Arthur with Tom Bastasch (right)
LA County for Trump received an invitation from a Rancho Palos Verdes resident, Tom Bastasch, that he wanted his city to fight against SB 54, aka the Sanctuary State Law.
We were more than happy to help out.
For the last three months, I had written to many cities in Los Angeles County, including Rancho Palos Verdes, to get on board and oppose SB 54 through a resolution and an amicus brief or a joinder with two other lawsuits filed against the state of California.
Here's my entire YouTube Live recording featuring our efforts in Rancho Palos Verdes:
Susan Brooks serves as the mayor once again. She didn't seem interested in connecting with anyone in the audience, even the one side of the city council chamber had Trump supporters and other activists who want the city to opt out of SB 54.
The mayor cut our speaking time during public comment down to one minute.
After thirteen people spoke out against SB 54, Mayor Brooks turfed the discussion to the city attorney, a private attorney who also works for the city of Glendora.
His argument against Rancho Palos Verdes doing anything was pretty weak tea. He dumbed down what the city of Glendora had done–a resolution and an amicus brief–claiming that it was not really effective and it wasn't necessary.
City Councils are now resorting to hiding behind the city attorneys, who are not elected and not accountable to the voting public. This is sad.
LA County for Trump walked out of the meeting disappointed, but residents in Rancho Palos Verdes remain committed to getting the city council to oppose SB 54 and opt out of the sanctuary state insanity.
This was a small victory in that a new team of committed Trump supporters and America-loving patriots are rising up in another section of the county. We showed up to give them some starting momentum, and they have the opportunity to build on this energy to get more residents in the city to pressure their city councilmembers to do the right thing and opt out of SB 54.
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