America First

The term "America First" has been appearing a lot lately in the current discourse.

Many people are using this term as the bona fide to silence a different set of debates.

Does "America First" mean that we stop having strong relationships with other countries?

Does it mean that the United States must remove or reject individuals from other ethnic backgrounds from entering, settling, and building up the United States?

Does "America First" mean that we only care about our borders, but ignore the culture, the spiritual heritage on which the United States was founded?

Does it mean "white nationalism"?

None of this is accurate.

There is a great deal of clamoring for putting America First. But what does that mean?

If we are talking about "Americans First", then we have something more specific to focus on.

I agree. Why should the United States be required to take in more people, when we have so many people who are looking for work, who are in need?

The last thing that the United States should be doing is opening up the borders to bring in more immigrants. There is nothing racist or hateful about securing our borders, then limiting legal immigration as well as stopping illegal immigration entirely.

In fact, a pause on immigration altogether is necessary to allow the latest cohort of individuals to assimilate fully and properly into the United States civic framework.

Those who wish to enter the United States should do so because they want to become … Americans!

Now we have the larger question. What is an American? What is this America, this new man?

We are talking about individuals, a country, a culture, a historical legacy which is greater than blood and soil.

America First must mean a resurrection, a restoration of Biblical truth, of our Judeo-Christian heritage.

It's not about Make America White Again, or Make America Brown Again.

The demographics issue that troubles the United States should be targeting the cultural brainwashing which has descended upon college students. They are being taught to hate this country by a dedicated coven of Marxists. Virginia went blue in large part because white voters are voting Left, not voting Right. The immigration influx alone cannot account for the sudden shift in the state.

With California, it's a similar as well as a different situation. Yes, immigration has overwhelmed our state. Illegal aliens are voting in our elections, and the state of California has enabled it even further with automatic voter-motor registration.

What has been a larger problem, however, has been the infiltration of the colleges, and the indoctrination they impose on young people. Yes, we need to build the wall along our Southern border. We need to stop the flood of illegal aliens coming into the United States. We also need to crack down on Visa overstays and rogue employers who insist on hiring illegal aliens under the table.

But … let's not forget that the Byzantine Empire's capital, Constantinople, had the thickest walls imaginable, and that empire fell. Let us also not forget that the Babylonian empire had walls and rivers, and yet the culture laxity led to its downfall, too.

When a culture, when a country, when a community stops believing in itself, when it gives up on the values, the mores which made it great, and make it worth fighting for. At this time, there are too many younger people who do not care for this country. They have been taught to hate the United States, or at the very least they have no understanding about what makes America Great in the first place.

Those who push the blood and soil argument are missing the larger, Judeo-Christian, eternal ideals on which this nation was founded. The United States is indeed founded on borders, language, culture. But the culture is based on precious values, ideals, principles which other countries had not even considered.

The Declaration of Independence outlines an unprecedented array of values, precepts, divine ideals, and our country is founded on them. Take the one sentence:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are
created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain
unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of

This sentence alone requires intense erudition to explicate its implications.

"Truth" – the notion that a government, a nation would be founded on truth, not political posturing, not just the will of the majority against the minority–this is unprecented.

"Self-evident" – the principles which the writers of the Declaration of Independence would put forward were not some cult-like secret or elitism scholastissm. This knowledge, this awareness was apparent to anyone who is paying attention. Anyone could get this.

"All men are created equal." The passage after this statement confirms that this standard of equal merit and value before the Creator applies to women as well as to men. There is an equanimity of value, of honor, or status within a community that belongs to both men and women. Furthermore, men are not allowed to enslave other men. There is no right nor basis for one man to control another to his detriment.

"Endowed by their Creator".

What does "endowed" mean? Given or provided a quality or asset. And who gave these rights to us?


This recognition of divine authority cannot be understated. Many seculare republics, democracies, etc. have failed precisely because they ignored divine right and recognition. Our rights come from God, not the state, not from other people.

Part of "America First" must recognize God, must recognize a Creator, and if I may be so bold … a Redeemer.

I could write so much more about the profound revelations pregnant in the Declaration of Independence, but I hope that the point is made, nonetheless. The United States, America is more than just borders, more than just language, and more than a culture of cultures.

It's a civic order based on divine precepts, outlined and length in the United States Constitution. America is far more than skin color or ethnic groups.

And this discussion, this restoration is essential for our Republic.

America First is about more than immigration. It's about more than demographics.

It's about founding principles. It's about the divine order which was imputed to our blessed country–and we cannot ignore these values.

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