Well, it finally happened.

From the looks of things, the by-law breaking and capricious leadership of the AD-66 Central Committee finally is coming to an end.
Speaking with various sources within the Central Committee and outside of the Central Committee, I discovered that the following has occured:

The previous Central Committee leadership, with Janice Webb as AD-66 Chair, had violated number of County Central Committee by-laws. Of course, the LA County GOP Central Committee has a long history of violating by-laws, including the abrupt, unjust, and illegal revocation of the charters for two volunteer organizations: The Mountain View Republicans and the Beach Cities Republicans.

The current members had an election in November 2018, including members who were no longer eligible to vote.

The reorganization needed to take place in December, after new members were sworn into the Central Committee, including Frank Scotto, the recent candidate for AD-66 State Assembly. Scotto did not cast a vote for the new leadership. Furthermore, David Hadley, the former assemblyman, former candidate for governor, current and outgoing state vice-chair, had cast a vote when he was not eligible to do so.

In January this year, one member of the central committee, Rick Marshall, asked for a point of order to challenge the election from November last year. The chairwoman, Janice Webb, ruled against him, but the member challenged the ruling of the chair. Roberts Rules of Order allows an individual to challenge previous decisions and to tally a final vote to uphold the point of order.

The members of the central committee ruled with Rick Marshall, and the elections from November 2018.

A temporary chair was elected–Mark Tsuneishi–and a temporary secretary took over, Marlene Silva.

Two weeks later, a new election was held: February 11, 2019.

New members have joined the AD-66 Central Committee: Ken Wright, the Congressional candidate who ran against Ted Lieu, and the father of Joshua Scott, who ran for Congress against Grace Napolitano, but who is permitted to serve on his local central committee because he ran for partisan office.

The four previous leaders–Janice Webb, Patty LaGrelius, Jon Fleming, and Frank Scotto too–did not even show up for the meeting. They pretty much knew that the vote and the final votes were not going to go their way.

I would say that those four individuals were like sore losers. They realized that the original elected leaders were not going to win in the second vote at all.

As of yesterday, there is new leadership for the AD-66 Central Committee:

AD-66 Central Committee Chairman Rick Marshall

Chairman: Rick Marshall
Vice-Chair: Mark Tsuneishi
Secretary: Marlene Silva
Treasurer: Larry Scott


What Does All of This Mean?

This is a victory I can relish and greatly appreciate.

Janice Webb was one of the most ineffective, corrupt, and dissolute leaders for any local or state-connected Republican organization in the state.

She had called my work to pressure my boss, Craig Huey, to make me cancel a meeting which would feature Latinos for Trump, including Marco Gutierrez. She tried to intimidate me to cancel the meeting, and I refused.

The County Central Committee leaders at the time, including Executive Director Jason "Spellcheck" Maruca, Howard Fakes, and Gary "SCAM"-inoff, along with previous empty chairman Mark "the Weasel" Vafiades, went to great lengths to lie about the Beach Cities Republicans. They basically threatened the membership of the club, that if they elected me as President again–which they did–that the club's charter would be revoked.

What a joke! The members of the club refused to be bullied or intimidated, and I released all the information about what the county executive committee was doing. They didn't like that, and I stood up to them.

Playing sour grapes, the executive committee from January 2017 revoked the Beach Cities Republicans charter for baseless reasons, they even lied to the public and to the press. It was pretty sad.

I was really unhappy with how corrupt, how unjust the whole affair had become. I continued to serve as President of the Beach Cities Republicans for one more term. Janice, sadly, continued to serve as chair, and the rest of the previous leadership, backed up by New Majority money and the pressure from Andy Gharakani, aka Andy Gimmecandy.

Gharakani has been a force of corruption and abuse in Los Angeles County. He and his cronies have been raking in consultant money and taking county donations which have gone to other county central committees. Republicans have raised little money and done even less for GOP candidates in Los Angeles County, and ther disastrous 2018 election results spelled out in full that something is rotten in the state of RPLAC.

It's been this way for a long, long time, and FINALLY someone has done something about it.

Rick Marshall called out the hastily-elected leadership from 2018 and demanded a revote, which RPLAC by-laws permitted him and others to do.

My understanding from AD-66 Central Committee members and others who have learned about what is going on is that there is a general frustration with the lawlessness and the rule-breaking that has been going on a long time, and all of it because of the New Majority, or better yet the New Permanent Minority, or should I wrote the New Permanent Superminority.

These liberal, big money Republicans have been taking advantage of central committees, candidates, and grassroots volunteers for a long time. They are doing nothing to promote GOP values or to help candidates win. Instead of doing what is right for the party and thus for the state, they settled for controlled failure and diminished relevance, but as long as they get invited to all the parties and blame "inevitable demographics", then all is well for them.

Enough is enough.

I am so glad that creepy, corrupt Janice Webb has been deposed and that there is now new leadership at the AD-66th Central Committee!

God bless Donald Trump, and as for Janice Webb:

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