If anyone wants to assess how bad things were politically in California, consider what happened in Hawaii in Election 2018.

While California Republicans lost seats in both chambers of the state legislature and in Congress, The Hawaii GOP won seats, or at least on seat in the state senate and made a modest gain in the state house.

Yes, the Hawaii GOP has been dead for two decades, and as for 2016, Democrats had a unanimous hold on the state senate.

Republicans finally gained back one seat, and they are poised to win another seat in the state senate for Election 2020.

What has happened in Hawaii that Republicans are now starting to win again?

A conservative became chairman for the largest county in the state. Brett Kulbis came from the Hawaiian Islands Republican Assembly. They are a true-red conservative group, the real Republican Party in the state of Hawaii.

He has worked hard to reach out to voters throughout the state to go to the state legislature and hold the elected officials accountable. He gets people involved, and his office releases statements going after the corrupt political class in both parties.

He does stuff!

And he is seeking re-election, which is great news for Hawaiians who want a chance to live again with peace and prosperity in their own state!

Aloha Fellow Republicans:

The 2020 election season has begun and I want you to know that I’m more committed than ever before to our party’s success in supporting President Trump’s re-election, winning local elections and enacting conservative solutions here in our Hawai’i nei’.

This is why I wanted you to be the first to know of my intent to run for re-election as the chairman of the Honolulu County Republican Party at our countyconvention next month. And I wish to humbly ask for your support.

Over the past two years in this volunteer capacity, we’ve begun turning things around. We’ve reversed the decline of the GOP by sending two newly-elected Republicans to the state legislature, while ensuring our incumbent legislators remained in office.

We continuously messaged about the bad policies of both Governor Ige, the state legislature, Mayor Caldwell and the Honolulu city council; becoming a voice for the forgotten taxpayer and reaching hundreds of thousands of voters via investments in social media so that voters could make the direct connection between the failed policies of the Democrat political machine and the daily struggle of island residents; many of whom are packing up and leaving for the mainland. Here is one of our county party’s widely-viewed commercials which was also used by the state party to make our case to the public.
In the weeks ahead, I will continue the important work of leading our countyparty while also updating you about my reasons for seeking re-election, including my plans for building an even stronger county party which can realize greater political success as well as greater policy success as we educate and persuade voters 24/7/365 that Republicans can be counted on to fight for the reforms and solutions they need, while Democrats ignore the consequences of taking Hawaii in the wrong direction.

That’s why I’m so pleased to have the support and endorsement of former state senator and leading conservative Sam Slom, who is already campaigning to return to the State Capitol in 2020. As county chair, I am eager to assist Sam’s efforts to unseat liberal Democrat Stanley Chang. With the Honolulu GOP’s help, East Honolulu voters will get to know Chang’s voting record at the Honolulu City Council and at the State Senate, as well as his wild, progressive stances taken as a congressional candidate. More importantly, voters will renew their appreciation for Sam’s leadership and votes on their behalf.

his election as Honolulu County Chair, Brett has been the hardest working County Leader I’ve seen in a decade. He has brought a breath of fresh air and leadership to the County Party when it needed it the most. I urge my fellow Republicans of Honolulu County
to join me in supporting consistent conservative Brett Kulbis as our Honolulu County Republican Party Chairman.”

Former Republican State Senator
Sam Slom

As always, I am eager to hear your suggestions for improving how our countyparty operates. Moreover, I look forward to your active participation in the Honolulu GOP as a volunteer, a donor, and/or candidate. Together, we can take back Hawaii from Democrats after 65 long years and put the Aloha State on the right track. Last year’s election was a first step. With your support for another 2-year term as county chairman, we can take another big step in 2020.

Mahalo for your consideration of my candidacy.

Yours in Freedom.

Brett Kulbis
Candidate for Chairman of the
Honolulu County Republican Party

Copyright © 2019 Brett Kulbis for Honolulu County Chair, All rights reserved. 
I support Brett Kulbis for Honolulu County Chair. 

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Brett Kulbis for Honolulu County Chair

91-1010 Kaipalaoa St.

Ewa BeachHI 96706

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