MassResistance has to contend with biased vitriol not just from the abusive LGBT SJWs who attended the Dixon City Council meeting.

Our team had to deal with the press, specifically Katy St. Clair, the reporter from the Vallejo Times-Herald but also for the Vacaville Reporter.
First, I had collected the contact information for all the major Bay Area media, including print newspapers and news channels on TV. Within the day, I received a request from the managing editor for the Vacaville paper to print my "Letter to the Editor."
Then, MassResistance President Brian Camenker received a phone call from the journalist Katy St. Clair, which he then directed to me.
The first interview was quite a clash. 
I outlined a number of views about MassResistance, including the fact that our pro-family group confronts the LGBT Agenda head-on.
At first, she wanted to report that we were an "anti-gay" organization, but I pressed against that smear. The press goes out of its way to shame people who support Biblical morality, when the press should be neutral, objective, and simply report what is happening.
She laughed off some of my points, such as when I outlined that homosexual conduct and transgenderism are destructive behaviors. Before she mentioned them, I talked about the discredited Southern Poverty Law Center. She knew about that group, but then moved onto other questions.
At one point, she asked if I believed that homosexuals should be locked up for their sexual behaviors. In my view, no, but I told her to speak to Brian Camenker, the President, to get more information.
Sadly, as expected, St. Clair reported that the Southern Poverty Law Center had labeled MassResistance a "hate group." Within three hours of the article going public, I called the reporter, then brought in Camenker in a conference call. We ended up berating her for about fifteen minutes because of how biased her reporting was, and the fact that she should not have cited a discredited hate group as a source of information in a news article. "If I had done that, I would have been fired," Camenker said to her, referring to his previous experience as a reporter.
Unlike other pro-family groups, MassResistance does not shy away from going after the biased liberal press as well as politicians, interest groups, and aggressive activists. Instead of playing defense, MassResistance activists demand that reporters put the truth in their articles. Instead of casting our team in a negative light, we insist on the most objective reporting possible.
At the Dixon City Council meeting, Arthur Schaper confronted the reporter right away, shaming her for referring to the discredited Southern Poverty Law Center.
In fact, throughout the entire event, outside and inside city council chambers, Schaper and other members of MassResistance didn't let up their criticisms against St. Clair.
Here, in this video, I talked about how Hickman lost his job because of his views:
Why didn't St. Clair report about Hickman lost his job, but she is willing to cite the SPLC …
In the exchange below, St. Clair played up the line that Vice Mayor Ted Hickman said "homophobic things." I asked her three times to tell me what Hickman had said. She refused to answer my question.
The best way for conservative activists to make a difference with the press? They need to question the premises of their questions. There is no reason for us to respond to slanted or biased questions as if there isn't some sober, more serious narrative behind it.
In fact, Hickman's article merely mentioned that homosexuals dress like "faries" (sic) and tinkerbells in gay pride parades. They do, in fact. The displays of gratuitous nudity and perversion is startling. Why the press and local left-wing activists spend more time shaming Hickman than excoriating the abusive, criminal activities on display is pretty shocking, although not all that surprising.
A number of times, Arthur slammed the reporter for her unfounded reference to the Southern Poverty Law Center, and he cited a number of times that they were forced to pay a settlement and apologize for placing a reform-minded Muslim on the "Anti-Muslim Extremist List", a list which has since then disappeared. At another point in the city council chambers, Arthur told the reporter that the FBI no longer cites the SPLC for their hate-watch list.
That says something, doesn't it?
Check out the other exchanges which took place between the reporter and MassResistance members.
Arthur presented her information that combined many studies establishing the truth about the destructive aspect of homosexuality and transgenderism.
Notice also that the team called out St. Clair's double-talk. They also slammed her bias for citing the SPLC. For the record–and on his camera–Arthur and his team point out that St. Clair did not report om the negative things that the LGBT bullies said and did to Arthur and MassResistance.
If they are going to be biased, we are not going to shy away from calling them out on it.
Ryan Messano was thrown out of another city council meeting for speaking out against homosexuality. Then I asked the reporter why she wouldn't write anything about his situation.
The press pushes a narrative, and they won't report anything which undermines their liberal agenda. St. Clair wanted to publish something that would make us sympathize with the LGBT movement, but would never write something that shows how deviant and destructive the agenda has become for the civil and natural rights of American citizens.
A number of times, the reporter was caught fraternizing with the left-wing agitators. She even hugged a young lady who was pro-LGBT when she started crying. Why? Because we spoke the truth about the LGBT Movement, and she didn't want to hear about it:

It's one thing to accept that the press is not objective, but rather slanted to the left. It's another to go out of one's way to expose how liberal and hypocritical they are. MassResistance does something to stand up to the false narratives and make sure that our story gets out.
When The Reporter finally published their article, it was remarkable how the story contained even basic mistakes, like the spelling of Arthur's last name:

Arthur wrote a final, scathing letter to the writer and her editor:
Mrs. St. Clair:

You write for the Vallejo Times-Herald, the same city where Ryan Messano was THROWN out of a meeting because he opposed an open lesbian appointment to city commission because of her sexual behavior.

Yet you couldn't bother to even mention that?! REALLY?!

Then you spell my last name right — then you spell it wrong.


This is laugh-out-loud funny.

I also shared it on social media:

@MassResistance backs Dixon Vice Mayor, stirs up city council meeting

MAJOR FAIL: @vjotimesherald "reporter" Katy St. Clair spelled and misspelled my last name.

Someone needs to "stir up" a proofreader!

Is this the best that @EastBayTimes can do?

— Arthur C. Schaper (@ArthurCSchaper) July 25, 2018

I would advise getting a proofreader.

Perhaps another career.

Ryan Messano added his own damning critique:

Thank you for that update, Arthur.

Ms. St. Clair and her media Praetorian Guard,  believe that they get to tell their views, to hell with the truth.  

You would think if your newspaper no longer delivered on Monday because readers were sick of the liberal garbage, you might examine yourself and start down a new road.  Alia Tentande Via Est.  But, no, The Times Herald, Jack Bungart, John Glidden, and Ms. St. Clair, double down, and are currently involved in a massive and acute case of TARDS (Trump Acceptance Reluctance Disorder Syndrome).  I do have some dear friends at the Times Herald, and would prefer to be friendly, but attacks on the First Amendment and consistent doses of VERY VERY VERY FAKE NEWS from the Washington Compost make it very hard to be quiet.  

BTW, for the readers edification, Mr. Bungart advertises that he is for free speech while censoring parts of, and entire letters that he doesn't like.  He feels he is a moral judge of what is right and wrong, and is even wiser than the Founders of America.  So he understands that while they criminalized homosexuality, it actually should be perfectly legal and anyone who disagrees with it should be fired and viciously attacked.  It's quite astounding. 

John Glidden told Vallejo I was a realtor, when I've never done that in my life.  On top of Katy St. Clair's misspellings, they never printed a retraction.  Clearly the Times Herald can't even get basic English and the basic facts right, yet they think they can lecture us on how we should accept their delusional morals, or be silenced.  

If it weren't for double standards, the liberals would have no standards at all.  

Here's a novel idea, why doesn't the Times Herald stop censoring virtuous ideas they don't approve of, and let the public figure out the truth for themselves?  I thought that was the entire point of a free press.    

Final Reflection
MassResistance not only
goes where most family groups won’t go; not only do we confront politicians,
interest groups, and activists who promote the destructive LGBT Agenda; but we
are not afraid to interact with the press and hold them accountable.
MassResistance President
Brian Camenker worked as a journalist before forming his internationally
renowned and effective MassResistance team. He knows the standards which journalists
should abide by, and he is not afraid to confront and call out the press when
they fail those standards.
Many pro-family groups play
along with reporters, hoping that they will not write anything negative or cite
nasty sources like the Southern Poverty Law Center or the ACLU in their articles.
The fact is that conservative activist groups which make a difference will inevitably
draw the ire and ridicule of the liberal media.
The answer is not to run
away from the fight, but to plunge in and fight back with the facts and rebuttals,
just as Arthur and his team did in Dixon!

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