I endorse Steve Frank for Chairman of the California Republican Party.

We need someone who has pointed out the problems dealing with the grassroots organization.

There's a lack of organization. There's a lot of infighting rather than fighting against our political opponents and our ideological enemies.

I want an ideological conservative who is not afraid to make the case for Republican Party values all over the state. I want someone who is not afraid to communicate, and I want someone who is not afraid to speak the truth as needed to the entire state.

Frank has been doing that with his California Political Review website for a long time, and I have been reading his articles for the last four years.

We need this kind of punch-back conservatism to make California Great Again.

Check out Frank's complete "Back to Basics" platform below:

several years the Republican Party in California has been in decline, as noted
by voter registration. Voter registration statistics now show the Decline to
State registrations have exceeded Republican registration for the first time
and at present there does not appear to be a plan, let alone an effective plan
to correct this trend. This Back to Basics framework being proposed is designed
to identify what needs to occur to reestablish the Republican Party’s relevance
again in California.
California Republican Party consists of three distinct parts: the Legislators,
the donors and the grassroots. Each are needed to assure maximum action and
victory. If we are to win elections, it will take all three stakeholders
working together, therefore Legislators, donors and grassroots must be at the
table making the decision on policy and get out the vote strategies. We must be
cognizant of these facts:
Without senate and assembly representation we
cannot attract voters and the democrat base continues to gain a foothold.
Without donors the Party cannot attract good
candidates for successful campaigns.
And without a strong participation of
grassroots, the Democrats continue to have a strong advantage because of strong
union participation and the actions of energized special interest groups.
order to determine if you are going in the right direction, you need to
determine the direction you want to go. 
Unlike Robert Redford in “The Candidate” you cannot win an election and
then say, “Now what do we do”?  This Back
to Basics plan provides that focused direction needed to bring the Republican
Party back to again being relevant in California.
Current Registration Status
need to return the priority of the Party to voter registration, to build a
foundation for our candidates both partisan and non-partisan. Table 1 below
provides a snapshot of registration trends since 2013 when the ‘Bounty’ program
was ended[1]:
Rep vs DTS Voter Registration
Jan 2013
Rep + 1 Million
Jan 2017
Rep +250 Thousand
Jan 2018
Rep + 94 Thousand
Apr 2018
Rep + 28 Thousand[2]
May 2018
DTS + 94 Thousand
the 2014 General election ballot there were 24 legislative seats—Assembly,
State Senate and Congress with no Republican on the ballot.  As a result, Republican voters are getting
used to their leaders voting for Democrats and promoting the rank and file to
do likewise. Hence, the reason the number of Republican registrants has gone
down whilst at the same time Democrat registration has increased, albeit
slightly.  Some key examples follow:
Some Republican leaders promoted Congresswoman
Loretta Sanchez for Senate, against Attorney General Kamala Harris.  This is not dissimilar State Senate special
election in the Bay Area a few years ago that had Steve Glazer on the ballot
and local GOP leaders pushing for Glazer—since there was not a Republican on
the ballot. 
In the 2018 primary election former GOP governor
nominee Meg Whitman supported Antonio Villararoisa.  
In the same election former Los Angeles Republican
Mayor and previous candidate for governor, Richard Riordan, also supported
Antonio for Governor. 
Numerous GOP donors, like Bert Boeckmann of the
San Fernando Valley maxed out to Antonio—though Bert is a conservative,
evangelical and a Republican.
2016 Primary
the most recent primary elections on June 5, 2018there were 21 Assembly seats,
nine congressional and six State Senate seats had no Republican on the ballot.
A former GOP insurance Commissioner, and Republican candidate for Governor, Steve
Poizner, ran again for Insurance Commissioner—but as an NPP—Decline to State.
having any candidates on the ballot for legislative office is problematic for
the Party. When you add to this the following circumstances, we have many
challenges ahead.
GOP donors promoting Democrats.
GOP leaders donating to and recommending our
voters vote for Democrats.
Some recognized as GOP leaders pushing for
grassroot Republicans to vote for Democrats.
Depressing the GOP vote in districts where we
don’t participate.
Volunteer clubs around the state losing members.
Declining attendee numbers at meetings and
Reversing The Trends
good news is that the grassroots is still looking to the Party for
leadership. They want to be heard and they still have the hunger to win. It is
understood that to win it must be as a team, not a fight against the
Establishment. It must be a concerted effort by the Team; the Legislators, the
donors and the grassroots, working to provide candidates for every seat, to
build up the Party and end the vote depression. We must understand that all
three partners to growing the party again, must have a seat at the table.
Remember take a leg, any leg, off a three-legged stool and the stool falls.
Likewise take any one of the Team and the Team fails.
There are several steps that can be taken to
revive the Party. Each one is needed. While we can disagree on the margins, the
core is something all stakeholders must promote. Unity of stakeholders will
bring more donors, more grassroots and with that, more GOP legislators. It is
The Republican Party in California needs to
expand its base and its activists and reestablish its base of coalitions with
whom confidence has been severely challenged over the past decade. It is time
we engage coalitions and community groups, challenging them again to become
involved. We need to identify coalitions and community groups and undertake a
coordinated and structured approach with them to grow the group, create
activist opportunities and a fund-raising capacity, within the community. In
other words, the Party needs be seen to be reaching out to engage all those
groups that are needed for our Party to again have an influence in California.
At the same time, we need to have communities involved in the Party, they also
need to know that they have the ear of the Legislators and that the donor base
will be supported. Without all three parts of the Team working together to
engage the broader community groups, we will not expand as quickly as needed,
to make a difference for the 2020 elections.
Process of
Community Engagement
Via statewide and local chapters, our State
Party offices will approach each with a simple message. “We need each other”.
At the bottom line we find that regardless of heritage, ethnicity, gender or
other identifier, people have the same three concerns and needs:
Good education for their children
A good economy with low taxes, limited
government, good job opportunities
Safe streets and community
This unifies all of us and if we promote our
policies, candidates, office holders and legislation, we give voters a reason
to join with us
Our goal is to work to promote limited
government, responsive and responsible government and one that meets the needs
of individuals and those in the category of coalition. To do this we will need
the following mutually beneficial outcomes from community groups and
coalitions. This list is not expansive and will continue to be added to going
A wide body to support mutual goals through
rallies, attendance at townhalls, hearings, letters to the editor and use of
social media to promote a common message.
Voter registration to broaden the base of
Surveys of coalitions membership, to get an
ongoing understanding of priorities.
With coalitions and community groups in specific
districts to create broader support for our candidates.
Develop grassroot campaigns to promote
Republican legislation, district by district, coalition by coalition.
Values Coalition
One of the fastest growing communities that
refuse to vote and/or do not register to vote is the Evangelical and Republican
Jewish communities. These people are not only in the churches and synagogues,
they are in the community, working with, talking to and explaining their
values. Rev. Franklin Graham has recently done a ten city California tour to
encourage evangelicals to become actively involved in the governing process. In
addition, Craig Huey of the Reality Forum speaks across the state to churches
and conducts a gathering of Ministers, each month, statewide.  These and the other People of Faith efforts
are not tied to the GOP in California, formally or informally.
Notwithstanding the last sentence above, we
need actively seek to create both a statewide and county by county coalition in
churches and synagogues.  One of the
growing GOP independent clubs in the State is the Republican Jewish Alliance,
started in Ventura County and forming chapters in several other cities in the State.
The CRP has many evangelicals as members, several that are local and statewide
leaders in their churches and communities. Our message to the Judeo-Christian
churches needs to be clear. We represent their values-based church platforms.
Bringing these people into the CRP and involving them in developing the
Political Plan gives them importance and a reason to promote the general
effort, not just specific issues. To do this however, we get must speak to them
in their language and identify with their concerns.
“Every dollar of taxation is a dollar less
of freedom”.  The lower the taxes the
easier it is to pay for your children, not to have finances as a reason for
abortion, etc. We do not need to make a direct religious statement but use an
economic reason to get them activated. The less taxation the more they can
donate to their ministries and churches.
As part of the process, the following needs
to be looked at.
Engage with the Ministers Alliance to be bring
them into the fold and have them participate. In several major political
actions—most notably the Indian gaming issue—they have joined together, got
their congregations involved and activated. They were not used to provide voter
registration—now they can.
Encourage evangelical leaders to call regional and
statewide conferences—with our Regional Vice Chairs assisting and participating
in the coordination process—promoting this effort.
Provide the framework and training to encourage
County Central Committees to coordinate with evangelical leaders.
Many of the Central Valley and Northern
California counties have “Ministers Alliances”. 
These are Ministers that meet on a regular basis to discuss common needs
and as a support group.
Working together on some legislation, this
coalition would also be used as a source of workers collecting petitions and
funding for the effort.
This is not a targeted effort—it is local
and statewide, but based on where the churches are, not where we specifically
need more voters. President Trump, if re-elected, could have 1-2 more Supreme
Court appointments.  That is a major
incentive for People of Faith to register to vote, and vote. 
Amendment Coalition
There are several gun clubs and
organizations promoting the Second Amendment. 
Historically, we have never organized them statewide as an ongoing
political force.  We can also enlist gun
shops in the effort.  This will bring us
grass root volunteers and in conjunction with legislative efforts, could also
be used as a funding source.
Working with Second Amendment groups and
through them with local gun shops we have a built-in petition gathering
effort—making it cheaper and easier to collect signatures for legislative goals
that need to be met by Propositions on the ballot.
Thanks to the great efforts of the Howard
Jarvis Taxpayer Association there are many counties with taxpayer associations.
We can build on them, recruiting for new CRP and County Committee members to be
part of the effort. This grows the group and gives them a larger media and
community voice.  It can also be also as
part of a Farm Team to get candidates for office in 2020 and beyond. At CRP
meetings we could hold coalition meetings, so the folks in Ventura County get
to know their counterparts in Contra Costa County, bonding and building
relationships to make the effort stronger.
Like other organizations, military groups
have had a hard time keeping its members. Instead, they are losing them. This
is an opportunity for the legislators, the county committees and the grassroots
to work together. The legislators can present a Sacramento agenda that meets
the needs and concerns of the veteran’s community. We could create a statewide
conference of military groups, veteran leaders and others in that community to
determine the needs and concerns. This is also another opportunity to create a
grassroots presence and use this group to send in letters to the editor and
post on social media.
There is a large and strong Homeschooling
Association in California.  We also know
the supporters of Charter schools are major donors—many of them California and
National Republican donors, normally. 
Inside the CTA there are approximately 40% Republican membership and
some officers of the CTA are also CRP members. 
With the Janus decision, we can approach teachers leaving the CTA and
work inside the organization as well—to demand equal donations to Republican
The legislators, working with the educators
and special interests inside the education community can create new policy and
a GOP agenda that is promoted via social media and the grassroots.
Care Coalition
This is a major issue and we have a
significantlylarge number of doctors and health professionals that are
Republican, looking for opportunities. For instance, Dr. Joel Strom leads a
national medical professional’s organizations that was used to promote the rump
health care agenda to repeal Obamacare. He is from Beverly Hills and worked
statewide on the Pete Wilson, Bill Simon and other campaigns. Until recently
his daughter was in the Communications Department in the White House—she has
moved to an agency.
This would include the folks with tree
crops, row crops and vendors to the industry. This will be a source of fund
raising, candidates for legislative and local office and locations for GOP
signs during campaigns. We can also work with this industry to provide expert
testimony on agriculture and associated issues, like water, pesticides and
Youth –
Millennial and Z Generation Coalition
Working with the Young Republicans, The
California College Republicans, groups like Turning Point USA, we can give
support to our values on campus. Importantly, we can find the best and
brightest to be interns, working for the County Committees, the California
Republican Party, office holders and a source of trained and motivated workers
for our candidates. This is a good training ground for tomorrow’s leaders. Not
only should we have them participate in our campaigns and organizations but
educate and train them in the modern techniques of campaigns and the psychology
of voters and communities.
Elected Officials Councils Coalition
To create a Farm Team: Each County Committee
should be encouraged to form a countywide Republican elected official’s
council. This helps with endorsements, support for other campaigns and shows
strength of the Party. San Diego does a great job of supporting local elected officials
and having them support the County wide effort. This is a good model for the rest
of the State.
(This is just a partial list of potential
CRP financing over the past decade has
relied heavily on a single source and major donors. The CRP needs to work in
conjunction with the legislative caucuses to raise funds for our candidates.
The legislative caucuses need to control the money they raise. That also opens
the opportunity for joint fund raisers for County Committees, in conjunction
with the Caucuses and CRP. This will help build the local finances of Committees
and bring big name office holders or personalities to our efforts.
A major fund raiser and promoter of
candidates will be a statewide slate card, like the type published by
the San Diego Central Committee. The cost of the card is approximately 60
cents, for the large size. Since the Party has a non-profit rate, we could
bring the cost down to fifty cents a card. 
The card would only have those endorsed by the CRP, those only endorsed
by the Caucuses. Or for local races, candidates endorsed by the County Central
Committee. Plus, the Statewide ballot measures endorsed by the California
Republican Party.
This is both a money maker and promotes our
candidates, values and causes. While it can only go to registered Republicans,
it builds the brand name as well.
People donate based on a specific
project—especially for voter registration, ballot measures or targeted races.
Can we raise $100,000 to defeat Assemblywoman Jacqui Irwin, or money to repeal
the gas tax? Requests like this need to go out on a weekly basis—with the first
few months building the fund-raising lists.
Every six weeks send out a Statewide mailer
asking for money and hold a fund-raising event somewhere in the State.
While we need to raise large sums of money, we
also need to hold $25 and $50 events to start the process of getting small
donors involved on a regular basis. Holding a “Burgers With the GOP” event, a
little entertainment, some elected officials from another area speaking and a
cause for the money.  These are good
projects, with direction, to have volunteers and interns work on.
Use industry groups to raise money inside the
industry. This is done with the coordination of the Legislative Caucus—with
regular industry briefing on proposed and existing legislation.
Dialing for dollars needs to be reviewed—what
works, what doesn’t, can we maximize the money from this source.
In the past the Board members have seldom been
involved or consulted on fund raising. As officers of the CRP we should use
their experience and expertise to open doors for needed resources.
A re-commitment to the $500-1000 donor. Create
briefings around the State for them on a regular basis, and work this through
the local Central Committee.
Added to this are the independent fund-raising
organization like the New Majority and the Lincoln Clubs. Money spent on
Republican and Republican causes is money spent on Republicans and Republican
causes—all to the good for the Party.
Committee Coordination
Need to go back to the basic principles—all
politics is local. Need candidates for office, it starts at the County level.
Voter registration is needed, candidate development—looking ahead two years,
not a few months. Use the County Chairs Association as a training grounds, as
Mr. Osborne has done, to make the Committees more effective.
These Committees can raise local money, find
candidates, meet voter registration quota’s and promote legislation the
Caucuses want to go forward or be killed.
Need a Spring, 2019 set of training sessions
for the County Committee members, and CRP members, throughout the State one in
each of the eight regions, help them develop a Political Plan for the County
and use members and volunteers to promote our values, on a local level on
social media and letters to the editor. In strengthening these committees, we
make the CRP stronger.
The CRP Regional Chairs need to work with
the County Committees and the appropriate Caucus to find and vet candidates for
legislative office. We start with candidates for all local races. Identify
nonpartisan races in the County, determine which need a GOP candidate and the
find and train them.
Volunteer groups are the foundation of the
Republican Party. We need to promote them, help them grow and work with their leadership.
The CRP has a “Volunteers Club” committee and it needs to be the focal point of
growth and leadership training, not just a by-law enforcement committee. This
needs to be an activist activity, showing the base of the Party are the people
at the grassroots.
Areas for
There are many single interest organizations
that align themselves ideologically with the CRP and they need to be quietly
recognized for this to encourage them to be a voice for CRP policies. More
importantly, they need to become a true part of the family.
An area for significant growth is
conservative/Republican sphere are the independent Republican/Political
Clubs—the Liberty Forum in the Bay Area, the San Fernando Valley Republican
Club and dozens like them around the State are growing and have very active
members for campaigns and causes. We have not recognized them nor brought them
into the CRP family. While they do not want CRP or even County Committee
approval to exist, they are part of the volunteer effort and need to be engaged,
promoted and recognized.
The Tea Party movement has been a
significant and influential movement in America and in California as have
Second Amendment and Pro-Life groups, as has the growing taxpayer association
movement in California, led by the iconic Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association.
Not to say that these groups are all single issues groups which they aren’t
there are many single issues groups/organizations that should and must be
approached the CRP “family”. We also have a large number of “property rights”
groups that have large and small groups around the State, though they
communicate with one another, they seem to take on only local issues.
 Evangelicals have a significantly low voter
registration rate and as 2012, 2014 and 2016 proved, a low voter rate. At this
time, there are few projects in California to registrar people of Faith. Craig
Huey, Reality Forum a noted State and national evangelical leader, has
identified methods of registering evangelicals—but has no coordinated effort in
California. Churches throughout the State have a vested interest in being
involved in public policy
Over the five years we have lost over a
million Republican registrations to Decline to State. Rectifying this trend
through changes to our recruitment and retention strategies whilst at the same
time undertaking a strong recruitment drive must be a major priority with fund
raising, for the start of the new era of the CRP and the Republican Party in
California. This is an all hands-on deck effort. The lower the GOP registration
the harder to get quality candidates—it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The CRP needs to reestablish our voter
registration framework to halt the registration fall as soon as possible. To do
this we need a framework of principles along with appropriately allocated
resources to fulfill this very important strategic requirement for the CRP. To
this end the following set of frameworks of principles for the registration
effort are proposed:
With our new coalition partners agree to voter
registration through attendance/presentations at meetings.
We return to the bounty system. Give an
incentive to the volunteer clubs and entrepreneurs to register Republican
Each County can agree on a quarterly quota for
voter registration and a matrix is created to show progress.
The volunteer clubs also set, voluntarily, a
quota for voter registration.
Set up a special account to raise money for
Work with officeholders to start the
registration fund, then go to donors in swing districts, to give money to be
spent in their district to help registration for the next election.
Work with the CCR’s, YR’s and other young
voter’s groups to deploy their members once a month in the community for voter
At the convention recognize the “hero’s” of
voter registration. For the members of the YR’s, CCR’s give them “free”
convention guest registration if over a three-month period they register 250
Registration Goals and Strategies to Meet Them
We have not had a statewide voter
registration effort in several years.  It
will take at least three months to gear up for a major effort. Lots of areas of
registration are available for immediate significant gains. The about to be
approved Mullin Bill, AB 84, to change the funding dynamic between the
political parties and the legislative Caucuses makes the roles and
relationships between the Party and the Caucuses even more important and
defined going forward.
Principles.Based on the Mullin bill,
the Caucuses will be involved in the selection process in the primary,
including allocation of funding to candidates. The CRP will no longer be needed
to be the banker for the General Elections either.  Our principle rolls going forward are:
Voter registration.
Promotion of absentee voting by our voters
(recognizing that many counties will be going to all vote by mail systems).
GOTV—get out the vote, make sure our people, in
all districts send in their ballots and the remaining people walk in or vote at
the polling places that collect the ballots before and on election day.
Coalition engagement.
Engaging Evangelical Churches by creating an
engagement structure and support system to register voters.
Through the Small Business Associations,
registrations can be done with a coordinated effort by local Chambers of
Commerce and organizations like the local Board of Realtors, NFIB and others.
Expectation 2020 Elections.For the
2019-2020 election cycle alone, engaging evangelicals alone should result in
100,000 new GOP voters. Should we add money to the mix, we could make that into
250,000. Money? There are national organizations and Christian leaders willing
to finance this effort, as part of the national registration effort for the 2020
election. This along with small business Why would they do this? It will be
explained to them that Sacramento controls their economic viability, so why not
have a bigger voice in the process.
Introduction of Reformed Tax Codes.Working
in conjunction with the Legislative Caucuses the CRP could promote tax cutting,
regulations roll backs and other pro-worker and job growth actions as the
reason to register to vote—then vote GOP. County Committees could start a
“Small Business Coalition” and build a relationship that can be used for the
benefit of the businesses and local Committee. This would also help in local
races for city council, school board etc.
Expected Outcomes.In one cycle, this
statewide effort should provide 330,000 new registrations. Getting national
businesses and industry organizations involved would raise that number
significantly. Again, this is not a targeted effort, but statewide.
Ideological groups and Republican volunteer’s
clubs would most benefit from a bounty program. Paying for voter registration
will be the incentive for local groups to get involved. They are best able to
find small groups of unregistered voters—ideological groups may be the key to
get Decline to State back to the GOP? Each would use a Republican piece of
legislation to promote as reason to return to the Republican Party. In this way
we will be promoting the pro-active efforts of our elected officials, while
gaining new registrants. A one-year goal of 25,000 new voters is a low standard
for this category.
Targeted races will be the key to the 2020
election. The first step is to determine those races where 5,000 more GOP
voters would make a difference. As a start, the California Republican Party
needs to add 5,000 registrants to the following districts for the 2020 elections.
The numbers are from the 2016 certified Secretary of State results.
Targets for Congress
The following congressional seats maybe the
CRP key targets for 2020:
7th-Bera received 152,133
votes—GOP candidate Scott Jones 145,168 votes
10th Democrat Eggman 116,470—
GOP Denham 124,671
21stValadao 75,126 Dem Huerta
57,282—Need to be prepared for 2021 redistricting
24th Dm, Carbajal 166,034  Fareed 144, 780—Need to be prepared for
2021 redistricting for potential pick up in 2022
25th Knight 138,755 Dem Cafprio
122,406—This also helps the Acosta Assembly and Wilk State Senate seat
31st Aguilar 121,070  Chabot 
94,866 —There could be a popular shift and Trump is getting stronger
with Hispanics
39th Royce 150,777  Murdock-Dem 112,679—This will be first
re-elect for Young Kim, plus demographic changes
48thRohrabacher 178,701Savary
127,715—It can be expected that in 2020 the Democrats will attack it again
49th Issa 155,888  Applegate 154,267—This will be the first
re-elect for Harkey
A minimum of 45,000 new voter registrations
for these Congressional District, after the 2018 election, another analysis
needs to be done. That would include at least three other districts that we
could target for 2020.
Congress—60,000 new registrations
2020 Targets
State Senate
The following seats in the state Senate maybe
the CRP key targets for 2020:
21stWilk  160,043 
Erwin   142,896  The Dems have already shown this is a
targeted race—plus the Dems have targeted Acosta and Knight—all over
lapping.  This seat will need 10,000 new
GOP voters
23rd  Morrell  
184,470   O’Donnell   141,533 
With lots of money the Dems will make this a targeted race
29thNewman  160,230  
Chang  157,732  This is the big fight for Orange County in
A minimum of 20,000 new voter registrations
for these State Senate seats. After the 2018 election, another analysis needs
to be done.  That would include at least
three other districts that we could target for 2020.
State Senate 
35,000 new registrations
2020 Target Assembly
The following Assembly seats maybe the CRP
key targets for 2020:
16th  Baker 129,585    Cook-Kafflio   102,290  
This will always be a tough race, make it easier
31stArambuta   62,404  
Olivier   35,454   with the right candidate this could be a dog
fight—GOTV will also be important
32nd Salas—Dem  53, 056  
Ramirez  28,502  June primary shows this race is neck and
neck—another 5,000 GOP voters would tip it to us.
35th  Cunningham 
105,247  Ortiz-Legg  87,168 
This is a district that could become Dem in 2022 due to redistricting—needs
a concerted registration effort.
36th  Lackey 
77,801   Fox 68,755  With the new Mullin bill the Democrats will
have a much better candidate, with lots of money.  Need a minimum of 5,000 new registrants.  Democrats have made it clear this is a target
in 2020.
38th  Acosta 
102,977    Smith  91,801 
This is going to targeted in 2020. 
It also affects Wilkin Senate and Knight in Congress
40th  Steinorth 
76,537   Medina   74,589  
We should have an easy time this year—in 2020 will be major Democrat
60th  Linder 
64,710 GOP incumbent  
Cervantes  77,404   Targeted race this year—will be in 2020
65th   Young Kim 
69,941   Quirk-Silva  79,654 
Targeted race this year—and in 2020
A minimum of 45,000 new voter registrations
for these State Assembly seats. After the 2018 election, another analysis needs
to be done.  That would include at least
three other districts that we could target for 2020
Assembly—60,000 new registrations
There will be other organizations doing
voter registrations—but these efforts will be tracked by the California
Republican Party
Summary of Voter Registration for 2020
State Senate   35,000
People of Faith   100,000
Small Business    50,000
Volunteer Clubs/Ideological groups   25,000
330,000 new registrations, the California
Republican Party will be responsible for attaining. This is just the ground
floor number. As we work with the Caucuses, grassroots and interested
organizations and business representatives, this becomes a much larger number.
This is a just the start.
Get Out
the Vote
Using the organization of the registration
program, that turns into a GOTV effort the last sixty days of the election.
Voting messages need to go out to targeted groups six months before the General
election to build up the momentum. Since it will be a Presidential year,
turnout will be higher—and since the President elected in 2020, Trump, could
possibly make TWO Supreme Court appointments, plus dozens more Federal Court
appointments interested groups will want to promote voter turnout. We need to
take advantage of that for California. The better we do in the lead up to the
2020 General, in voter registration, intensity, the more resources that will be
available to the Republican effort in California.
Bounty Budget
Re-Introduction of the bounty system is a
must and regardless of who pays, this is going to be a rock bottom price
because the price not to do a robust voter registration effort can be seen in
the loss of one million voters to other parties January 2013. This is one of
the reasons we have so many seats in trouble. It is cheaper on the front end to
register voters than on the back end to finance mailers and other voter
contacts. The cost of the bounty system is shown in the following table.
$ Cost Per Valid Registration
Bounty Registrations
Paid Registrations
Coordination Cost
Total Cost
Funding of
Voter Registration
Evangelical groups have already begun the process of voter registration
programs for 2020. They need to be approached, not only for the impact on
Federal races, but local and State races as well. We have national evangelical
leaders, living in California that I am already working with, to open those
doors and make our proposals. California could easily register 100,000 church
goers as a start. We would coordinate with their efforts. Some have already
started in San Diego, the South Bay area of Los Angeles and through organizations
like the Salt and Light Foundation.
Issue Groups
. Single issue groups will also be approached, such as
pro-life and Second Amendment, Right to Work and others that have a political
arm. Their participation would be based on protecting elected officials that
support their positions, and making opposition elected sweat an election cycle,
so they are tied down in their districts. We already have connections with
these groups, need to make a presentation to them, why it is in their best
interests we begin rolling back the Democrat majority in California.
The Trump campaign must also be approached—especially
for work of its 2016 and new volunteers in California. We have over 100,000
Trump volunteers from California. The Trump 2020 campaign would participate on
the basis it gives something productive to do in the 2019 off year, keep and
expand the volunteer base and find new leaders for the 2020 effort.
with Caucuses.
Coordinate with the Assembly Caucus, Senate Caucus and
National Republican Congressional Committee to target registration to those
areas that incumbents need help and swing districts we can take back from
Democrats. While this is a targeted approached, it invariably helps districts
nearby and our local candidates for non-partisan office.
Committee Registration Programs.
Develop County Committee voter
registration programs. Counties like Fresno, orange County and San Diego have
raised large donations for registration programs just in their counties. This
can be expanded to other counties—and the re-establishment of the bounty will
give more incentive for localized registration programs.
Coordination.A separate
sub-committee of the Finance Committee will be establishment to look for
registration voting opportunities. A special committee will be formed of
legislators, donors and grass roots to monitor, promote and audit the
registration effort, with weekly and monthly reports.
We need to expand the Intern programs for
the CRP and the County Committees. Not only do we want political science types
inters, we also need interns for communications, graphics, technology and other
segments of the political operation. County Committees could go to local high
schools for precinct walkers taking “surveys” of issues, Community Colleges,
State Colleges and the Universities for those looking for intern experience in
social media, communications, brochure design and IT.
This also trains our future leadership.
Increased voter registration, dynamic
volunteer training, more hands-on deck raising funds, ballot measures that
pushed voters into the GOP column in 2020. This can and will happen with a
joint effort of the three stakeholders. The donors, the Legislators and
grassroots in a joint focused effort is a winning ticket. Failure to have all
three intimately involved in leadership means more struggle and harder to win
elections. For 2020 several issues will be a real bonus for the CRP. The gas
tax repeal has shown it hits the core of the voters in California. The massive
victory in SD 29, the unwillingness of Democrats to defend the gas tax and
getting Decline to State to join with Republicans. Other issues of benefit to
the CRP:
Ballot measure to repeal SB 54. As a public
safety issue, each community can be targeted showing the crimes committed by
illegal aliens. previously deported illegal aliens make the campaign personal
and local. This will also help our voter registration effort. This is a Prop.
13 types of issue will bring volunteers and activists out of the wood work to
help get signatures and pass the measure. It is good public policy.
The unions have held up submitting the
signatures for a Split Roll ballot measure, so it can be on the November 2020
ballot. This will harm the value of commercial and industrial property, cost
jobs and force more companies to leave California. When done right we can
motivate the senior citizens to vote—in even higher number than they already
vote. Young people can honestly be told this hold down wages, and costs jobs. Like
the anti-Second Amendment ballot measure on the 1982 General Election ballot,
supposed to help tom Bradley, it backfired and elected George Deukmejian
instead. This can be as dramatic in a lot of races.
Another possible ballot measure is one to repeal
the High-Speed Rail. The latest survey shows 31% of Californians now support
it. Again, this is an effort to remind urban voters that travel 5-10 miles to
work and seldom go over 100 miles from home, that this is tax dollars misspent
and money that could better be spent on the local community or as a tax cut.
The election results—both the winning
candidates and the votes received by the losing candidates will be part of the
equation for setting districts for the 2022-2030. Turn out, maximizing our
votes will also be an important of the final set up of boundaries for
districts. The 2020 election will determine if we continue the decline,
stabilize or start a new climb.
Thus, this two-year period will set up, good
or bad, for the next ten years. Which is why it being so important to have all
three stakeholders to unify. Importantly, we need candidates for every
legislative seat in 2020. The more candidates, the more GOP votes cast. We
build the base of the Party and show the Citizens Redistricting Commission that
Republicans need representation. No candidate? No votes. No representation. To
save seats in 2022, we need a strong showing in 2020.
This effort must be a collaborative between
the Caucus’s, the donors and the grass roots. In this effort, the Legislators
need to take the lead and we provide the letters to editor, calls, rallies,
etc. in support of the unified effort.
This is the time to go back to basics. In
the 1970’s and 80’s it was called the KASTEN PLAN, named after Robert Kasten of
Wisconsin who used this technique—before mega data and the Internet—to win
elections and have the decision predictable prior to election day.
It was simple:
the number of voters in the District.
Based on history, issues and heat of the
campaign, how many will vote and divide that in half, while adding 5%. So, if
you have 60,000 registered voters and expect a 60% turnout, which means 36,000
will vote. You need 18,000 votes, plus 5%. So, you really need 18,900 votes.
Your job is to identify at least 18,900 voters
to support you. Best go be safe and add another 1,000 to the list.
Use your precinct operation to identify the
supportive voters.
Do whatever is needed to get them to fill out
absentee ballots—best idea. Or drive them to the polls. You get 18,900 votes
and you win.
Think this is ancient history? In June New York
had a primary, ten term Democrat Congressman Joe Crowley (who was to be the
Speaker after Pelosi), outspent his opponent more than ten to one, lost to what
the NY Post called a “ruthless precinct operation”—the Kasten Plan. You do need moneybut winning
about “Doing it in the Precincts.
We need to teach this to our candidates for
legislative office, as well as local offices.
going forward is a critical component to success. The following is not
exhaustive, but it provides a start point for discussion.
A weekly op-ed to the smaller newspapers and
periodicals in the State.
Monthly major op-ed for the major newspapers
Aggressive use of local talk shows in the small
markets in the State
Expand email list—work with legislators,
candidates and organizations
Weekly newsletter—include legislative alerts,
links to good articles, ask folks to sign up as volunteers, update on voter
Promote Board members speaking to local clubs
and organizations
Work with County Committees and volunteer
groups—asking for help with projects and promoting their efforts and projects.
This is just a short outline of ideas.
Obviously, details can be changed, circumstances would determine alternative
and additional concepts. This is a start in the effort to reinvigorate the
Republican Party in California. The result in the SD 29 special election
helped. The results in AD 76 hurt. The good news is that we have candidates on
the November ballot for Governor, Attorney General, Treasurer, Secretary of
State and Controller. Now we need to give them the resources—people and
money—to make them successful.

The ‘Bounty’ program demise was as a result of the Board of Directors deciding
this was not a function of the Republican Party.
New law having the DMV register everybody that showed up at the door became law
five days previous.


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