Douglas Murray is a conservative. He talks about conserving culture, promoting free enterprise, a robust foreign policy which ensures the hegemony and pre-emince of Western values around the world.

He is also openly gay.

He also calls himself an atheist.

In fact, he has styled himself a "Christian atheist".

Such a phrase is not just absolute nonsense, but an outright oxymoron.

He supports so-called Christian culture, but he is not a Christian himself.

His conflict of identity exposes the crisis of Europe in particular, and the Western World in general.

People want the trappings, the benefits, the effects of Christianity. They want the civilization, the freedom of enterprise, they want the trust and integrity of good will and good manners, which make commerce possible, and allow arts and proper inquiry to flourish.

But they don't want Christ.

You cannot have the thriving Western World without the One who made the worlds, and sent His Son to redeem the world.

Redemption is essential. The gift of righteousness is essential. The saving grace of God through Jesus is essential.

Faith is essential, and not merely some pathetic faith in man's abilities and intellect. The world needs faith in Christ Jesus to be saved. The West was saved, and then the West thrived. It's that simple.

Even Hegel, an arrogant crank of an academic who turned into an apologist for the Prussian State, had to conceded in his "The Philosophy of History" that there must be Reformation before there is Revolution. There can be no change in the culture, in the political framework of any country, until there is a spiritual awakening, a spiritual revival.

The United States. the Western World as a whole needs to get WOKE in the truest sense: a spiritual awakening. The whole world must awaken to righteousness.

The Western World has forgotten the Savior. They just want to save the good effects of good culture, but they cannot have the good without the godly, and they cannot receive the godly without the Gospel.

More reflections on this will come at a later time.

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