Right Wing Watch hasn't been watching out for me lately.

Barbwire.com. however, featured a number of my articles, and I suppose that was enough to get the attention of the Right Wing Watch website writers.

They love going after me for articles printed on Barbwire, even they often get their first run on Townhall.com.

They are decidedly vocal against any form of Biblical morality, as expected.

Here's the article that I wrote for Barbwire about Judge Kavanaugh:

Brett Kavanaugh: Brilliant, Unforeseen SCOTUS Nominee

Here's the hit (hate) piece against me:

a right-wing media platform run by anti-LGBTQ
activist Matt Barber
, ran a commentary on
Wednesday morning praising Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s “America
First” record.

"Anti-LGBTQ" (pick a letter) no longer carries any kind of stigma. More people are waking up to how tyrannical, how totalitarian the LGBT Hate Machine has become.

Of course, pro-family activists such as myself and MassResistance on a larger scale have known and warned about this for decades.

Finally, everyday citizens are waking up.

The author, blogger Arthur Schaper, credited
anti-immigration pundit Ann Coulter for
having promoted Kavanaugh: “She argued consistently that he was the best
candidate for advancing the ‘America First’ agenda.” Among the cases Schaper
cited is a workers’ rights case in which Kavanaugh dissented, “writing that
illegal aliens do not count as workers in a labor union because they are not

They sure don't. I do not apologize for writing those remarks. I apply a simple litmus test to whatever I write or say. Am I worried that my worst enemy could use what I have said or written? Not at all. Lo and behold, "Right Wing Watch" reprints word for word what I have written, and I am proud of it!

“This judicial vetting process that led to
Judge Brett Kavanaugh is the first time to my knowledge that the President, the
political class, and the public at large applied an immigration litmus test,”
Schaper wrote.

That's a great thing. It makes sense, especially since this issue has become such a point of controversy. One hundred fifty years ago,

“The rule of law is at stake, especially in
the blue bastions of resistance like California and New York,” said Schaper. “This
country needs a federal judiciary ready to challenge this regional rebellion.”


“Trump could have but didn’t choose a
‘consensus’ choice,” Schaper wrote. “Kavanaugh has a definitive, controversial,
and consistently conservative record.”

The BarbWire column praised Kavanaugh for not
being “afraid to be a losing dissenter”—which is true, as People For the
American Way’s recent report on
Kavanaugh’s troubling dissents
 makes clear.

BarbWire describes itself as
presenting news and opinion “from a decidedly biblical worldview.”


I am amazed at how stupid the Right Wing Watch reporters really are.

They think that they are hurting me when they "shame" me for what I write about.

The fact is that they are granting me more favor with their attacks. They simply reprint, share, and re-enforce my points of view, which most people across the country agree with.

Two verses come to mind:

"No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and
every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This
is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me,
saith the LORD." (Isaiah 54:17)


"9And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee:
for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I
rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
10Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in
persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I
strong." (2 Corinthians 12: 9-10)

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