The RINOs in Hawaii are so bad, that they even deceived then President Bush to appoint a Hawaii "Republican" to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

The same Republican ruled against the right of citizens throughout the Ninth Circuit Region to open carry a firearm.

Now, the ruling went toward liberty and a full respect of the Second Amendment.

But a Republican-appointed federal judge ruled against our rights.

Or rather, a Hawaii RINO!

Read the whole story below from the Hawaiian Islands Republican Assembly:

Aloha, Republicans:

Today's breaking news about the 2nd Amendment rule by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals teaches us more about the Hawaii Republican Party's descent into liberalism than we could want to know in a lifetime.

First, in case you haven't seen the story, it was a GREAT DAY for believers in self-defense here in the Aloha State.  After decades of abusive treatment by Democrat gun control freaks (the same folks who believe criminals have more rights than you do), local gun owners got fantastic news that Hawaii's candyass liberal restrictions on handguns in public are unconstitutional.  In a 2-to-1 ruling by the 9th Circuit panel of federal judges ruled today that the Constitution protects the right to openly carry a gun in public for self-defense, rejecting Hawaii's claims that the right to carry only applies to firearms kept at home.

In this same 2-to-1 decision, the court reversed a ruling by federal District Judge Helen Gillmore that upheld Hawaii's restrictions, considered among the toughest in the nation. Hawaii-based 9th Circuit Judge Richard Clifton was the lone dissenter.

Wait a cotton-picking minute!!   Rick Clifton!!  We know that name.  And YOU should know that name too.  Here's why.

Today's dissenting vote AGAINST the 2nd Amendment was longtime Hawaii GOP honcho Rick Clifton who was mistakenly made a Federal appeals judge because the local RINO-controlled Republican Party pushed newly-elected President George W. Bush to nominate RINO Clifton to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.  Yuck!!

Today in San Francisco (figures!), Judge Ricky Boy Clifton stood alone in criticizing the pro-2A majority opinion of his colleagues and argued like a candyass liberal by whining that “states such as Hawaii have long regulated and limited the public carrying of guns, which he said did not undermine the core of the Second Amendment.”  Actually, Judge RINO, the State of Hawaii interferes with the 2nd Amendment 24/7/365 thanks to nimrods like you.

—-> You might remember the last time Clifton made the local news in 2017, back when he abused his position as a federal judge to help Doug Chin to STRIKE DOWN President Trump’s restrictions for travelers to the U.S. from dangerous countries.  Remember how our newly-elected president signed Executive Order 13769, “Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States”.  Well, the Hawaii GOP's Ricky Boy wanted to help Democrats Doug Chin and David Ige let in the dangerous folks to Hawaii and the other 49 states.  In fact, Clifton sided with judges appointed by Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama to help Doug Chin's 'jihadi' agenda.

Perhaps Clifton's lack of principles should have stopped him from being an officer of the Hawaii GOP for so many years and then should have stopped him from becoming a federal judge.  Clifton says that he is close to “what there is of an organized Republican Party in Hawaii,” but he says that he has “no strongly pronounced political philosophy.”

And there you have it.  Clifton doesn’t really have any beliefs, so he aligns himself with the RINO’s and closet Democrats at the Republican Party of Hawaii.  This revelation, combined with Clifton's liberal actions on the 9th Circuit Court, really explainseverything that's wrong with our party.  Auwe!

*** HIRA believes you deserve to know that the Hawaii GOP is just a front organization for liberals who don't ever want the Aloha State to turn red, ever. ***


Final Reflection

I have never seen, never read so much corruption in my life. The Hawaii Republican Party is one of the most dysfunctional institutions I have ever read. They don't raise money. They don't field candidates. They can't get any decent leadership.

There is no team-building, there is no teamwork or team efforts. Republican leaders even support and donate to Democrats because they think that that is their best chance for any kind of power or influence in Sacramento.

And now we have proof that the Hawaii RINOs mislead federal officials, even our own Presidents, to nominate men to federal judicial offices who have no business being there in the first place!

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