For the past two years, I have been not just an activist, but an organization director.

It has been my job to coalesce and organize people to fight back against LGBT perversion in all of its forms.

When it comes to activism, I am not just interested in fighting battles here and there. I want to start a cultural revolution, or better yet restoration, just like the American colonists on the eve of the American Revolution.

For the past two years, though, I have run into so many struggles. I have found it very difficult to motivate people to stick with fighting the specific LGBT issues that need to be confronted.

The best group that I worked with formed, besides a great team in Nebraska , was the MassResistance chapter in San Diego. People from all walks of life, working within different church groups, were ready to work together and take on Drag Queen Story Hour at the Chula Vista Main Library, for example. They continued railing against the city council long after the event had ended. But even then, the energy, the times, the demands of other responsibilities took over for so many people.

But forming the chapters was one thing. Ensuring that the chapters were self-sustaining and growing–that was the real goal, the real challenge, and ultimately a real problem.

I found that there were parents across the country who wanted to stand up to this LGBT nonsense in their schools, in their local communities.

However, when crunch time came, many of them would dissipate and walk away.

It was very frustrating.

I wanted to help form these armies, and I found that after finding a few faithful people, who were willing to be leaders in their states, I was getting really rundown.

I was getting tired. I did not look forward to doing the work. I was getting burned out.

More on the burnout issues later …

For now, I am focusing on the bigger questions.

First, why are so many people just tripping over themselves to celebrate LGBT issues? Why are so many people determined to march in lock-stop with this Black Lives Matter insanity? In El Segundo, CA, for example, all of these parents were actually taking their children to Drag Queen Story Hour. They were proud to be letting their children get groomed by a pervert. What is the matter with these people?

Then you have rich liberals, from the early days of the Communist Revolution in Russia to the present day in Los Angeles, who trip over themselves to donate money and support these destructive, anti-Western, anti-Christian, anti-American causes. What is it with their self-loathing?

For some answers, without realizing that there were answers to receive, I found a video from Victor Davis Hanson. In this recording, he talked about the major criticisms against The West, against Western Culture.

The first critique shared by many is that there is inequality. If people are fundamentally the same, how come there are so many different outcomes for people? Why are some people poor, and some people rich? Why do certain groups and countries do better? This is wrong, to some people, and a major problem with Western Culture.

This criticism has become quite common among the radical progressive rioters who are destroying cities and doing great damage across the country. The Black Lives Matter hate group believes that they have a right to other people's territory. They have a right to steal from others, because "black people" worked for everything, and "white people" took everything. The inequity argument is striking.

But so many white people believe this nonsense. There are lots of wealthy homeowners in El Segundo, for example. They feel guilty about all the worth and well-being that they possess, and as a result they feel guilty. Instead of thinking deeply on the issues, like why are so many black people in jails, or why there are so many homicides in black communities, they just throw everything up to institutional racism, and then go around with signs and start demanding justice in any way possible.

Of course, they don't really want justice. They just want to prove to everyone that they are better than others. It's really another form of white supremacy, in that they think that black people are incompetent, and that they need extra help and propping up from "the white people" to do better. This self-loathing self-righteousness is destructive, fraudulent, and evil.

But the question remains: why do so many people feel guilty?

Then there are the people of all backgrounds who want to speak up, but they fear the reproach of others. They are so worried about being shamed, they fear that their reputations will be slandered online. They also fear losing their jobs, their homes, perhaps even their lives.

Tucker Carlson called out this cowardice among our political leaders. He was shocked, disgusted that Republican lawmakers in Washington, DC were refusing to take a firm stance against all the racialized hatred and revolutionary disorder. Carlson mocked our elected leaders for going along with the whole "I'm sorry! Please forgive me!" passivism.

But why is this happening?

Why are so many people so craven now? People are not standing up to cancel culture. They are not taking a stand for this country. It's almost as though they believe all the lies being told about the United States, that this country is inherently racist, and it's been essential unfair from the outset. What is going on here? Why the cowardice?

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