To the Huntington Park City Council:
I am pleased to announce that Governor Jerry Brown, whose official portrait hangs on the wall of the Huntington Park City Hall lobby along side the portrait of our President Donald J. Trump, vetoed SB 174, legislation which would have made your violation of federal law dubiously and temporarily legal.
Governor Brown (D-CA)
To wit, SB 174 would have permitted illegal aliens to sit on commissions and governing boards in the state of California, although in effect such legislation at the outset is in absolute conflict with federal law and the United States Constitution .
Governor Brown returned that legislation without his signature but with the following statement:
"This bill would open up all boards and commissions to non-citizens. I believe existing law–which requires citizenship for these forms of public service–is the better path."
This statement does not come from the pen of US Senators Ted Cruz or Mike Lee, nor the executive order of President Donald J. Trump.
This statement was issued by the liberal Democratic Governor of California, Edmund G. "Jerry" Brown.
There remains neither defense nor safeguard for your lawlessness.
The Huntington Park City Council violated the law by appointing two illegal aliens, Julian Zatarian and Francisco Medina, to two city commissions.
State Senator Ricardo Lara submitted his legislation in a vain attempt to cover for your lawlessness. That attempt has justly failed.
At the same time, President Trump has pursued and expanded his rigorous enforcement against foreign nationals unlawfully residing in the United States.
Those two illegal aliens must resign those postitions (they never belonged to them, essentially) and flee the country. All decisions and actions executed by those commissions during their unfounded tenure are now null and void.
If the city refuses to abide by federal, state and local law, then I will pursue every legal means necessary to have not only those two illegal aliens incarcerated and deported, but I will ensure prosecution and civil liability to the fullest extent of the law against you the elected officials of the Huntington Park City Council, along with executive members such as Chief of Police Cosme Lozano.
Today, I utter this stern warning with the support of even your most fervent (yet ultimately moot) supporter, Governor Jerry Brown.
Obey this request, or suffer the consequences.
Arthur Schaper
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