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Jul. 16th, 2018

Rep. Clay Higgins & Sen. John Kennedy Introduce Resolutions Supporting ICE — Tell your Members of Congress to support it!

Dear activist,
Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.) and Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) have introduced companion resolutions that, if approved, would express the House's and Senate's support for Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers. The Resolutions were introduced alongside Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wisc.) H.R. 6361 that would abolish ICE.
The Higgins and Kennedy Resolutions would, on behalf of the House of Representatives and Senate, respectively:

  • express its continued support for all United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers and personnel who carry out the important mission of ICE;
  • denounce calls for the complete abolishment of ICE; and
  • support the efforts of all Federal agencies, State law enforcement, and military personnel who bring law and order to our Nation's borders.


"edit Tell Congress to Support ICE!
We've posted two new actions to your Action Board — one urging your U.S. Representative to support Rep. Higgins' Resolution and one urging your U.S. Senators to support Sen. Kennedy's Resolution.
Please click on the two red buttons below or visit your Action Board to take action! It is especially important for your Democratic Members of Congress to hear from their constituents who support ICE.

Message your U.S. Rep.
or click
Message your Senators
or click


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