To the Members of the Anaheim Union High School District Board of Trustees:

My name is Arthur Schaper, and I am the Organization Director for MassResistance.
We are the international pro-family group that makes the difference.
Our California/SoCal leader Shanda Lobatos has received multiple comments, compliants, and concerns from parents whose children are enrolled in the Anaheim Union High School District, many of whom had enrolled in Anaheim Elementary School District.
I watched the proceedings of the March 5th, 2019 AUHSD Meeting, and I must say I was disgusted by the unprofessional display from the board toward the parents.
This was an information meeting to address the concern of AB 329 within Anaheim Union High School District. In the presentation, several parents speak out in…
This is a video of the March 5, 2019 Board Meeting in Anaheim Union High School District. A visit was completed due to several parents being advised by their…
The statements from one mother, which I am reprinting below in full, were deeply disturbing:
Hello Everyone, My name is K—– B——- and I am a mother of 7th grader who is currently attending at Lexington Junior High school. My son took health science last quarter and guest speaker Planned Parenthood taught inappropriate things to kids who are still little to understand. My son learned from guest speaker:

-Oral sex: mouth to penis
-Anal sex: penis to Anal
-Masturbation; touch certain place of your body that will give you pleasure
-When you do masturbation, use the lotion for better lubrication
-move your penis back and forth when you have sex, at the end white liquid will come out from your penis, it calls semen and it is ejaculation.
-flavors of condoms
-how to do oral sex
Why did they name themselves “Planned Parenthood”?
Do you plan your parenthood by teaching anal sex and oral sex? What kind of parent teaches their own kids how to do oral sex and masturbation? If he is 11th or even 10th grade, he will probably find it out but he is too little. I was very shocked about what he learned from guest speaker. I read the curriculum and power point from guest speaker Planned Parenthood who is the most liberal and also support LGBTQ.

Planned Parenthood are way too liberal and our kids are too little to learn those things. By teaching those things, it makes kids to try when they had no idea what it was. I heard Planned Parenthood is district approved. If you really listened to their presentation, are you ok to kids to hear all that information which is inappropriate for their age.

They cover the LGBTQ on Lesson 5 … I don't want my kids to brain washed and learn about those things. I was at the lesson 5 guest speaker in the class and she said “There is biological identity but it’s something from your heart and that’s how they feel. Do what makes you happy, you don’t have to be girly or boyish. Everyone is different, it’s very important people usually know from their heart.”

It sounds like you are teaching people’s choice and equal right. No, it is brain washing them LGBTQ when kids are not mature enough to decide. I love Lexington Junior High School and I respect and appreciate your support. If you have kids, or even if you don't have one, I am sure you understand how I felt when my kids learned anal sex, oral sex, and asked me what are those. So please block these guest speakers and those curriculums. Thank you.

This is nothing short of shocking. How can you possibly be allowing Planned Parenthood, a biased third-party vendor, to teach anything related to sex-ed or anything else for that matter? Such explicit, dangerous, and perverse behaviors should not be presented in any context to young people, especially without the knowledge or permission of the parents.
Furthermore, the behavior from members of the board of trustees during the above meeting on March 5th was nothing short of disgraceful.
Board Member Randle-Trejo called parents "liars". That is outrageous!
Board Member Jabbar interrupted speakers during public comment! That is a flagrant violation of the Ralph M. Brown Act.
I respect and appreciate Mr. O'Neal's tactful, supporting remarks on behalf of the parents who attend the meeting. That was the kind of response expected.
At this time, I am urging the following from the Anaheim Union High School District Board of Trustees:
1. Renewed respect for parents and concerned citizens in the district or anyone who lives anywhere else.
2. Full presentation of all sex-ed materials online for parents to review – and allow or reject the contents of the program.
3. The implementation of "Opt-In" for all sex-ed and other controversial matters in health classes.
4. The ultimate phasing out sex-ed in the Anaheim Union High School District.
I will be submitting a FOIA shortly.
Arthur Schaper, Organization Director
(781) 890-6001

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