Democrat Mufi Hannemann and Democrat Labor Unions
Have Infiltrated and Taken Control of the Hawaii GOP

Aloha, Republicans:

If you've been wondering why our state's Republican Party hasn't been fightingthe Democrat agenda at the Hawaii State Capitol, you needn't wonder any longer.

Your "Republican" elected officials are voting the exact way that Democrat Mufi Hannemann and the Democrat Machine would want them to vote.  Long before the 2018 Election, Hawaii GOP national committeeman and state house Republican leader Gene "Obamacare" Ward has been in cahoots with Democrats; providing cover for his liberal GOP colleagues while they do the bidding of the Democrat Machine, labor unions, and progressive special interest groups.

Let's start with Kurt "Taxpayers 4 Rail" Fevella, the longtime Democrat, Mufi Hannemann campaign operative and Go Rail Go community organizer.  In 2018, state GOP chair Shirlene Ostrov (who personally vetted all candidates), Gene Ward, and Bob McDermott vouched for Kurt Fevella as a true-blue Republican.  It turns out that the party's newly-elected state senator from Ewa Beach is still a true-blue Democrat.  Since his election — among many other horrible votes cast — Fevella has voted IN FAVOR of a new $350 million per year tax hike on island residents through a brand new, permanent increase in the General Excise Tax.  With RINO Bob McDermott already paving the way by regularly voting for massive GET hikes to pay for his pal Mufi's pay-to-play rail construction project, Fevella just made Mufi really happy by voting "AYE" for a matching increase in the GET to give state workers pay raisescuts your standard of living to make the Democrat Machine's standard of living a lot higher.

According to 
HPR NewsSenate Bill 1474 would raise the state’s general excise tax, or GET, by 0.5%. It’s estimated that the increase would generate up to $350 million in revenue annually.” This increase in the General Excise Tax will generateas much revenue per year for the wasteful DOE bureaucracy and the wasteful UH bureaucracy as the Oahu Rail Tax, except that it won’t be a so-called ‘temporary tax’ like the Rail Surcharge.
Fevella also voted to make Mufi happy by turning Hawaii into a Sanctuary State.  Yes, with 45,000+ illegal aliens already living in Hawaii (and more coming every single day), Fevella wants to join Democrats in preventing the deportation of those illegals so that local residents will be forced to compete for jobs, housing, social services and much more with low-wage illegal aliens working for cash under the table.

This measure just passed the State Senate with the full support of newly-elected GOP senator Kurt Fevella and with ZERO OPPOSITION from the Hawaii Republican Party.  Senate Bill 557 prohibits state and county law enforcement agencies from complying with federal immigration detainers or honoring requests for non-public information unless specifically required to do so by a warrant signed by a judge or provisions of federal, state, or local law.  This will ensure that Hawaii's illegal alien problem will continue to explode, as the best government estimates put the number of immigrants living in Hawaii illegally at about 45,000 and growing.

Closet Democrat and Mufi Hannemann pal "RINO Bob" McDermott — a big time SUPPORTER of illegal immigration in Hawaii — probably wishes he could forget how he previously attacked supporters of the same Sanctuary State bill now under consideration at the State Capitol.  Two years ago, McDermott pretended to criticize the Hawaii Democrat legislation to turn Hawaii into a Sanctuary State by saying, “IT'S AN ATTACK ON TRUMP.  Hawaii will pay for being an antagonistic thorn in the side of the administration.  We could potentially lose federal grants from the Justice Department.”
Now that RINO Bob's protege (really Mufi Hannemann's protege) Kurt Fevella has jumped aboard the Sanctuary / Amnesty train by voting "AYE" for SB557, it's clear that Fevella is attacking all Republicans and helping Democrats to turn Hawaii into a paradise for illegal aliens when we can't even alleviate growing poverty, homelessness, and the exploding cost of living in low-wage Hawaii for legal Hawaii residents. Now, RINO Bob and RINO Kurt want local residents to compete with endless numbers of illegals for jobs, homes, and much more.

So how did the entire party membership get duped by its corrupt leaders?  Well, this internal e-mail dated 16 February 2019 from longtime Hawaii GOP executive committee member Steve Yoderreally explains everything.  "I believe it was (state chair) Shirlene (Ostrov) who took Kurt (Fevella) to an Oahu Labor Union and told the union members that 'this is your guy, he's one of you, vote for him.'"  Yes, that explains everything.  We were deliberately and knowingly sold out by the top Hawaii GOP officers (led by RINO state chair Shirlene Ostrov) and sold a bill of goods with closet Democrat and union puppet Kurt Fevella, the new "Republican" state senator from Ewa Beach.  Now, after only a few weeks in office, Fevella is SHOCKING Republicans and independents statewide by voting for higher taxes, wasteful spending, minimum wage hikes (50% higher!!), a sanctuary state and the entire liberal agenda.  The fix was in from Day One.  And that's how we got screwed.  Auwe!

Always remember, closet Democrats Ward, Ostrov, and McDermott VOUCHED FOR Kurt Fevellaeven though they knew better.  Yet, at the exact same time that Ostrov and state party leaders actively assured Republicans that Fevella was one of us, these duplicitous RINO party leaders were actually telling Democrat unions that Fevella was one of them.

And he really IS one of them.

Mufi Hannemann reportedly selected Fevella's paid office staff at his State Capitol office.  So with puppetmaster Mufi pulling the strings and Shirlene Ostrov and Gene Ward and Bob McDermott selling Fevella's soul to the unions, Republicans are stuck for the next four years with a guy who is ENTHUSIASTICALLY DOING THE BIDDING OF DEMOCRATS.


FEVELLA VOTED "AYE" on SB789 to drastically increase the Minimum Wage by 50% — from $10.10 to $15 per hour, despite what should be solid GOP opposition.  Why?  Because this salary mandate on employers will increase the cost of doing business, which will be passed down to consumers and further increase the cost of living (goods, services, housing) for EVERYBODY IN HAWAII.  As the head of Hawaii's Chamber of Commerce wrote recently, "Minimum wage is not meant to be a living wage. It’s intended to be a wage at which companies can bring in unskilled workers and afford to train them until they build their skill level and earn increases, rising to the level of a living wage."

FEVELLA VOTED "AYE" on SB1463 to create a brand new Carbon Tax in Hawaii.  Does he really believe that you aren't taxed enough already?

FEVELLA INTRODUCED LEGISLATION AND VOTED "AYE" on SB227 to provide illegal aliens in Hawaii with taxpayer-funded attorneys to fight being deported.  Remember that the next time you hit a pothole on H-1 or can't afford something you need because of high taxation.

FEVELLA VOTED "AYE" on SB686 to Legalize Recreational Use of Marijuana.  Being really stoned would be a good explanation for voting YES on all these bills.

FEVELLA VOTED "AYE" on SB568 to mandate the creation of Gender-Free Hawaii Driver's Licenses.  Liberal Democrats are thrilled that Fevella wants to 'exclude gender or sex markers' from official State of Hawaii identification cards.

FEVELLA VOTED "AYE" on SB1131 to Create SIX homeless shantytown tent cities across Oahu.  No kidding, Fevella actually voted YES to double the previous law authorizing three of these shantytowns.

FEVELLA VOTED "AYE" on SB198 to authorize the Creation of a new TAX tax in all four counties — the ability of politicians to levy a county surcharge on transient accommodations tax.  Again, RINO Kurt thinks taxes are too low!!

FEVELLA VOTED "AYE" on SB1503 along with Democrats to create a new right for incarcerated felons to vote while in prison.

FEVELLA INTRODUCED LEGISLATION AND VOTED "AYE" on SB114 to divert your hard-earned money to provide tax-funded housing vouchers to unionized government employees, even though all citizens statewide are suffering from the high cost of housing   As the saying goes in Hawaii, "it's who you know."
The list of horrible votes by Mufi Republican Kurt Fevella goes on and onincluding anti-2nd Amendment votes.  It gets even worse when you factor in the votes of Mufi Hannemann's buddies Bob McDermott, Gene Ward, Andria Tupola and Val "We need a State Property Tax" Okimoto, who just voted along with Big Government GOP legislators RINO Bob McDermott and RINO Lauren Cheape (Matsumoto) in favor of HB1315 amending our State Constitution to "require the State to assure that each resident of the State has access to housing."  FYI folks:  YOU are "the State" (you and your pocketbook, that is).  Who cares about the cost of living with generous politicians wanting to take, take, take so they can give, give, give??

Yes, the Tupola-Ostrov-Ward-McDermott-controlled Hawaii GOP (a.k.a. the Mufi Hannemann controlled Republican Party of Mufi Republicans) really pulled a fast one on Republicans and all voters in 2018. Pretty soon, all conservatives will be driven from the Hawaii Republican Party and the party label will all be just for show. And it arguably already is just for show. Auwe!

If, after reading this, you STILL don't believe that the Hawaii GOP is being destroyed from the inside, you'll probably never believe it.  For the rest of you, now's your chance to JOIN HIRA and help save the Republican Party in Hawaii while there's still time.

Auwe, RINO's!!
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