Dear State Senator Bill Dodd:
My name is Arthur Schaper, and I am the Organization Director for
MassResistance. I current serve as the interim director for our California
MassResistance is a pro-family organization that makes a difference. We
stand up to the destructive LGBT Agenda, which promotes ideals and lifestyles
which are deviant, dangerous, and destructive. We have chapters all over the
country and the world, including Nigeria, the United Kingdom, and Hong Kong,
and our movement is expanding into Chile and South Africa, too.
For the last 30 years, the LGBT Agenda has promoted lifestyles which
lead to disease, dysfunction, and death. The suicide rate among transgendered
individuals is 40%, and this statistic factors out external or political
factors. Homosexual conduct has led to a rapid breakout of venereal disease in
many communities and cities, and the lifestyle itself cuts the average lifespan
by 20%.
This agenda is now infringing on the rights of parents, of individual
patients, as well as pastors and professionals to seek whatever information,
assistance, or therapy which patients deem fit to live long and fulfilling
AB 2943 is an LGBT-backed bill sponsored by Assemblyman Evan Low
(D-Cupertino), and this legislation, if it passes, would outlaw reparative
therapy for adults. Men and women who struggle with same-sex attraction or
gender dysphoria have every right to seek whatever therapies they see fit. Contrary
to the many lies spoken about reparative therapy, the practice does not involve
abusive or demeaning practices at all. In fact, this therapy has saved
countless lives, men and women who have suffered immense abuse as children,
which leads to struggles with homosexuality and transgenderism.
AB 2943 is an egregious assault on the First Amendment, which protects
the rights of individuals to write, speech, publish, and share information to
assist adults and seek whatever therapies they choose. AB 2943 would essential
ban books, sermons, video recordings, and the like which teach people that they
can leave homosexuality and transgenderism. The legislation is patently
unconstitutional and will not survive a court challenge.
It is essential, Senator Dodd, that you oppose AB 2943 and urge your
colleagues to do the same. We urge you to demand the withdrawal of this bill
entirely. Your constituents deserve to hear from you on this matter, as well,
and you should not prevent them from meeting with your staffers to speak
against this bill and demand its withdrawal from consideration.
To all Solano County residents and individuals who live in State Senate
District 3, contact State Senator Dodd, and urge him to vote NO! on AB 2943 and
to demand its withdrawal:
Senator Bill Dodd, Capitol Office
State Capitol, Room 5064,
Sacramento, CA 95814-4900;
(916) 651-4003
Thank you.
Arthur Schaper, Organization Director
State Director, California MassResistance
(781) 890-6001
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