Last week, We the People Rising attended the August 21, 2018 Victorville City Council meeting to support the city council majority looking to issue a statement of disapproval against city councilwoman Blanca Gomez.

For the last two years, she has brought nothing but trouble, outrage, and embarrassment to the city of Victorville, its residents, and the city council chambers. She gets into fights with members of the city council. She argues with staff constantly. During the week, she refuses to meet with city staffers or she monopolizes the time to her benefit at the expense of everyone else.

How did someone like this even get elected?

The voters in Victorville simply were not paying attention. Not wise. Local elections matter, and it is essential for voters to start researching candidates. Victorville residents made a huge mistake. Let's hope that everyone learns their lesson going forward.

I showed up about half an hour before the meeting. There weren't a lot of people protesting outside the city council chambers or the city hall:

One guy there told me how they were collecting signatures to get rid of Gomez.

Earlier the previous day, Gomez had attacked a lady who was protesting against the corrupt little councilwoman. It's astonishing how

Once inside, I wanted to make my mark:

I was really surprised that there weren't a lot of people in the city council chambers at first.
We the People Rising took over the city council chambers and the walls!
First, we photo-bombed Blanca Gomez' seat:

Then more of us gathered around and starting chanting "Recall Blanca! Recall Blanca!"

Make Victorville Great Again!

While we were taking pictures up front, some of Blanca's Brown Supremacist friends started trickling in.
Ultimately, only four people showed up to support the corrupted La Raza Bigot.
Then one of the brown supremacists tried to steal Raul Rodriguez' signs!

He didn't like getting caught, and he really hated that I wouldn't let him get away with it. These bigots keep playing victim. Throughout the entire meeting, they would complain that we were lying about them because we were calling them thieves. What a load of crap, but these kinds of tactics are all too common. Yolanda Gonzalez, another Brown Supremacist from Pomona, kept ranting about me because I was a white man, and then she lied about stealing my assigned seat at the San Dimas city council meeting.
These bigots are feeling the heat, realizing that the light is shining out, and there is nothing they can do to hide their perverse, land-stealing agenda.
Raul took everything in stride and placed his signs all over the city council chambers:

Another brown supremacist showed up to start a fight, and Raul stood up to her, too:

Then guess who showed up?
She doesn't look good.
I have never see such an unkept public official. She has obviously gained some weight. She doesn't look healthy or self-contained at all. She was mumbling into her phone while recording her Facebook live feed, calling me and others racist.
Always playing the race card, that's all these La Raza liberals have left.
It's sad, really, and now it's not even effective or relevant.
Maggie Mullin walked through the city hall lobby and encouraged everyone to be as civil as possible. She didn't want me to get in anyone's face, because she was afraid of more people doing the same thing to her and other residents in the city.

I respected her opinion, but continued to confront Blanca and her Brown Supremacy posse:
For some reason, Blanca didn't want to take a selfie with me, and she didn't want to explain what she thought was a sanctuary city. She didn't have an answer when she was in Rialto.
And she wouldn't talk to me that day, either, in her own city:

What is it, Blanca? Are you too shy to speak to the cameras?
Gomez wants all this attention, right?
Isn't it part of the reason that she went out of her way to get arrested in Hesperia two weeks prior? It's all about publicity, no matter how good or bad. This was going to be a fun city council meeting, I could tell.
Besides going after Gomez, I wanted to attend the meeting because I was very disappointed that the city council didn't formally oppose SB 54, file an amicus brief to stop this bad legislation, nor did they take necessary steps to opt out of enforcing the terrible sanctuary state law within their borders.
Back to the city council chambers, We the People Rising took out our signs:

Even Fernando made it!

There were more of our people, for the rule of law and against the corrupt racist Blanca Gomez, than there were supporters of the beleaguered councilwoman.

It was quite a victory, even though we had to sit through two hours of testimony, plus endless questions and answers going back and forth between Gomez, the city manager, and other staffers on the dais.

It was clear to anyone paying  attention that Gomez was desperate to stall and delay the inevitable motion of disapproval against Gomez:

(Everybody loves the Finger of Shame!)

Finally, public comment for the motion of disapproval against Gomez came up to the city council.

Councilman Kennedy reported some very disturbing news about Gomez. Beyond all the spectacles in the press, Kennedy related how Gomez behaves in a very unseemly fashion with her colleagues in city council. She is routinely late.

She has gotten into shouting matches with city councilmembers, and her hysterics have alarmed others so much, that the city council had to call in police officers to protect them.

She also violated the city's attorney-client privilege when she forwarded an email from the city attorney to their opposition. She has breached onto restricted property within the city. She has given unsolicited, unpermitted tours of city hall. These intrusions were so bad, the city had to post "No Trespassing" signs around city hall.

She has repeatedly taken on the offiical role of the city, even though she was not assigned that role. She would wear her "City Councilwoman" pin to other public functions, when she had no right to appear at those functions.

Instead of taking direction and correction, Gomez fights against her colleagues and staffers without relenting.

She even protested their comments and concerns to the public by putting the Mexican flag around her shoulders!

Check out how the city manager felt about Gomez' incessant whining and droning below!

The truth is that the city council has been way to lenient with this crazy little girl in an adult body. They let her get away with her rants, tirades, and outrageous displays of disrespect during city council sessions and throughout the city council chambers.

Councilman Cox complained about the divisiveness in the city because of all this turmoil, and he shared his interest in doing as little as possible about. One of the residents and I confronted Cox about that. Division occurs because one person doesn't respect the rules. Other people get angry because there is no enforcement of the rules. Favoritism and lawlessness create division, too, and I brought those points up.

Then members of the audience condemned her behavior, including elected officials from other areas of the High Desert.

When I spoke, I slammed her racism, her rampant disrespect, her lawless and uncalled-for presence Rialto City Hall on December 30, 2016. I said that she needed to be censured and recalled!

As expected, Blanca Gomez continued to play victim and called out the supposed "corruption" of the other city councilmembers. Yawn.

The city council voted to oppose her behavior and register their disapproval with Blanca Gomez. Even Councilman Cox, who had opposed doing something "divisive" signed onto the measure.

Public comment followed. Four members of We the People Rising urged the city council to revisit a formal measure of opposition to SB 54, including an amicus brief and/or a stay of compliance. At the end of my public comment, I publicly declared $20 to help with the recall effort of Blanca Gomez!

After the meeting was adjourned, I confronted Blanca Gomez all the way to the front door of city hall. For some reason, she didn't want to be recorded! It was so interesting to see her run away from me, with a folder covering her face because she didn't want to be recorded or confronted for her corrupt and unethical practices.

Final Reflection

Residents in the city are really excited this time. They tried to recall Blanca once before but they didn't collect enough signatures the first time.

This time, the outrage is palpable, and people are raising their forces and bringing in larger resources to get rid of her. I am glad I could be there to watch the circus, and finally to see the city council take some leadership and hold Gomez accountable for her disrespectful, bigoted behavior!

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