In the City of Chula Vista, California, San Diego MassResistance has been working diligently to put an end to the Drag Queen Story Hour perversion which had swept the city last year. The residents did not want this travesty, and the community at large did not want to promote LGBT themes and perversities.

Our San Diego MassResistance activists continued to confront the city council for allowing this perverse travesty in the city. Later on, they exposed the city council for lying to the public about conducting background checks on the drag queens themselves. The openly gay city councilman, Steve Padilla, threw out one of our activists, mother and local community volunteer Lorena Ambriz, because she wisely and effectively confronted him about this perversion.

Shortly after that, Padilla and his left-wing crony on the city council began soliciting help from the local Democratic clubs. It is so sad that the safety of our children, and the effort to stop their indoctrination and exploitation, has now become partisan.

In the last two months before the COVID-19 outbreak, this hate group from the San Diego County Democratic Party showed up to try and defended the perverted, openly gay city councilman Steve Padilla. They included members from the openly gay clique of the San Diego County Democratic Party, as well as the openly gay chairman of the county Democratic Party in its entirety.

These Democratic Party miscreants were actually defending allowing sex entertainers to be around children. They actually think it is OK to pervert the minds of youths with flamboyant lies about homosexuality, transgenderism, and other sexual perversions.

There is no sense, no sensibility to such hatred. What we see on display is a gross hatred of children.

And there is no greater example of this than Mr. Tom Lemmon:

Mr. Lemmon had been attending a number of the Chula Vista City Council meetings. He even starting bullying some of our members, harassing them in person and online. His social media posts have invited a number of vile attacks against our San Diego MassResistance members, and he needs to be stopped.

Leommon is a union hack working for the San Diego Building Trades organization in the area. He teamed up with some of his regressive buddies to go to Chula Vista City Council meetings during the first two months of the year, and he thought he could get away with abusing and dishonoring our members: mothers, fathers, veterans, immigrants of different backgrounds. This kind of hate must be exposed!

But it gets worse.

At one point, during one of the city council meetings, Lemmon took out a picture of his daughter, showing her backpack to the audience. He went to great lengths to conceal her identity, but still wanted to showcase her. He also showed that she was carrying an LGBT six-colored flag. According to Tom Lemmoin, his daughter is a lesbian.

And he wants to flaunt it, to show how woke he is. "Look at my daughter! I am so proud of her! She is out and proud!"

Really, this is something to be ashamed of. Children who struggle with same-sex temptations need love and support, not enabling and accommodation. If someone's daughter or son was caught up in drugs or alcohol, hopefully the parents would take every step possible to help their children.

This is a perfect example of the irresponsible parenting that has become so commonplace in this country. Instead of taking a stand for the best moral judgment possible for their children, these parents have just given up and said that their children can do whatever they want to with their bodies. What is this madness?

Tom Lemmon wants to prop up her daughter so that he can score political points.

His daughter is killing herself slowly, and yet he wants to celebrate this fact. Homosexuality is harmful, aberrant, destructive, based on lies, and yet this "father" has no problem using his daughter in such a crass, brazen fashion.

This is the San Diego County Democratic Party.

This is Tom Lemmon. This is one of the supporters of Councilman Steve Padilla, and he is one of the biggest champions of the perverted, demented Drag Queen Story Hour program.

Let's state the facts plainly: Tom Lemmon hates his daughter.

San Diego MassResistance is committed to standing against this abuse. MassResistance is committed to exposing and extinguishing this hatred of children, of the culture of death, of society as a whole.

Give Tom Lemmon a call, and tell him to stop hating his own daughter!

San Diego County Building and Construction Trades Council, AFL-CIO
3737 Camino del Rio South, Suite 202
San Diego, California 92108
Telephone: 619-521-2914
Fax: 619-521-2917

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