The National Right to Work Foundation scored an epic victory before the United States Supreme Court following the ruling on Janus vs. AFSMCE.

Unfortunately, Big Labor, especially in the public sector, will not concede until freedom fighters have won every battle that they can on every level.

There is so much graft, waste, and corruption in Washington DC, and Big Labor is still taking big advantages of all this largesse.

Medicaid funding is meant for the in-home caregivers. For years, however, the Service Employees International Union was skimming the money for itself, when the funding needed to go to the caregivers and their patients.

This is wrong.

We need to step up and stop all of it!

Dear Arthur,

I'm furious.

Medicaid is supposed to be for those who need it most — not Big Labor fat-cats.

But since 2014, over $1 billion of Medicaid funds have been siphoned from disabled individuals and their care providers and stuffed into the political coffers of union bosses instead.

All because the Obama Administration — as a gift to their political backers — rammed through a new Medicaid regulation.

The good news is, the Centers for Medicaid & Medicare (CMS) is considering a rule to put an end to Big Labor's and the Obama Administration's scheme.

But the deadline to weigh in is tomorrow.

That's why I'm delivering comments from citizens like you before CMS' deadline tomorrow. Will you add your name to the top of the stack of comments?

The law is clear — taxpayer-funded Medicaid money must go directly to healthcare providers, many of whom are caring for their own family members in their own homes.

But that didn't stop the Obama Administration from skirting the law and helping Big Labor pocket over $100 million a year for their political allies.

That's over $1 billion in taxpayer money that was intended for the care of disabled individuals, and instead fuels union bosses' political conquests.

And with the midterms right around the corner, you know union bosses are scheming to thwart our efforts by flooding the Centers for Medicaid & Medicare with comments of their own.

That's why it's vital you speak out now by signing a comment to be submitted to the Centers for Medicaid & Medicare (CMS) in support of their proposed rule to put an end to Big Labor's illegal skim.

The National Right to Work Foundation has been on the front lines fighting to halt the scheme.

You see, the Foundation's U.S. Supreme Court victory in Harris v. Quinn declared it unconstitutional for states to force home care providers paid through Medicaid programs to pay union fees in 2014.

But despite the ruling by the highest court in the land, union bosses are still reaping the rewards of their political privileges.

In Riffey v. Rauner, the Foundation has been fighting through layers of courts on behalf of over 80,000 victims of an Illinois Medicaid skim to seek refunds of union fees…fees that shouldn't even have been seized in the first place.

And even more care providers in nine more states are trapped in similar schemes.

The Foundation has been advocating for these care providers for years.

In 2017, the Foundation sent a letter to the Department of Health and Human Services to bring their attention to the issue.

And earlier this year, I personally raised the issue with Trump Administration officials at the White House.

Right now, you and I have an opportunity to finally hold Big Labor accountable for its schemes.

The CMS is proposing to end the exception that turned a blind eye to Big Labor's Medicaid skimming.

The new rule would make it clear that states cannot allow union bosses to intercept tax dollars intended to care for those in need.

Your Foundation will soon file comments to support the CMS’ reforms.

And by adding your support, you can stand with the Foundation to halt union bosses’ abuses and bring an end to the Medicaid skim.

But you must act now.

The deadline to submit public comments is TOMORROW — Monday, August 13th.

So please, click here and add your name to this comment:

End the ongoing and illegal diversion of Medicaid funds from personal care providers. Rescind the exception that currently allows Medicaid money to be siphoned off to fund politically powerful, private third parties such as unions. To stop the abuse of taxpayer dollars, issue a rule making it clear that Medicaid funds must go directly to the care of disabled individuals as intended. Take enforcement actions to end the states' unlawful policies and ensure that Medicaid funds are paid directly to personal care givers, not diverted into unions' political coffers.

This comment, along with the names of the thousands of supporters choosing to speak for justice, will be submitted at the deadline.

Remember that the deadline is TOMORROW, so you must add your name at once.

After you've added your name, I hope you will consider chipping in with a tax-deductible contribution of $10 or more.

Your contribution will allow me to contact even more Right to Work supporters and help provide the means to litigate cases like Riffey v. Rauner for home care providers to reclaim their unconstitutionally-seized forced dues.

But most importantly, please add your name to support the CMS' proposed rule against the Obama Administration's ruling and to put an end to Big Labor's Medicaid scheme.

Thank you,
Mark Mix
President, National Right to Work

P.S. A billion-dollar Medicaid skim scheme has been diverting taxpayer funds from disabled individuals and their care providers and feeding the money into Big Labor's political warchest.

Before tomorrow's deadline, please add your name to a comment supporting the CMS' proposed rule to end the scheme and ensure care providers receive their intended money.

After you've added your name, I hope you will consider chipping in with a tax-deductible contribution of $10 or more.

The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation is a nonprofit, charitable organization providing free legal aid to employees whose human or civil rights have been violated by compulsory unionism abuses.  The Foundation, which can be contacted toll-free at 1-800-336-3600, is assisting thousands of employees in nearly 200 cases nationwide. The Foundation's mailing address is 8001 Braddock Road, Springfield, Virginia 22160. Its web address is

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