Now this is really rich.

I have seen these kinds of "I will sue!" and other hard-ball (really, soft-ball) tactics from people who don't like getting called out on their crap.

When I shamed Gary Aminoff and nicknamed him SCAM-inoff, he threatened me with legal action.

I blew him off.

When I exposed West Cal Academy as a poverty pimp mill pushing illegal immigration and amnesty, Gary Aven called me and said "Take down that posting you did. You're looking at a lawsuit."

I blew him off.

And then I exposed what David Hadley had written about the California Republican Party, the Republican Party of Los Angeles, and his dismissive attitude to all the crap and corruption going on in RPLAC, Claude wrote something quite supportive and meaningful:

Thank you so much for that video. Somebody at the TLRA B-B-Q told me yesterday about the county party no supporting the Gas Tax Repeal. I have to say I was stunned but not really surprised. This is the proof that we needed to hear that the L.A. County GOP is not in our corner but stands with Gov. Moonbeam. Yesterday I wrote you that the LA County GOP needs to lead, follow or get out of the way. Forget that. It is now clear they need to just get out of the way because the GOP base will not stand for this type of betrayal. You can't spin this. Richard Sherman and his LA County GOP team have sold us out and they need to resign ASAP. All they will do is lead us down the road to another wipe out defeat like in 2016.

Where in the world is RPLAC?

To all who are blind copied on this e-mail please call the county party in Encino and demand they all resign immediately. The number is  818-558-7600. With such incompetent and perhaps corrupt leadership it should be no surprise our hard working candidates and volunteers get defeated. The GOP is now the party of Pres. Donald Trump and we have to do like he does and tell the leadership of the LA County GOP "YOU'RE FIRED".
Please forward this to all your contacts and have them demand new leadership now for the L.A. County GOP. They aren't even RINOs anymore but the lackey of Gov. Moonbeam and the Democrats. Don't let them weasel out with some poor excuse that this was an error or something else really lame. Even if they now take the signs and other literature we still can't be sure that they are 100% on board or just doing it to keep the exit door from hitting them in their stupid buttocks. If they were truly on board, this sell-out would never have happened. They can never be trusted again.


Some guy named Allen Brandstater tried to shame or intimidate Claude.

Allen Brandstater

Check out this shake-down:

Mr. Todoroff –

Neither of us knows the other from a load of goal.  But since you lump officials and me of the Los Angeles County Republican Central Committee as “standing with Governor Moonbeam”, that we have “sold you out”, you allege  “corruption” (which, by the way, is libel on its face: "an act done with intent to give some advantage inconsistent with official duty and the rights of others") and a host of other utterly inaccurate claims, I am sharing (unredacted) both your message to Arthur (whoever he is) and my earlier reply refuting Carl Demaio’s baseless assertions on KFI’s John and Ken radio program last week.


It’s clear to me that Mr. Demaio’s claims are totally baseless.  Actually, Carl wasn’t even on base— he wasn’t even at bat!  But consider the harm done by Demaio’s false attack, heard perhaps by half a million radio listeners.  What an accomplishment!

President Reagan often repeated the words of President John Adams: “facts are stubborn things”


You have maligned and defamed nearly 200 elected members of the Los Angeles County Republican Party, its officers, its leadership and its proven support of Proposition 6.   There’s no need for anyone to “demand new leadership for the L.A.
County GOP.”

Instead, the rest of us should demand that Republican critics get their damned facts straight.


Allen Brandstater, Parliamentarian

Los Angeles County Republican Central Committee
Libel, huh?

What a fraud. Cut the crap, Allen!

This kind of shake-down garbage is not going to work on me or anyone else who is fed up with the never-ending outrage of bad leadership, under-handed backstabbing, and all the rest!

Truth is always a defense to libel, and it's time for more outraged conservatives to speak the truth and cut through the crap, corruption, cowardice, and incompetence of local and statewide Republican leadership.

We have every right to call out bad leadership while doing good for the state and the citizens in this state.

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