Pro-Family Victory against Fake News!


Mr. Barnathan and the Santa Clarita Gazette Leadership:

My name is Arthur Schaper, the Organization Director for MassResistance. We are the international pro-family group that makes the difference.

On behalf of our Organization, which includes members from Taiwan and Hong Kong to Chile, Nigeria, and Canada, I am astounding and offended by some of the very poor reporting I read in the article below:

This paragraph warrants considerable condemnation:

She named one: Torrance resident Arthur Schaper, who was arrested June 6, 2017 on two misdemeanor counts of disturbing a Huntington Park City Council meeting and disobeying a police officer’s order to leave. He later sued the city, claiming he was falsely arrested and was being trolled by the city, according to the Los Angeles Times.

The factual errors are astounding . The reporter who put together the article made a number of gross factual and professional errors:

1. He simply references an LA Times Article — Where's the article? It's not even linked in the paragraph!

Allow me to do your job for you:

The LA Times article has its fair share of failures. Ms. Branson was forced to edit one article following my repeated reminders. She should have edited this one, too.

Here are factual errors from the LA Times article

1. I was arrested June 7th, 2017. The city council meetings stopped taking place on Mondays. Branson actually screwed this up!

2. I was charged with one count of disrupting a public meeting, two counts of "Resisting arrest" or more precisely in the statute "failure to follow the lawful order of a police officer"– the grab-bag 148(a)1 charge.

The truth is that I did not even resist arrest! When they handcuffed me, I did not resist their actions.

3. I did not disrupt the meeting. Even the DA could not prosecute me on that trumped-up charge. 

4.  For the life of me, I have no idea where she got the idea of "trolling" for the article. It sounds like it was a cheap attempt to turn the article into click-bait. I never used the word "Trolling" in my own reports on the event

Her unprofessional aside in this paragraph was especially damning:

Schaper, who was profiled by The Times three days before his arrest, is a familiar, confrontational — and, some say, racist — presence at Huntington Park council meetings …

Racist? Really?

My boss is an Orthodox Jew, Brian Camenker, who faced his fair share of discrimination. I work with Orthodox Jewish communities in upstate New York.

In the city of Huntington Park, residents of diverse ethnic backgrounds, including immigrants–those who came to the country legally–supported me and the efforts of fellow activists whom I worked with. Such a snide comment without any attribution just reeks of a lack of journalistic integrity. There's no other way to write this: Ms. Branson is an unprofessional writer, and the fact that the Santa Clarita Gazette would reference anything she wrote, that calls into question your own newspaper's integrity.

MassResistance has a wide array of activists, men and women of faith, of diverse ethnic backgrounds. It is nothing short of libelous that Ms. Branson would label me "Racist", and worse yet, hide behind "Some say". Anonymous attributions are the stuff of amateur reporting, or worse biased propagandizing.

The Santa Clarita Gazette should also be aware of Ms. Branson's own anti-Semitic connections.

Her mentor was Helen Thomas, the notorious anti-Semite who declared "The Jews should get the hell out of Palestine!" For those remarks, Thomas was forced to retire from her long career as a press correspondent. Worse yet, Ms. Thomas received awards from terrorist-linked organizations for her so-called "journalism".

Yet that has not prevented Ms. Branson from celebrating her. 

You can find Ms. Branson's connections with that sordid Anti-Semite in the link below:

I contacted and emailed Ms. Branson a number of times on this very disturbing connection, yet she either refused to comment, or she hid behind the leadership at the LA Times. It's sickening. Ms. Branson seems to find these connections with the now-deceased Helen Thomas acceptable. I find such associations offensive, if not suspicious. I was outraged when I discovered Branson's fawning over Helen Thomas. Why would the Gazette quote her "work"?

Besides, why would the Santa Clarita Gazette even reference another newspaper? Mr. Barnathan, as a reporter, you have a responsibility to report the facts, not just selectively quote other newspapers. You should have done some fact-checking of your own.

Lee Barnathan, Santa Clarita Gazette

Mr. Barnathan, I find it also quite suspect that you spend time calling Rep. Hill's critics "unruly" and "outsiders", when you did not bother to talk to any of them. I was invited by other residents to attend the meeting. They live in her district. By the way, her votes, her cosponsorships on key bills–those action affect me as a citizen of California and the United States. I have EVERY Right to attend town halls sponsored by her and other House Reps besides my own!

Why this bias in favor of Rep. Hill? Are you also aware that outsiders from the district attended her meeting on April 27, 2019 who favored her views? Are you also aware that outsiders actually ADDRESSED the meeting, including House Rep. Mike Thompson?! Why do you target a select number in the audience and dismiss them because of some of them–such as myself–do not live in the district?

I expect retractions, corrections, or better yet — for the entire article to be taken down. The state of printed journalism is in such moral and professional decline, and with this latest poorly-researched, clearly-biased article printed in the Gazette, I can see why.

I expect a call from you shortly. 


Arthur Schaper, Organization Director
Website: MassResistance.org
Email: arthur@massresistance.org
(781) 890-6001
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