The Republican Party of Los Angeles County Central Committee is a RINO-infested mess.

The leadership revoked the charter for two volunteer clubs:
1. The Beach Cities Republicans
2. The Mountain View Republican Club
The reasons?
Our clubs were actively conservative, pro-Trump.
I had invited Latinos for Trump founder Marco Gutierrez to speak to our club, and the leadership of the local central committee told me to cancel the meeting. She even called my work to try and convince my boss to get me to cancel the meeting.
Corrupt and illegal.
The central committee recently exposed how not just out of touch, but unwilling and uninterested they were in helping the conservative cause in the state of California.
The John and Ken Show interviewed Carl DeMaio, and he exposed that the RPLAC Central Committee blew off De Maio and the Yes on Prop 6 campaign.
I am not surprised that they would blow off any interest in doing something worthwhile for any Republicans in Los Angeles County or even throughout the state of California.
Disappointing, but not uprisings.
Outraged, I shot off a heated letter to the RPLAC "leadership":
Shame on You!! You Must Help Effort to Distribute Yes on Prop 6 Signs


Arthur Christopher Schaper

Sun 8/19/2018 10:22 PM

Maureen Johnson (


Gary Aminoff (;

Janice Webb (;;;;


Sent Items
Dear RINO Los Angeles Central Committee:
CC: Richard Sherman:
You guys are absolutely terrible.
You won't raise money.
You don't help with efforts to get candidates elected.
You take away charters for working GOP groups that actually do stuff.
Now you won't even help distribute Yes on Prop 6 signs?
You need to reverse course and help, or you need to resign!

I had send this email through blind carbon copy to other conservatives, including club leaders, in Los Angeles County.
Claude Todoroff, the President of the Torrance-Lomita Republican Assembly, wrote in response:
Thank you so much for that video. Somebody at the TLRA B-B-Q told me yesterday about the county party no supporting the Gas Tax Repeal. I have to say I was stunned but not really surprised. This is the proof that we needed to hear that the L.A. County GOP is not in our corner but stands with Gov. Moonbeam. Yesterday I wrote you that the LA County GOP needs to lead, follow or get out of the way. Forget that. It is now clear they need to just get out of the way because the GOP base will not stand for this type of betrayal. You can't spin this. Richard Sherman and his LA County GOP team have sold us out and they need to resign ASAP. All they will do is lead us down the road to another wipe out defeat like in 2016.

To all who are blind copied on this e-mail please call the county party in Encino and demand they all resign immediately. The number is  818-558-7600. With such incompetent and perhaps corrupt leadership it should be no surprise our hard working candidates and volunteers get defeated. The GOP is now the party of Pres. Donald Trump and we have to do like he does and tell the leadership of the LA County GOP "YOU'RE FIRED".

Please forward this to all your contacts and have them demand new leadership now for the L.A. County GOP. They aren't even RINOs anymore but the lackey of Gov. Moonbeam and the Democrats. Don't let them weasel out with some poor excuse that this was an error or something else really lame. Even if they now take the signs and other literature we still can't be sure that they are 100% on board or just doing it to keep the exit door from hitting them in their stupid buttocks. If they were truly on board, this sell-out would never have happened. They can never be trusted again.

The next day, I received this #CYA email from RPLAC Treasurer Gary SCAM-inoff:
Claude and Arthur,

What Carl said on John & Ken is not true.  It was a big miscommunication. Of course the LAGOP supports the repeal of the gas tax.  Carl is going to correct what he said.  If you want more details call me.

Gary Aminoff
Commercial Director
Keller Williams Inglewood
Mobile: 310.387.6900
CalBRE #00499674
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S9+
This has a wonderful name: CYA, i.e. "Cover Your Ass"
And it's fitting, since the leadership of RPLAC are acting like Donkey Democrats, not Red Republicans.
Claude's response was fitting:
I want to hear it from Carl and until I hear that from Carl I'm not buying "miscommunication". We have seen the disloyalty of LACGOP on numerous occasions so don't hold it against me if I am skeptical.
Here's what RPLAC posted on its practically non-existent Facebook Page:

Here's the full "Excuse"

Here is what happened with the YES on 6 Signs:
First of all, let me say that of course the LAGOP supports the repeal of the gas tax, and supports the YES ON 6 group, and has from the beginning.
The LAGOP offices are on the fifth floor of a high-rise security building. We have two small rooms which are overcrowded as is. It is a security building, which means you have to check in with the security guard in the lobby before coming up, and if you park in the building the parking rates are outrageous.
Because of all these conditions, the offices of the LAGOP are not suited for distribution of signs. Volunteers will wind up paying $5-$10 for parking and will have difficulty getting up to the offices. Additionally, we just don’t have the room for signs.
Last week a driver showed up with 1,000 signs, without prior notice and left them in the hallway because they were too many to get into the office. Our Executive Director called the County Party Chairman who explained to the driver that the offices of the LAGOP are not suitable for distributing 1,000 signs, and that we have 14 other locations in LA County where signs are being distributed for YES ON 6.
The driver went back and without reporting the details or reasons, stated that LAGOP had refused to distribute signs, which was totally inaccurate. Whoever reported to Carl DeMaio just reported that the LAGOP had refused to distribute signs. That is why Carl said what he said on the John and Ken show on Friday.
Carl has now been informed as to what the real story is and sent out the following tweet this morning. He is going on the John and Ken show on Friday to explain what happened.

There is nothing which suggests that it is a matter of course for the Republican Party of Los Angeles County to support the repeal of the gas tax. There is nothing to justify or to censure this sentiment.
If the building is as secure as they claim, then how did Carl end up providing the signs in the first place? "There wasn't enough room for the signs." Sure, whatever you say, buddy.
This is a load of garbage, no matter how one looks at it. By the way … how come the County GOP office is in such a high rise to begin with? Is it that they are hiding something? Are they trying to avoid any kind of connection or with the public?
How is it possible that there would be so much miscommunication? There is a lot more to this mess than has been reported, as usual. I have emails from SCAM-inoff, in which he reports that the RPLAC revoked the charter of the Beach Cities Republicans for other reasons, not the ones stated to the public. 
The RPLAC leadership have a habit of lying, of hiding the truth, of dishonoring the base in the county. There is no reason why anyone should believe anything that they say.
Final Reflection
I never thought I would see the day that the corrupt RINO central committee would get shredded in such a public fashion. I will be honest: it was quite gratifying and liberating to see these corrupt liars getting raked over their feckless laziness.
More to come!

De Maio got what he needed from Gary, but it took an epic media onslaught to get something happening:
I'm pleased that the Treasurer of the @RPLAC this morning has stepped in to commit his county party's help on Yes on Prop 6 and serve as a better point of contact from now on. We look forward to their help in our LA-area events to Get-Out-The-Vote for reformers! @johnandkenshow

— Carl DeMaio (@carldemaio) August 20, 2018

Of course, the massive pressure from Carl De Maio is exactly what it took for RINO-PLAC to do anything!
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