July 27th, 2018.

The lawsuit ACLU vs. The City of Los Alamitos was supposed to proceed this day at the Orange County Superior Court, Civil Complex in Department CX104.

Media reports had contacted different leaders in the Trump/MAGA movement to inform them about what was going on and to find spokesmen on the event to get their take.

To recap, the city of Los Alamitos passed an ordinance officially opting out of compliance with SB 54, California's Sanctuary State law. The second reading for the ordinance took place on April 16th, and immediately the ACLU filed a lawsuit demanding that the city reverse its ordinance and comply with state law.

Two of the city councilmembers met with President Trump along with other elected officials and county sheriffs to discuss their frustration and ask for help.

In the meantime, the lawsuit has proceeded, yet for some reason the California Attorney General has chosen not to file his own lawsuit against the charter city located in the southwestern corner of Orange County.

We the People Rising arrived at the court's civil complex right in the heart of Downtown Santa Ana:

I went into the courthouse to get more information about the court hearing.

The court clerk was not very helpful, and she directed me to look up the information on my own.

I found out the following information initially:

For whatever reason, the original judge recused herself from presiding over the case. The day before, another hearing took place to assign another judge to preside over the case, but no other information was provided on the matter.

One media report had informed me that the trial hearing was postponed until a later date.

When I spoke to the clerk a third time, since I had a case number by then, she informed me that there was no hearing on the ACLU case, and that no future hearing had been scheduled yet.

The media did show up, though, and We the People Rising followed after them to speak with the Orange County Sheriff:

The sheriff wasn't too keen on speaking with us, but that did not deter anyone of us from confronting him.

It still rankles me that law enforcement officers will explain their stance on SB 54 when they say "This is not about immigrants in the community. This is about criminals." When they say 'immigrants', do they mean legal or illegal? The fact that they are playing into the same language distortion, blurring the distinctions between lawful and lawless is quite disturbing.

At the time, I didn't realize that we were talking to the Orange County Sheriff, but now that Sarah Hutchens is retiring, her undersheriff Don Barnes will be running against challenger Duke Nguyen.

Barnes is a the heavy favorite, since he has the backing of the outgoing Sheriff, plus the fact the he continues to serve as the face of the County Sheriff's Department before the media and to the public.

We the People Rising were somewhat pleased that the Los Alamitos lawsuit faced another delay, but at the same time we have to wait and wonder how this legal challenge will play through. If the federal lawsuit against California's three major sanctuary state laws plays out in our favor, then the ACLU lawsuit will collapse.

In the meantime, we continued to show our support for ICE and for law enforcement against the abuse of our nation's sovereignty and public safety:

Here's the full video below:


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