Is there hope for the Constitution State, otherwise known as Connecticut?

The state has had 8 straight years of Democratic failure. Governor Dannel Malloy is a flabby failure, and an arrogant one at that. He has run the state so far into the ground, and he has made so many crappy, costly deals with the public sector unions.

Malloy raised taxes on just about everything, and when he wasn't stealing from Connecticut taxpayers, he was taking away their rights. He told Connecticut gun owners to register their firearms. He is a pro-abortion murderer who pushed big money to Big Babykill, otherwise known as Planned Parenthood. And of course, he embraced the climate alarmism fad which everyone on the left loves and orders.

Enough is enough. Even though Connecticut does not have term limits, Malloy pretty much realized that he didn't have a chance.

Will Republicans be able to win big and Make Connecticut Great Again?

With nearly 70 percent of the vote counted, political newcomer Bob Stefanowski
won the Republican nomination for governor Tuesday night.
Stefanowski, a former UBS chief financial officer from Madison,
outpaced Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton by a 30 percent to 22 percent margin.
Others in the five-candidate field, David Stemerman, Tim Herbst and Steve
Obsitnik trailed in the primary vote. All of Stefanowski’s opponents had
conceded by 10:40 p.m.

Breitbart listed Stefanowski as an outsider. So be it. A businessman with economic acumen, who is willing to do things that political people would  never think of doing. That is the kind of thinking, the ingenuity that is needed.

Elected officials with massive experience in politics and government tend not to do well. They do not consider new ideas. They will not venture into new directions or different avenues. They have little capacity for risk or assessment.

An outsider can indeed make a difference.

In the race for lieutenant governor, conservative state Sen. Joe
Markley held a substantial lead over New Britain Mayor Erin Stewart and Darien
First Selectman Jayme Stevenson.

Another conservative makes into into the Connecticut General Election.

Nice. Very nice.

The gubernatorial race, marked by light turnout in the middle of August
when much of the electorate is on vacation or not tuned in to politics, is
expected to hinge on a few thousand votes.

The next state legislative session may have to discuss moving the primary around. Why is it that the final candidates who line up for the general election come from such a light initial turnout?
It’s reflective of a fractured GOP that has been searching for an

The editorializing is strong with this one! Many candidates does not mean fracturing, ultimately. Remember that Trump defeated 16 candidates in the primary, then waged a war against the corrupt media, the Democratic Party, the Republican Establishment, as well as RINO Libertarian Gary Johnson and even RINO Independent Evan McMullin.

Trump won, we won, and thank God that Crooked Hillary lost.

“I think higher [turnout] is always better,” Stefanowski said outside
North Street School in Greenwich, his first campaign stop of primary day.
Stefanowski built an early lead Tuesday night in eastern Connecticut,
where Herbst had focused significant time and resources in rural areas. But
Stefanowski also appeared to be holding his own in Fairfield County, a
potentially ominous sign for the party favorite, Boughton.

The party favorite is not always the people's favorite. Why is that?
Boughton overwhelmingly held serve in Danbury, where he’s been mayor
for 17 years. The burning question for the social media-savvy former state
legislator and history teacher is a 2,000-vote edge in the Hat City enough to
offset Stefanowski’s pickups across the state?

All three political outsiders outperformed the traditional politicians
in Greenwich, with Stemerman, Obsitnik and Stefanowski finishing in the
top-three in the GOP bastion that was the boyhood home of former President
George H.W. Bush, according to unofficial results.

Do we really want more Bushes, or politicians like the Bushes? No. No more New England elitism. We need men and women of stature who care about the concerns of everyone, of working people of all backgrounds and who care about what's happening on Main Street, Skid Row, and every lane in between.
In Shelton, another Fairfield County battleground, Stefanowski rolled
to a 3-to-1 advantage over Boughton, according to the city’s longtime mayor,
Mark Lauretti, who last month endorsed Stefanowski after a falling out with

Well, well, well,
Ned Lamont Defeats Joe Ganim To Win Democratic Primary For Governor
This is the third run for governor for Boughton, 54, who has cast
himself as a blue-collar Republican who has insulated the state’s
seventh-largest city from the economic and crime woes of many of Connecticut’s
urban centers.'

Yet that didn't work. The voters simply do not want career politicians. It's as simple as that.
It’s been 53 weeks since Boughton had major surgery to remove a
non-cancerous brain tumor, which raised concerns about his health, along with
his collapse at a GOP event in March in Avon. Boughton says he’s headache and
has no restrictions. Saying he’s “just happy to be here” outside Cheshire High
School, his final campaign stop on primary day, Boughton commented that he’s
been proving people wrong throughout the race.
“People didn’t think I could raise the money. We did,” Boughton said.
“They didn’t think we’d take the convention. We did. They didn’t think I’d be
re-elected mayor. I was. I’m feeling great.”

Perennial candidates are not going to win big this time around, either. If you had your chance, if you made the case and people didn't want what you had, then move on.
Herbst, who narrowly lost his 2014 bid for state treasurer, finished
second to Boughton for the endorsement at the state GOP convention in May. The
37-year-old Trinity College graduate has staked out the party’s right flank,
securing the endorsements of the pro-gun Connecticut Citizens Defense League
and the pro-life Family Institute of Connecticut.

Wow! There is a pro-gun and a pro-life contingent in Connecticut that is still alive and kicking! That is excellent!

Let's hope that this Stefanowski fellow can pull off the win.

Ned Lamont is a liberal whack job. He is so left-wing, he defeated Joe Lieberman in the 2006 US Senate primary, since Lieberman was pro-America and believed in a strong United States with some decent economic growth.

Lieberman was no longer welcome in the Democratic Party of Connecticut for whatever reason, but he ran a sore loser campaign afterwards and won the general election. It was pretty incredible. Will Lamont prove so impalatable. to overtaxed, overburdened Republicans and Democrats alike that Stefanowski will become the next Governor?

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