The Republican Party of Los Angeles County has fallen to another low ebb. It's bad enough that the executive committee for the county purges conservative groups, trying to remove their charters and their influence (it doesn't work).

The conservatives, the men and women of conviction and conscience, refuse to be quiet. We refuse to settle for failure. We want chaotic victory, not controlled failure,

But look what the 48th Assembly District Republican Central Committee settled for:

Central Committees exist to do three things:

1. Raise money
2. Register voters
3. Get candidates to run for office in the district.

The 48th GOP Central Committee failed so badly, that they didn't get any Republican, not even a write-in, to challenge illegal alien Blanca Rubio.

The Republicans wanted to sit down and dine with the enemy rather than fight her evil policies.

What has become of the Republican Party of Los Angeles County?

In fact, that is precisely what I wrote to the Chairwoman!

Mrs. Shade:
Have you lost your minds?
Making nice is not the answer.
Confronting corruption and doubling down on the truth — that is the answer.
I cannot believe how low LA County GOP has sunk.
Voters and residents in that region are going to hear about this.
This is a full on betrayal and a violation of By-Laws, rules of decorum, just about any sense of dignity or wisdom!
I received this from one of Rubio's constituents:
Twitter: Facebook: Patreon: Bitch…

Yes, it was a secret meeting. Can you believe this?! The Central Committee decided to make nice and do nothing rather than double down and demand real leadership to fight this corrupt illegal alien communist!

When I shared this information with the Republican Party leadership in the state of California, and a few others in blind carbon copy, I received a heated, hateful call and then an email from Judi Neal of the Mountain View Republican Club.

She was faulting me for simply revealing something that had been shared publicly with other members of We the People Rising.

I couldn't believe this!

Here's the email:

If you had something to say Lois you should have confronted her first. How dare you jeopardize their standing in RPLAC. You over stepped your authority Arthur. 

If they are censored because of your going off deep end once again, I will never forgive you. That will be the last time I include you anything our groups are doing.

You should have discussed with her privately. 

I’m done with you and your craziness. Please remove me from anything you are doing in the future and delete my phone and email. 

Judi Neal

UGH. So this is what it comes down to. The Old Guard wants to stand by their friends instead of stepping up the fight and denouncing this corruption.
Gary Gileno had different ideas, and I am glad for that:
Here's the full statement in the Facebook post:
The 48th Assembly District Republican Central Committee had an event where they hosted a Democrat politician who admittedly snuck into our country and was even deported. To some Republicans this is fine, my behavior learning about the revelations is the problem for them. This video illustrates why the Republican party in California is dead and has even been surpassed by no party preference in registration numbers. People are sick of these phony Republicans who live to make compromises with the Democrats. It's time to sack up and say NO!
NO! Banning the Bible
NO! Teaching kids how to have anal sex in school
NO! 55 gallon water rationing
NO! Sanctuary State
NO! Putting people in jail for having a straw
NO! Turning Violent Felonies into Non-Violent Misdemeanors
NO! Mandatory Vaccinations (SB277)
NO! Legalizing the transmission of HIV
NO! Allowing Illegal aliens to work in the government
NO! Putting foreign nationals ahead of Americans
NO! Single payer healthcare that will bankrupt the state
NO! Healthcare for illegal aliens
NO! Free College Tuition for illegal aliens while Americans go into massive debt.
NO! Cutting gasoline sales and production by 50%
NO! Forcing me on a bicycle/bus/train
NO! Putting a box in my car to tax/track me by the mile.
NO! Stripping local control from cities so the state can mandate high density wherever it pleases.
NO! Allowing centers where people can shoot up.
NO! Cap and Trade
NO! Gas Tax Increases
NO! Highest State Taxes in the Nation
Do you get the point yet phony Republicans? These people are destroying our state and yet you want to work with them. These people are the enemy and they would have us all killed the first chance they got.
More people would join our party/not leave if they saw people actually saying NO to this crap instead of looking for ways to make it not suck as much.
I get how Gary feels. I am so tired of being shamed for opposing all this perverse corruption. Yet it seems that so many people have just rolled over and expected this crap. That is wrong, and we are not going to have it!
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