During public comment at this Huntington Park City
Council meeting (the city which had appointed two illegal aliens to city commissions),
mocked the corrupt police chief
who had had me arrested for no
reason in a previous meeting, then I shamed the city council. Someone in the
audience shouted at me: “Why don’t you go to Malibu with that bullsh*t?”

The mayor called me out of order, and it was not clear
she had said anything to the man who had shouted at me. Everyone else in the
audience erupted in outrage. I yelled at the city councilmembers, who fled into
closed session. With shock in his eyes, I confronted the left-winger who had
yelled at me: “Did you think you were going to get away with it?”

It was vindicating and gratifying. When people who have
endured repeated abuses finally see the tables turn on evildoers, it is
wonderful. Unfortunately, the Left still believes that they can get away with
“it”, i.e. abusive, disorderly misconduct against conservatives, peace-loving
taxpayers, and American of all backgrounds after all this time. Why? Following
the example of their evil godfather Saul Alinksy, these radicals exploited everyday
civility. Most people give in rather than fight back because people simply want
to live and let live.

However, “Leave me alone” means nothing to committed
ideologues. This passivity allowed the Obama Administration to redefine justice
with identity politics and discarded reality. Bureaucrats crushed the rights of
citizens without reprisal. The Deep State was deeply invested in intimidating
conservatives and shutting down free speech. Thugs burned up entire cities in
the name of social protest. LGBT activists have not only demanded their “fair
share” of protections but focused on ripping away other people’s rights.

The abuse came not just from activists and the
government, but from the corrupt press, in part because they downplayed or
ignored the abuses of the Left. They also lied a lot. Here’s
one list of devastatingly false news reports.
Thankfully, in the
last five years we have seen the left-wing pundits, prognosticators, and
preachers finally getting their due. One
epic media smear collapsed
when audio leaked out the full commentary
from Clive Bundy of Nevada, who had stood up to the overreaching Bureau of Land
Management. Martin Bashir
was forced out when he suggested that people should be
allowed to defecate in Former Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin’s mouth. Left-wing
Piers Morgan lost his slime-time talk show, too.

While bad journalism was getting busted, Trump is
taking the war against Fake News from rare artform to common practice. He
routinely slams their epic failures, distortions, and outright falsehoods. He
draws on their influence, then uses their disparate market share to diminish
them. What European conservatives have been doing for years, Trump has
initiated, hosting the first “Fake News Awards” ceremony.
Now more “reporters”
are getting shown the door. Brian Ross is taking
a hike for his fake news about Michael Flynn
. The reporter who falsely
claimed that the Capital
Gazette shooter wore a MAGA hat
? He’s gone! When a Los Angeles Times freelancer threatened indie
journalist Mike Cernovich on Twitter, the
Times swiftly fired the guy.

Paybacks feels good. I had never hoped to see a series
of swift, massive comeuppances so soon. I What press agents had gotten away
with in the past, they are no longer getting away with today, and the
consequences go beyond their unprofessional, fraudulent reporting. Matt
and Charlie
got fired for being too “handsy” with female staffers.

Sexual misconduct is prevalent among other
institutions on Left, despite all their talk in favor of feminism and against
sexism. Candidate Trump led the fight against the Left’s sex-crazed double
standard with a press conference featuring the women
whom Bill and
Hillary Clinton had notoriously abused. Then
Big Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein
took a much bigger tumble
for abusing his power and abusing multiple women. Today, the whole left-wing entertainment
juggernaut is crashing, having flaunted their disdain for Biblical morality for
decades while they got away with it. The #MeToo movement that sprang from
Hollywood entangled other wealthy and well-connected liberals: actors, writers,
and academics—but particularly elected officials.

Everyday social justice warrior mobsters are no longer
getting away with their frequent quotidian infractions, violations, and crimes
against conservative humanity. One
Antifa thug got arrested
after harassing pro-Trump patriots at
Arizona State University. Another
Antifa thug got punched royally in the face
after attacking a Trump
supporter in Portland. The barroom ballet clip went viral, shaming the violent
left, and the Trumpster walked away a free man.

The black punks who bullied a disabled white
kid are finally getting justice.
Social media ensured that
Brown Supremacist Kino Jimenez
didn’t get away with stealing a
teenager’s hat, and the same technology helped put this hateful college student
under indictment for the same crime
Conservatives are fighting back
against private establishments, too. The
Red Hen restaurant
unfairly turned away Sarah Huckabee Sanders and
her family. Now they cannot except walk-in customers because of mounting
protests outsider their restaurant. These conservative counter-punches were
unimaginable ten years ago.

Martin Luther King Jr. declared “The arc of the moral
universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” It’s not the arc of history,
since an era is not defined solely by inevitable forces, but choices and consequences.
As soon as social media and other tech advances leveled the playing field for
informing the public and shaping public opinion,
the average citizen
could easily report the truth and expose the lies. The big institutions (Media,
Hollywood, Academia, Government) no longer have the power to cover up the
wrongdoings of the Left while excessively covering the mere foibles of the
Right. It
is no surprise that the Left is freaking out, raging like cornered animals

or spoiled children denying their crimes. They are finally facing their due punishment,
that they are no longer getting away with decades of abuse, misconduct, and
just plain bad manners.

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