These breaking news posts pretty much write themselves.

Nothing could be more welcome and worth reading that to see the open border activists who push for ruining this country–getting detained by ICE.

We have illegal aliens in the United States, and they are actively lobbying our government to get rid of the enforcement of our borders and allow illegal aliens to enter this country. They are foreign nationals! They should be rounded up forthwith and deported immediately!

And it looks like one of the ringleaders from LULAC is about to be deported, too!

"An Injustice Against Anyone is an Injustice Everywhere"
I hate it when illegal alien activists quote Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to promote illegal aliens. Dr. King was a staunch opponent of illegal immigration. Click here for more information.

Dear LULAC Members,

Ricardo Fierro, a LULAC Council President, has been detained by
Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials since July 24th from his home in
Racine, Wisconsin. Ricardo has been separated from his family and 5 children
who are afraid he will soon be deported.
Ricardo was brought to the United States as a minor more than 20 years
ago. After graduating from J.I. Case High School he started a family and career
and developing a reputation an entrepreneur in the community.

He should have been deported a long time ago. It's the fault of previous administrations, particularly the Obama Administration, for not enforcing our nation's immigration laws.
LULAC is calling for the immediate release of Ricardo Fierro so he can
be reunited with his family and 5 children. He is a dedicated father, community
leader, and LULAC Council President. LULAC will fight to protect the rights of
each and every member.

They can be reunited with Fierro in his home country, and it's not the United States. There is nothing preventing him from staying with his family.
For my part, I would like to know why the press, the academic world, the politicians, and these activists don't focus on the American families which have been separated forever from each other. Angel Moms and Angel Dads will never see their children again because of illegal aliens.
His arrest has caused outrage in the Racine community from prominent
elected officials, faith based organizations, and immigrant rights
organizations who are working together to seek his immediate release so he can
be reunited with his family and children.

And where's the outrage over the violations of the rule of law? Where is outrage for the millions of American workers whose jobs, livelihood, and quality of life have been marred because of unfettered immigration, legal and illegal.
Here are just a few of the statements from prominent elected officials
in the community:
“Ricardo has chased the American Dream, building a life for himself and
his family in Racine while others often chose to leave,” State Rep. Greta
Neubauer said. “He is a devoted father and he has proven himself to be a hard
worker. Ricardo gives back more than he receives from our community, whether it
is through his work or as a longtime community advocate with the Racine
Interfaith Coalition … Ricardo has gone to great lengths to be a law-abiding,
contributing member of the community he loves.”

Greta Neubauer is a left-wing hack representing Racine, a left-wing sinkhole in the midst of red state Wisconsin. We should not be surprised that another Democratic politician wants to do everything possible to bring in more illegal aliens so that they get amnesty and continue voting Democratic, since they can't win on anything else.

“I can attest to his character, his work ethic, and his efforts to work
for citizenship for many years,” Racine Mayor Cory Mason wrote. “Although he
may be undocumented, I consider him a model resident of Racine and wish there
were hundreds more like him. Racine would be a better city as a result.”
Ricardo worked with Mayor John Dickert in an advisory role on issues related to

The mayor Racine was in the state assembly, and was replaced by Neubauer (listed above). The coven of left-wing corruption knows no bounds. The Democratic Party is invested in the credo "You work, and I eat."

“There are few people more dedicated to the Racine community than
Ricardo Fierro,” Racine Interfaith Coalition co-president Linda Boyle said in a
statement. “As the father of five children of U.S. citizenship, responsible son
and brother, Ricardo’s detention has presented an unimaginable hardship to his
family and loved ones.”

Really? They are praising an illegal alien as one who loves the United States more than American citizens in Racine?

The Fierro family has received more than 50 letters of support and said
that shows his value and importance to our community.

50 letters of support? That's it? Does not sound very impressive. Fierro should not be receiving support. He should be receiving "Deport".
As a LULAC Council President, dedicated father, community leader, and
member of the church, Ricardo's arrest has raised the alarm in the Racine,
Wisconsin community for all immigrant families. As an outstanding member of the
LULAC family we are concerned about his welfare and that of his family.
Deporting Ricard Fierro would have a devastating impact on his family and
children as the primary head of household.

Fake news. "Immigrant" means that the individual entered this country legally. Fierro did not come into this country through legal means, and it's not the fault of the American citizens in this country that Fierro's parents broke the law.
Final Reflection

This both a welcome and supreme irony. LULAC has been pushing this globalist, nonsensical idea for decades. Where does one get this idea that every person in Latin America becomes an automatic citizen of any country within the two continents?
I can't wait to see these open-border, illegal alien activists deported from this country. This is treachery on an unprecedented scale which cannot be tolerated.
Contact the mayor of Racine, Wisconsin, and tell him to focus on Americans, not illegal aliens.
Mayor Cory Mason
(262) 636-9111

Contact State Rep. Greta Neubauer, too:

Madison Office:Room 6 North
State Capitol
PO Box 8953
Madison, WI 53708
Telephone:(608) 266-0634
(888) 534-0066
Fax:(608) 282-3666Email:Rep.Neubauer@legis.wisconsin.govVoting Address:936 Main St. Apt. 3
Racine, WI 53403

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