In the late 1980s, the LGBT
movement introduced the subtle but false argument that homosexuals were “born
that way.”  Today, they are forcing their agenda on us with
relentless militancy. If anyone speaks out against these perverse behaviors, they
are met with condemnation, de-platforming on social media, termination from
their jobs, or even jail time.  The movement has become serious
threat to a free country and the natural order.
Liberal and progressive politicians embrace this tyranny.  But where are the conservatives to “out” this
massive problem?  Sadly, so-called conservatives have tried their
best to avoid or have capitulated to this agenda.  Worst of
all, conservative media leaders have remained silent on this sinister threat to
freedom of speech and thought. Rather than rushing into the fight, they are
hiding in the bushes.
More specifically, conservative leading lights like the editors
of National Review, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, and Laura Ingraham
consistently refused to address the LGBT assault on Americans’ health, freedom,
and culture.  These pundits will not even report on, let
alone challenge, the horrific “Equality Act,” which
marks a turning point of the LGBT Agenda: the culmination of the tyrannical
thrust of this movement at the expense of the natural rights of all.

Why are these conservative media stars afraid to speak out against
the LGBT movement?  After all, free expression
has never been easier.  Competitive conservative
journalism is on the rise, while the pro-gay mainstream media is in decline.  Sadly, aside from LifeSiteNews and
some other Christian media sources, most pro-family and conservative media
organizations refuse to confront the radical, abusive, and tyrannical LGBT
agenda.  Drudge Report and The
Gateway Pundit 
even portray the LGBT movement as laudable.
Dennis Prager, one of the most prominent conservative thinkers is
no better.  His PragerU videos have
educated millions of people on conservative issues, but his record on exposing
the LGBT Agenda is terrible. Prager has produced videos on transgender
movement’s threat to free speech (“Preferred Pronouns or Prison
) and the importance of biological sex
 (“Sex Matters”).  But he
refuses to condemn the LGBT “rights” movement, especially the health hazards of homosexuality and  transgenderism.
In fact, on homosexuality PragerU has become quite accommodating.  In one video, “I'm Gay…Conservative…So What?,” PragerU features Guy Benson (editor of,
who declares, “I am Christian, conservative, and gay.”  The video
title itself is a total lie. Christian doctrine—and nature itself!—reject
Conservatism is defined by defending the essential institutions of
natural marriage and family, which homosexuality by definition opposes.  The idea of “gay marriage” is another
falsehood, and conservatives should reject any capitulation to that idea and
the rest of the LGBT alphabet.  And yet
another PragerU video addressing homosexuality, "Are Conservatives Anti-Gay,"
bends over backward to try and prove that conservatives are not “anti-gay” or
“homophobic” (employing the loaded language of the left). The video even
advocates “decriminalizing homosexuality worldwide” through the U.N.
Then there’s Ben Shapiro, who refuses to confront the lies of LGBT
“identity” politics.  His last column addressed this
 over four years ago.  Today, he retreats to arguments that children are better
off with a mother and a father.  He doesn’t
address homosexuality itself.  He avoids
any discussion of its impact on society.  Recently,
both Shapiro and The Federalist fired
a contributing writer because she denounced homosexuality.  (Fortunately, that writer has returned to The
 but there is no word that Shapiro has welcomed her back.)
What about Rush Limbaugh?  A fearless
firebrand on family issues in the early 1990s, Limbaugh rushes away from
discussing the LGBT Agenda today.  Conservative,
populist-leaning writers like Victor Davis Hanson, Pat Buchanan, and Tucker
Carlson won’t say anything.  The editors
of National Review are in full retreat.  Alternative
conservative media types like Mark Dice, Jack Posobiec, and Stefan Molyneux
refuse to confront the issue. Even Paul Joseph Watson, one of the most
confrontation and inflammatory commentators on social media, has all but caved
to the LGBT agenda.  He even makes open appeals to “the gays” because of the militant
rise of Islam in the United Kingdom. 
Why should these pundits care?  There are
fundamental dangers embedded in the LGBT Agenda:  the massive
health problems, the moral concerns, the psychological issues associated with
these behaviors.  As for the live-and-let-live libertarians, they
forget that a free-market economy cannot flourish without a stable society.  Homosexuality, transgenderism, and other
paraphilias (sexual deviance) undermine the basic fabric of our culture, and
conservatives are supposed to be protecting—read, conserving!—our
culture.  As for the behaviors themselves, they can lead
to high incidences of disease, dysfunction, and death,
along with (for transgenders) infertility.
The conservative movement should not be kowtowing to LGBT identity
politics.  Instead of running away, conservative media must
stand up to the LGBT monolith and call out its lies.  Whatever is
holding back the conservative and pro-family media – fear of being labeled a
bigot, fear of being blacklisted on social media, fear of losing corporate
sponsors – this cowardice is hastening the demise of our country.  The LGBT juggernaut is not stopping, because
it’s a key weapon in the Left’s totalitarian assault.
So far, MassResistance
has been the only international organization to denounce the LGBT Agenda in
full, and today we are denouncing these conservative media leaders’ silence on
these issues.
It’s time for them to
discuss, debate, and establish some inconvenient truths:
  • People
    are not born gay.
  • People
    are not born in the wrong body.
  • It
    is not OK to be “gay.”
  • Homosexuality and transgenderism are mental disorders.
  • It
    is not OK to encourage or protect these mental disorders
    as “civil rights.”
This declaration is meant as a “warning shot” to the silent,
craven conservative media class.  They must
now stand up to the LGBT Agenda and defend natural marriage and family as
strongly as they defend life, the Second Amendment, and
other natural rights.  We invite every major media
pundit on the right to take up our challenge.  If they
refuse, they must then admit that they are not true conservatives.
To set up a debate, please contact Arthur Schaper: Email:
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