Milo Yiannopoulos was a well-established conservative provocateur, writer, journalist, speaker, and all the rest. His light was shining brightly in 2016 because of Trump's ascendancy as a candidate for the GOP nomination in 2016.

Milo had made such a name for himself, visiting college campuses, crashing the smug progressive stuffiness of universities and corporate media, and going after political correctness with a strong assiduousness that was indeed quite refreshing. He drove liberals crazy, and he was well-received among conservative groups, particularly College Republicans.

He was a real bane, a force to be reckoned with, and like a preening peacock who knew he could have what he wanted, he was very brazen, blunt, and arrogant about how highly he esteemed himself.

In 2016, Milo Yiannopoulos wrote

One of the most unusual things about
my success is that my critics are often the drivers of my good fortune. The
progressive Left’s attempts to beat me resemble a man standing in a bucket
trying to lift himself up by the handle, as the old saying goes.

They don’t realize what a Herculean
task it would be to defeat me. In fact, if the thirteenth Labour of Hercules
after defeating Cerberus was “Get Milo to Shut Up” he probably would have
failed miserably. Incidentally, I think I met Cerberus last night in an L.A
nightclub and yes, the teeth were a problem.

In 2017, this happened:

AfterComments On Pedophilia, Breitbart Editor Milo Yiannopoulos Resigns

What were those comments, which led to his speaking engagements getting canceled, his book deal getting cut off, and ultimately his untimely resignation from Breitbart News?

Breaking: We obtained the #CPAC2017 Milo Yiannopoulos introductory video.

This is a must watch!

Well done @mschlapp.

— Reagan Battalion (@ReaganBattalion) February 19, 2017

Here his comments in transcript:

talking about 13-25, 13-28 [sexual relationships], these things do happen,
perfectly consensually. Often it’s the women who suffer in these, because normally
what happens in schools, every often, is it’s an older woman with a younger
boy, and the boy is the predator in that situation. They boy is like, “Let’s
see if I can f—ck the gym teacher. Let’s see if I can f—ck the hot math teacher,”
and he does.

women fall in love with these nubile young men, athletic young boys in their
prime, and end up having their lives destroyed. They end up having to move
schools, leave the country, whatever.

point about all this stuff, is that we get all hung up on abuse. This is a controversial
view. I accept. We get hung up on this sort of child abuse stuff, to the point
where we’re heavily policing relationships even between consenting adults, grad
students and professors at  universities.
This arbitrary and oppressive idea of consent, which totally destroys the
understanding that many of us have, the complexities and subtleties and complicated
nature of many relationships. You know, people are messy and complex, and in
the homosexual world particularly, some of those relationships between younger
boys and older men, the sort of “coming of age” relationships, those relations
in which those older men help those 
younger boys  discover who they
are, and give them security and safety, and provide them with love and a
reliable sort of rock where they can’t speak with their parents.

this point, the host of the podcast interrupted:

like Catholic priest molestation to me.”

responded, “I’m grateful for Father Michael. I wouldn’t give nearly such good
head if it wasn’t for him.”

Guess what? It is molestation. It is child abuse.

Someone found this disturbing segment from Milo, and he could not spin it. He could not make the argument that what he shared was sloppily or inartfully phrased. He could not make the cased that he did not know fully what he was saying. He clearly stated "This is a controversial view. I accept." 

He knew that what he was sharing was going to shock his hearers. 

And it is shocking, regardless of context. There is no indication that what Milo shared was in gest, or was some kind of joke or form of sarcasm. Even if it were, it's not funny. It's downright disturbing.

The argument that a 13-year-old is a predator who hits on a 25 year-old-teacher is beyond ludicrous, as well.

This revelation was enough to take down Milo. The powers that be beat him.

How did they beat him, ultimately?

Le'ts consider the tips that Milo had given to his opponents. Here's the list of pointers from his above article:

Don’t act like a rabid animal

Do your homework

Stump me in the Q&A, not during my speech

Whichever side resorts to violence, intimidation or aggression, loses

Your University’s reputation is in your hands. Remember that

Milo erroneously assumed that the battleground would be on the college campuses, and it would take place among rabid leftists who wanted to push their perverted, failed, regressive ideas.

He was mistaken here. Milo was masterful in the college campus crowds. He thrived on the conflict and the contentious which mindless radical leftists would hurl at him on a college campus.

The field of battle where he would lose would be on social media, and the moment in which someone would catch something that he said that would be offensive … to the right, to conservatives.

Milo claimed to be all about liberty, about cultural libertarianism. He also gave himself off as some kind of eccentric conservative figure of sorts. He pushed a number of traditional, nationalist, and populist leaning ideas.

But there was one sticking problem with allowing Milo to play in the fields of the conservative populist right: he was openly gay, proud of it, and he insisted on making it OK, when it was not OK, and then making the point that people are not born gay, but then again it was OK that he is gay. 

Do you see the confusion?

It's worth pointing out that conservatives have gotten pretty weak when standing up to this normalization of homosexuality among certain so-called right-leaning activists and writers. This is a problem, and part of it comes out because people who struggle with same-sex temptations have emotional and mental health issues.

Milo clearly does, since he was abused by a priest, and he talked about it with some pretty garish, dark humor. The glorification of his homosexual conduct and lifestyle brought down Milo, and his detractors took full advantage of that fact by pointing out how he was defending illicit relationships between adults and minors.

This is a rampant problem among homosexuals. Many of them were molested as youth by older boys or men. And this abusive cycle, tragically, repeats itself.

So, how did Milo get beaten? By himself, ultimately.

He said things on social media relating to his homosexual conduct, which aroused outrage and disgust, although conservative activists should have been outraged at the outset with Milo because he was flaunting his gayness and trying to push this agenda to normalize the destructive conduct and ideology in the conservative movement.

He was arrogant, as well, borne out by the title of the above referenced article "How
to Beat Me (Spoiler: You Won’t)". Yes, indeed, he got beat. He was forced to step down from Breitbart News as a key editor. His media presence collapsed. People did not want him for speaking engagements anymore. He ended up selling his website, too. And that was it.

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