Dear Torrance City Council: 

Public safety is of ultimate importance in any community. Families move to the city of Torrance for safety, as well as for the excellent schools and business opportunities. 


Public safety is being undermined, sadly, but the current District Attorney of Los Angeles County, George Gascon


His directives to the District Attorney's office are immoral, unethical, and in some cases, illegal. He has taken frequent steps to implement pro-criminal policies, even directing deputy prosecutors not to attend parole hearings, and also to offer lenient sentencing guidelines to judges. His memoranda against application of the death penalty, the decision to unilaterally ignore misdemeanor charges in many cases, his decision to refrain from trying heinous juvenile crimes as adults, among his directives for no money cash bail, fly in the face of the rule of law, the will of the voters, and the best practices for maintenance of public safety. 


His failures as a leader have elicited outrage across the political spectrum, from retired LA County Supervisor Mike Antonovich to LA County Sheriff Alex Villanueva. Victims’ Rights groups, which are not and should never be partisan, are leading the fight to have Gascon recalled, as well. 


I submit that even though Gascon was elected per official reports with a majority of the vote, the fact is that dubious voting and election practices have made the outcomes of local and county elections in Los Angeles County more suspect. However, regardless of the outcome of the election in November 2020, Gascon is a clear and present danger to the public safety of all Los Angeles County residents. 


The city of Beverly Hills has wisely taken the simple yet direct steps of issuing a resolution of No Confidence in DA George Gascon


I urge the Torrance City Council to follow Beverly Hills and issue a similar Resolution of No Confidence. I would go one step further and also urge the city of Torrance to support the recall of the current District Attorney, since his lack of commitment to law and order, to safety and security, to justice and restoration are so skewed, or so lacking, that one has to wonder how he can call himself a public servant of any degree or integrity. 


In the link below, you will find a sample of the resolution of No Confidence passed by the Beverly Hills City Council on March 16, 2021, specifically pages 6-8. 


I urge the city council to consider this move. 


Thank you for your time. 



Arthur Schaper

Please contact the Torrance City Council and urge them to issue a resolution of No Confirence in corrupt, pro-criminal Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon!

Torrance City Council Contacts


Pat Furey

George Chen

Mattucci (;

Sharon Kalani

Mike Griffiths

Heidi Ashcraft


City Clerk Rebecca
Poirier (;

City Manager Aram
Chaparyan (;

City Attorney
Patrick Sullivan (

Chief of Police
Jon Megeff (

Phone:   (310) 618-2801

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