I did not have the chance earlier this year to comment on this trainwreck of an article.

Thank God for Tucker Carlson going out of his way to expose the cancer among Conservative Inc, and particularly how the commentators have shown no interest in standing up to the falling cultural malaise that has become all too common in the United States.

Instead of stoking the flames of racism, the head of the Heritage Foundation Kay Coles James needed to point out that the United States is one of the least racist, if not THE least racist countries in the world. Why would anyone want to come to this country if the United States is so racist?

The problem is not that the United States is a multi-ethnic or monolithic country. This country has withstood and stood firm by the promise that people can come from anywhere in the world and become American citizens.

What has been happening, however, is that interest groups in place have wanted to push for their own power by stoking racial division and animus. That is the problem. Furthermore, communistic infiltrators have been barging into academia for decades, teaching the next generations of students that the United States is a fundamentally hateful, racist, perverse country which must be destroyed.

The truth is that the United States has had the flaws which other nations have endured, but unlike those countries, the United States and its people have overcome these flaws, these failures. They did not simply allow for slavery or the degradation of fellow man to remain extant within the confines of the country. The American people have fought back time and again to end these evils and make sure that our elected official live up to the principles and precepts laid out in the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution.

And yet for all that our country has endured and overcome, with have Conservative Inc. talking heads like Kay Coles James (who takes money from Big Tech), telling us tha the United States still has the cancer of racism at its core:

The senseless and completely unjustified killing of George Floyd – an
unarmed black man – by a white police officer in Minneapolis on Monday should
shock the conscience of America.

We have now learned that George Floyd pretty much did himself in by getting high on depressants and stimulants all at the same time. This Floyd creep was no hero at all. This is Michael Brown and Ferguson all over again.

Besides, what happened in Minneapolis had nothing to do with race. If it had been a black man with his knee on another black man's neck, the outrage should have been the same, right? Besides that, there were police officers of different ethnic backgrounds who were standing around, doing nothing to get Officer Chauvin to remove his neck from the George Floyd.

While I understand the frustration and anger, I do not condone the
violence spreading across this country in response to Floyd’s horrific killing.
Rioting tearing apart Minneapolis and cities coast-to-coast will never lead to
anything but more suffering. Those who are committing crimes are distracting us
from the even larger group of people who are peacefully demonstrating.

Here's the thing: most of the peaceful protests were not peaceful to begin with. This uproar over Floyd turned into another excuse to raise hell and push a Marxist revolution, all under the banner of Black Lives Matter.
But we cannot shrug off Floyd’s killing – along with the killings of so
many other black Americans throughout our nation’s history and up through

Why are so many black Americans getting killed, though? They are killing each other. Does anyone want to talk about those harrowing statistics? Anyone?!
How many more black people must die, and how many more times will
statements of sympathy have to be issued? How many times will protests have to
occur? How many more committees will have to be formed until America admits
that racism is still a problem in this country?

Racism is a problem in the United States? OK, but is it the biggest problem? Hardly. Black Americans across the board talk about concerns for the well-being of their families, economic opportunities, and the need to confront the steady breakdown of the black family. Why aren't we talking more about black fathers? Why are we not confronting the alarming number of children born to single mothers, and there is no father? This breakdown of the family needs more attention than all this talk about racism.
Racism in America is a fatal wound. Every time another incident occurs
we put a Band-Aid on it, but the Band-Aid keeps falling off. Band-Aids are not
enough to ever stitch this country back together.

Kay, cut the crap. The United States is not only the least racist country in the world, but it has seen a growing, marked decrease in racist events and episodes. Once again, what happened in Minneapolis was not about race in any way, shape, or form.

The arrest of fired Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin on Friday
on charges of manslaughter and third-degree murder is a welcome step, but it is
just a Band-Aid.

Now we know that this arrest was unjustified. George Floyd died of cardiac arrest at the scene, granted. The police officer did not kill him, though. He did not pass our and die fromm asphyxiation folks. His drug-abusing ways killed him. George Floyd was no martyr. Not at all.
Chauvin is seen on cellphone video kneeling on Floyd’s neck as Floyd
lay on the pavement handcuffed and helpless. Other officers with Chauvin did
nothing as they watched Floyd die, and should face justice for their
inexcusable inaction.

During my 70 years on this Earth I have lived through the civil rights
movement, I have seen the highs and lows of this country, I have seen America’s
goodness, and I have seen its hatred.

Oh really, Kay? This country's hatred? That hatred does not belong to the entire country. That hatred stems from individuals or movements within the country. Did Kay Coles James really think she could get away with such overheated rhetoric? She must have thought that she could such false, inflammatory remarks simply because she was black–and that is racist in itself. No one should believe that they are more or less immune to criticism because of their skin color. Let's talk Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at his word, and let's judge people not by the color of their skin, but rather by the content of their character.
There is no other country like ours in the world – nothing compares to
its greatness. But the issue of racism is America’s Achilles’ heel. It has been
embedded into our culture for 400 years, since the first Africans were seized
from their homes on the other side of the world and brought to colonial America
in chains and enslaved.

No, racism has not been embedded in the culture. It more likely, or rather most likely has been embedded into Mrs. James' education in higher institutions of learning, or she is just going along with the race-baiting talking points because the Heritage Foundation gets big money from Big Tech.
The racism experienced by black Americans is not a political issue and
to anyone who tries to use it as one, on the left or the right, I say shame on
you. No longer should our communities be pieces in a grand chess game.

On the contrary, the racism experienced by black Americans is very much a political issue. The Democratic Party, the regressive Left, all these institutions of left-wing lunacy have been pushing their racist dogmas, dog whistles, and doctrines for decades. This is very much a political issue. The Democratic Party pushed for the enslavement of black people. The Democratic Party enacted Jim Crow laws and segregationist policies throughout the South and the United State as a whole. 
The promise of the Declaration of Independence that we are all created
equal applies to people of every race. This is not about politics – it is about

Now this is absolutely true. Would that James had begun her editorial with the Declaration of Independence rather than a Declaration of Systemic Racism.
It’s time America takes responsibility and expands human flourishing to
all of its citizens – not just the majority of them.

Who exactly needs to take responsiblity for what is happening in the United States regarding these riots and race-based conflagrations? These outburts of violence are not even about race. They are Marxist hordes determined to tear down the United States. These hateful crowds are made up of mostly racist white liberal, bubble-head bobble brats who think that the world owes them everything. So suffused with a sense of entitlement, these Antifa-Black Lives Matter hordes want the whole world upended and turned into a radically fair utopia where everyone has everything they need, and no leader ever fails "the people." Such dystopian fantasy will never come about, of course. The havoc and destruction wreaked in the question for this communist nightmare are all too apparent.

Instead of bad-mouthing the United State as some racist empire, James should have talked about all the good that the United States and her people have accomplished. Yes, she could acknowledge that there is still racism, since this perverse need to distinguish, discriminate, and denigrate is all to present and prevalent in human nature, but that the United States crafted a system of government, or rather of governments (state as well as federal) to check, to frustrate the hasty powers of men, including the most racist and base among us.

This country’s founding principles have created a system for injustices
to come to light. They are designed to enable the human flourishing of all
America’s citizens.
Let’s use those principles to guide us. It’s time America takes
responsibility and expands human flourishing to all of its citizens – not just
the majority of them.

It's time for Democrats to take responsibility for their policies of hatred and division. James is all wrong to cast all the blame on all Americans.
Americans must speak up and reject the racism and division in their own
communities. There has always been a remnant outside the black community
fighting for racial equality. It can no longer be just a remnant. Racial
equality is something that every one of us, regardless of skin color, must work
toward on a daily basis.

There is hardly any racism in many communities throughout the United States. The most racism one will find occurs in aggressively "progressive" cities that are pushing all kinds of destructive outcomes, which hurt the very people whom they claim to care about.
Individually, we can make a difference by promoting peace and
prosperity for all people, knowing that life is better for everyone when we as
Americans succeed together.

All of a sudden, Kay Coles James is talking about individual actions and individual responsibilities. These are the themes, the ideas that she needed to talk about at the outset. Where was the responsibilithy and accountability for George Floyd, who had committed multiple felonies in the past? Where was the accountability for the politicians in Minneapolis who spent more time virtue-signalling rather than signalling virtue?
It will take courage to speak up, but it is the only way we can
overcome racism and the problems plaguing our nation.

Mrs. James, we were looking for the real courage to call out this false narrative of America's so-called "systemic racism" problem. Systemic racism occurs in municipalities where political operatives and machines put the well-being of their party and their own profit ahead of the people whom they are supposed to represent.

Simple acts like starting a dialogue with a neighbor or teaching your
children the difference between right and wrong can have a profound impact now
and for generations to come.
Nothing can bring George Floyd back to life. But if his horrific and
needless death proves to be a turning point to make Americans finally end the
ugly racism that stains our nation’s history and afflicts us like a cancer of
the soul, he will leave behind a legacy we sorely need.

His death was needless, but we don't need to blame the entire United States of America for this death. It was George Floyd's fault at the outset, since he was high on drugs, low on morals, and determined to break the law, even admitting that he had passed a fake note at the convenience store before he was pulled over the Minneapolis police department.

Final Reflection

It's a really sad reflection on our political commentary, especially on the right, that we see everyone rushing to blame "systemic racism" for every failing in the United States. What happened in Minneapolis was not an issue of race. It was an issue of bad actors, bad policies (there is no reason to keep one's knees on a suspect's neck when he is down for good), and bad decision-making.

For the head of the Heritage Foundation to play the race card the way she did, however, is just inexcusable. No, the United States does not have this fatal flaw of racism. No, the problems which came to a head in Minneapolis were not a result of racism. Conservatism must do better than just repeat left-wing talking points.

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