Houston MassResistance: Call to ACTION! Help stop the “Drag Queen Story Hour”

Hello, Team Houston!

Our two leaders in the city, Tracy Shannon and Linda Rodriguez, have been leading an incredible fight to stop Drag Queen Story Hour in at a large neighborhood library in Houston.

Their ongoing efforts since November have brought an angry response from Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner, who doesn’t want his favorite pro-LGBT project disrupted.

For the last four months, Houston MassResistance has been protesting the Drag Queen events at the Freed-Montrose library. Our leaders have recorded and reported on the depraved Drag Queens and their homosexual proponents in the city who are promoting confusion among the youngest citizens. It is truly a form of child abuse, drawing little children into dangerous and unhealthy lifestyles.

Houston MassResistance needs you to join them in their next effort!

With other conservative activists in the region, Houston MassResistance will be attending the Tuesday, February 19, 2019 Houston City Council meeting. They will describe the host of problems associated with the Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) program and explain the agenda behind it.

1. DWSH cuts off the library for other members of the public who simply want to go to the library for other reasons.

2. The Drag Queen performers and their supporters have instigated vile attacks against members of the Houston public who oppose the program.

3. The City of Houston has directed a large and growing police presence in and around the library because of the nasty demonstrators supporting DQSH.

4. In one well-publicized incident, a DQSH opponent was unjustly detained and his firearm confiscated. This act is against the law, a violation of public access and Second Amendment regulations.

Now more than ever, we need every one in Houston to let Mayor Turner and the Houston City Council know that Drag Queen Story Hour is offensive to many citizens and a gross misuse of taxpayer dollars.

We urge everyone of you to do the following:

1. Contact the Mayor and Houston City Council: call their offices and email them directly.
See the bottom of this email for contact information for the elected officials in Houston.

2. Please join with other members of Houston MassResistance at the Houston City Council meeting on Tuesday, February 19, 2019. The meeting starts at 1:30pm Central Time, but we need people to get there by 1:00 pm. Be prepared to speak against DQSH! Any citizen may speak before Council on a Tuesday beginning at 2:00 p.m.

To reserve time to address City Council (up to three minutes), contact the City Secretary's Office (832-393-1100) prior to the commencement of the meeting. All Council meetings are open to the public. 

Location: 900 Bagby, City Hall Annex, Houston, TX 77002
Date & Time: Tuesday, February 19, 2019, 1:30pm
(Be there at the very latest by 1:00 pm.)
3. Please join with Houston MassResistance members to protest the next Drag Queen Story Hour program at the Freed-Montrose Library. The library has doubled down on this program, even though more residents in the city have objected to it, and a growing numbers of protesters have arrived to demand its termination.
Date and Time: Saturday, February 23, 2019, 12 noon to 4:00pm
Location: 4100 Montrose Blvd, Houston, TX 77006
Phone: (832) 393-1800
For more information, contact Linda Rodriguez at massresistancehoustontx@gmail.com
PS: The horrific stuff that these Drag Queens are promoting is abhorrent! Check out the research which one of our MassResistance activists collected for the public to see.


Arthur Shaper
National Organization Director
HERE IS THE CONTACT INFORMATION for the Houston officials:
Mayor Sylvester Turner
phone:  713.837.0311
Email:  mayor@houstontx.gov

Brenda Stardig District A
Phone:  832.393.3010
Email:  districta@houstontx.gov

Jerry Davis District B
Phone:  832.393.3009
Email:  districtb@houstontx.gov

Ellen Cohen District C
Phone: 832.393.3010
Email:  districtc@houstontx.gov

Dwight Boykins District D
Phone: 832.393.3001
Email:  districtd@houstontx.gov

Dave Martin District E
Phone: 832.393.3008
Email:  districte@houstontx.gov

Steve Le District F
Phone: 832.393.3002
Email:  districtf@houstontx.gov

Greg Travis District  G
Phone: 832.393.3007
Email:  districtg@houstontx.gov

Karla Cisneros District H
Phone: 832.393.3003
Email:  districth@houstontx.gov

Robert Gallegos District I
Phone:  832.393.3011

Mike Laster District J
Phone: 832.393.3015
Martha Castex-Tatum, District K
Phone: 832.393.3016
Mike Knox at large Pos 1
Phone:  832.393.3014

David Robinson at large Pos. 2
Phone:  832.393.3013

Michael Kubosh at large Pos 3
Phone:  832.393.3005

Amanda Edwards  at Large Pos 4
Phone: 832.393.3012
Email:  atlarge4@houstontx.gov

Jack Christie at large Pos 5
Phone: 832.393.3017
Email:  atlarge5@houstontx.gov

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