I received the following responses from one conservative regarding her accommodation of homosexual "conservatives":

Having control over being gay is about as realistic as being
able to walk when born with no legs.

Their relationship with God is their own.

It is not for us to judge.

Let advocate for awareness of dna altering vaccines.

That will kill many birds with one stone.

Many boys are molested as was he and they end up gay.

We shall not punish them for who they are.

"Oh brother! Where do I begin?"

This is the kind of misinformation that we have to fight against. I will speak against each sentence.

"Having control over being gay is about as realistic as being abkle to wwalk when born with no legs."

This is the same cult-like lie which is pervasive in Alcoholics Anonymous. "We are like men who have lost our legs. We can't grow new ones." However, just as people are not born alcoholic, so too people aer not born gay. Indeed, change is possible. In many cases, it may be difficult, but change is possible.

There is a growing cohort of men and women who have left the gay lifestyle, or who have been restored to their birth sex following the abusive attempt to transition into another sex.

"Their relationship with God is their own."

That's not an excuse to let people linger in pain, loss, and shame. God's heart is for all men to be saved, and to walk in the glorious grace which He accords to us through His Son. Many people throw out statements like this as a flimsy cop-out, nothing more. They just want to hide the fact that they are too afraid to speak the truth about the LGBT agenda.

"It is not for us to judge."

This is shameless cowardice at its worst. I am so tired of so-called Christians refusing to speak out against evil because they don't want to "judge". Every day, we engage in judgments, regarding what actions we take from moment to moment, what we do with our free time, which individuals we reach out to, how we choose to use our time. We make judgments regarding right and wrong, good and bad, healthy and unhealthy all the time. There is no excuse, none, for pushing off this issue and refusing to confront the matter.

We are not called to ignore evil and allow people to get away with wrongdoing. When Jesus said "Judge not, lest ye be judged", he was not making the case that we should wink at evil and allow it to continue. He was pointing out that we should not esteem ourselves better than others, nor should we condemn others, i.e. impose exacting punishment, on others because of their failures. God rejoices in truth (and grace), but He does not rejoice in inquity. We are expected to call out what is wrong and celebrate what is right.

"Many boys are molested as was he and they end up gay."

Indeed, many boys–and girls–fall into homosexuality precisely because of abuse. Does that mean we should stand back and say nothing? Of course not! All the more we need to speak up, to speak out against this abuse, against this destructive agenda. There is no reason for us to stay quiet. There is no right or reason for us to back away from the fight for what is right.

At least this commentator acknowledged that people are not "born that way".

"We shall not punish them for who they are."

This is dodging the issue. Not once did I say anything about punishing someone, or anyone, who engages in these behaviors as a matter of law. Once again, this person writes "for who they are." Damn it! It's not an identity. It's a set of behaviors, and people get set free from these behaviors all the time. There is no reason to treat homosexuality and transgenderism like the next iteration of the Civil Rights Movement. This maddening confusion must be confronted in full, no compromise.

Enough with conservative accomodation of LGBT. This has to stop. We need to conserve what is right, proper, and true without avail and without delay.

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