August 18, 2018
California State Senate Passes Anti-Christian AB 2943
But the fight is not over – the Assembly must vote on it again. Session ends Aug.31!
From Arthur Schaper
Director, California MassResistance

DISASTER! The California State Senate has continued its insane onslaught against the laws of nature and nature's God. AB 2943 passed on a party-line vote 25-11. One Democrat (Senator Richard Roth) abstained and three Republicans (Tom Berryhill, Anthony Cannella, and Jean Fuller) also abstained.

State Senator Scott Weiner (D-San Francisco) brought the bill to the senate floor for a vote. In his speech to the Senators he outright lied, claiming that reparative therapy is a fraud and a form of psychological torture. He dismissed the countless witnesses and survivors of abuse who have received reparative therapy to break free of homosexuality and transgenderism. This therapy has saved countless lives, but Weiner and his LGBT cronies do not care.

A number of state senators, including Ted Gaines (R-Roseville) and John Moorlach (R-Costa Mesa), pointed out that this bill is an unfair intrusion into the private decisions of individuals as well as an unconstitutional overreach. But the Senate Democrats did not care! 

There is some good news. The legislation was amended, so the State Assembly most vote a second time on the legislation.


Fifty assemblymembers voted for AB 2943 the first time. They (and the others) need to hear from you that the Assembly made a mistake! If 10 to 15 members switch their votes and vote NO, then AB 2943 dies on the floor of the State Assembly.

Contact info for all 80 Assemblymembers

Our 2-page handout of information on AB 2943

Our brief talking points on AB 2943

Make sure to contact these 20 (plus the Speaker, since he can stop the bill entirely), since they are facing tough re-election bids, reside in swing districts, or they are Democrats who abstained on the first vote (and they need to stay that way:

1. Arambula, Joaquin
2. Baker, Catharine
3. Calderon, Ian
4. Cervantes, Sabrina
5. Cooley, Ken
6. Cooper, Jim
7. Frazier, Jim
8. Gabriel, Jesse
9. Garcia, Cristina
10. Garcia, Eduardo
11. Gray, Adam
12. Holden, Christopher
13. Irwin, Jacqui
14. Maienschein, Brian
15. Medina, Jose
16. Mullin, Kevin
17. Muratsuchi, Al
18. Quirk, Bill
19. Quirk-Silva, Sharon
20. Salas, Ruby
21. Rendon, Anthony (Speaker of the Assembly)

Now more than ever, we need to fight back against the arrogant overreach of Sacramento. It is crucial to inform these state assemblymembers that lives are at stake. Reparative therapy saves lives. This bill is unconstitutional, will face a legal challenge, and will be struck down as unconstitutional.


Contact Governor Jerry Brown. Tell him to stop this terrible legislation at all costs, and that it should be VETOED (if it passes)!

Governor Edmund G. Brown
c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814

Phone: (916) 445-2841
Fax: (916) 558-3160

Click on this link to send an email to the Governor

The assemblymembers need to feel the wrath of the voters. Make them change their votes and STOP AB 2943!

Contact me, Arthur Schaper, Director for the California Chapter of MassResistance, if you can visit Assemblymembers' offices or go to the state capitol directly.

Arthur Schaper: arthur@massresistance.org

We can't stop now. We need to double down on our outrage and stop this terrible bill.


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