid deliberately projected the racist legacies of the Segregationist South into this picture. She invited her readers to look at this photo and make it "black and white", then instructed them to look at Mrs. La Liberte as some kind of race-baiting segregationist fighting to keep black people in the back of the bus.
Reid had neither right, nor authority, nor presence of mind nor any kind of historical or contextual evidence to attribute such invidious discrimination. Mrs. La Liberte is Jewish, went to school in a majority black community, and maintains friendships with Americans of all ethnic backgrounds.
Reid should have known better, but she doesn't, or rather she has gotten away with such hateful bigotry in the past, but without consequence.
John Nolte of Breitbart News outlined nine instances in which Reid pushed anti-Semitic and homophobic remarks, including blog posts which defamed a politician with lies about his private life. The MSNBC anchor lied about how those posts ended up on her blog, but the truth is that she wrote all of those slanderous, scurrilous remarks, and she must own the content of what she wrote along with her immoral character for having written them then trying to distance herself from those words.
Mrs. Reid has already gone too far.
She needs to be held accountable for pushing her unsubstantiated hatred towards a mother, a grandmother, and a small business owner just because she is a Trump Supporter.
I had contacted her media and publicity staffers to demand a retraction, and Reid barely complied.

That is not enough.

MSNBC and Mrs. Reid need to hear from the public, and they need to understand that Reid's legacy of lies, distortions, and racist smears will no longer be tolerated.

Leave comments on Reid's Twitter and Facebook post that her "apology" is not enough.

Contact these NBC personnel, and demand that Mrs. Reid be terminated:
Lorie Acio vCard
Director, Media Relations
(212) 664-6733
 Errol Cockfield
Senior Vice President
MSNBC Media Relations
(212) 664-3534 
Maggie Hollander 
Media Relations
 (212) 664-7003
Kristen Osborne 
Senior Manager, Media Relations
(212) 664-1285
Hollie Tracz vCard
Publicist, Media Relations
(212) 664-3114
Below, you will find the letter which I emailed to the media officials above. You are welcome, encouraged to copy, paste, and send this or similar letters to voice your outrage —-
To the NBC Media Village Publicists and Media Directors:
Having looked over the damage wrought by Mrs. Reid's unthinking, insensitive, racist comments and social media posts toward Mrs. Roslyn La Liberte and other members of LA County for Trump, there is no proper remedy for the libel, slander, and defamation which have resulted other than for Mrs. Joy Ann Reid to resign.
Reid's posts on Twitter and on Facebook attacked Mrs. La Liberte by drawing unjust comparisons with her and to racist Southern segregationists was beyond the pale. 
Mrs. La Liberte has suffered immensely both in terms of her reputation as well as financially, specifically her business.
I am very well aware of Mrs Reid's loose connections with the truth as well as the slanderous, hateful remarks which she has uttered against Jews as well as about homosexuals.
She has been exposed on record for lying about those blogposts which she wrote, and yet MSNBC has continued to cover for her lies, smears, and slander.
Her legacy of rhetorical abuse and hatred can no longer be tolerated.
Mrs. Reid must resign, and resign immediately.
For those who have received this email, I urge you to share the following contact information with as many people as you can, and urge them to follow the following steps.
  1. Share these posts reporting the truth about what happened at the Simi Valley City Council meeting:

    2. Contact these individuals and demand the resignation of Joy Reid. Inform their staff that you will boycott every MSNBC advertiser until Reid is gone.
List of MSNBC Contacts:
Lorie Acio vCard
Director, Media Relations
(212) 664-6733
Errol Cockfield vCard
Senior Vice President
MSNBC Media Relations
(212) 664-3534
Maggie Hollander
Media Relations
(212) 664-7003
 Kristen Osborne
Senior Manager, Media Relations
(212) 664-1285
Hollie Tracz
Publicist, Media Relations
(212) 664-3114

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