OutSmart Magazine publishes everything gay and pro-LGBT for the Houston, Texas.

They often claim that they are all about love and tolerance. They want everyone to accept everyone else, and they don't want any hate.

Yet their premier publication in the city is all about pushing hatred and disrespect against law-abiding Houstonians who want an end to the perverse Drag Queen Story Hour program.

Who in their right mind would approve or defend allowing adult entertainers to read to children? Who would defend such trash? 

This is not about tolerance or diversity. This is about pushing a "new morality", which is nothing more than "The Old IM-Morality".

Let's say no to "Drag Queen Story Hour", and let's stay "Yes" to faith, family, and freedom.

OutSmart Magazine needs to understand that they cannot outsmart the smart, informed, and engaged mothers and fathers of Houston, Texas.

Here's the letter that I wrote to one of their reporters, who had written a shameful hate-piece against Houston MassResistance members.


Mrs. Zavaleta:

My name is Arthur Schaper, and I am the Organization Director for MassResistance.

I have been following up on the reporting that you have published regarding our Houston, Texas chapter.

For the second time in as many months, anti-LGBTQ activists spoke in opposition to Drag Queen Storyt

It's one thing to be biased or agenda-driven, which is crystal clear from the title of your magazine.

But still, journalists are expected to have some level of professionalism.

Here are the first two paragraphs I read in one of your articles from last month:
For the second time in as many months, anti-LGBTQ activists spoke in opposition to Drag Queen Storytime during Tuesday’s Houston City Council meeting.
Members of MassResistance Houston, a chapter of a Massachusetts-based hate group, urged council members to end the monthly program of the Houston Public Library, alleging that drag queens reading picture books to children is inappropriate. 

"Massachusetts-based hate group", you write.


First of all, look at the photograph captioned at the top your article.

We have more people of diverse backgrounds than most groups have. We specifically have a Hispanic grandmother and a black lady speaking out against this corrupt program. We have chapters in Taiwan, Nigeria, and we are building chapters in Canada, Hong Kong, and Chile. 

We also have a mother whose husband "transitioned" to try and become a female, even though such a process is biologically impossible.

Furthermore, our President, Brian Camenker, is an Orthodox Jew whose family fled Eastern Europe to avoid the Holocaust.

You cannot be serious in your assessment that MassResistance is a "hate group."

On top of that, members of our chapters throughout the country are parents, mothers, fathers, and community leaders who want what is best for their children and the children in their communities. How is that "hate"? Parents wanting to protect their children, elected officials wanting to look after the fiduciary responsibility of their city: that is not hate.

Your lies are hateful. Calling MassResistance a hate group — that is hateful.

Last of all, why is it that homosexual activists are so occupied with pushing Drag Queen entertainment onto children?

This is clearly more than morbid curiosity. Considering the latest sexualized encroachments against children tied in with this whole Drag agenda.

Are you not aware that children are indeed falling into this perverse set of behaviors?!

'This is absolutely not OK,' said one parent.

You are promoting this, Mrs. Alvareta. This is not "diversity". This is destruction, and this is child abuse.

Consider how the "parents" of little Desmond allowed him to dance for homosexual man in a gay bar in New York City:

On December 1, an 11-year-old boy dressed in drag danced on stage in a sexual manner at a gay bar in Brooklyn, NY, called 3 Dollar Bill.

Here's another "Drag kid", a child who was taking photos with a naked adult male:

Huck Magazine sparked outrage after it featured a 10-year-old Canadian boy named Nemis Quinn Mélançon-Golden posing next to a naked man in a recent photo shoot. 

Once again, please explain to me why OutSmart wants to promote and protect adults sexualizing and exploiting children.

Does your publication condone pedophilia? Do they condone child abuse and sex trafficking, too?

We are not the hate group — and it would be "smart" to stop calling us that.
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