Kevin MacDonald is a moron.

That is not a scholarly statement, granted, but I don't care at this point. He was an inveterate bigot who dressed up his hate under the haze of polished academia with his book "The Culture of Critique."

He asserted throughout his book that Jews form an evolutionary psychology to promote their own interests and undermine their home countries. He also asserted that they have shared interested..

None of this holds up to any real scrutiny.

And here is further proof.

There are Jews that not only hate Israel (you know the "Jewish State"), but hate other Jews, too. Doesn't quite fit K-Mac's thesis, does it?

This is from the website "Stop Anti-Semitism." I think the rest of the post will explain everything to you.

Antisemite of the Week:
Ken Roth – Human Rights Hypocrite
Ken Roth serves as the Executive Director of Human Rights Watch (HRW), a global NGO with an annual budget exceeding $90 million USD, known for its antisemitic bias.
Roth, the son of Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany, is the typical self-hating Jew who has transformed HRW into an obsessive platform for targeting Israel and under his leadership, HRW dedicates disproportionate efforts to isolate the Jewish state and attack it through false allegations of “war crimes” and “collective punishment”.
Roth refuses to acknowledge Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state and often accuses the Jewish nation of false human rights violations and apartheid. Abe Foxman, the previous head of the ADL, referred to Roth's rhetoric as a reflection of "classic antisemitic stereotype about Jews”.
He also repeatedly defends the terror organization Hamas, covers up its war crimes, and justifies its various avenues of killing and kidnapping Israelis, including through terror tunnels.
Ken Roth's obsession with the Jewish nation has gone so overboard that HRW's founder, Robert Bernstein, accused Roth of abandoning HRW's original mission and instead focusing on Israel, trying to turn it into a pariah state. For example, HRW under Roth published nearly twice as many reports on Israel’s alleged human rights abuses as it did on Iran between 1993 and 2017.
Roth's vile obsessions with the Jewish nation dates many years back including:

  • In 2009, Roth denied that Hamas stores weapons in residential and business areas of Gaza despite evidence proving otherwise.
  • Roth has accused Jews of being fascists and compared Zionism to white supremacy.
  • Roth has shamefully compared Israel to some of the worst human rights abusers in the world including Cuba, Venezuela, and Sudan.
  • Roth is an ardent supporter of the antisemitic BDS movement and often criticizes legislation enacted by several U.S. states forbidding boycotts against the Jewish nation. To date, 35 states have such laws.

In April of this year, HRW under Roth continued its quest to isolate and vilify Israel, publishing a massively flawed report filled with double standards and false accusations. The report was authored by Omar Shakir, a previous 'Antisemite of the Week', who was barred from entering Israel due to his vile bigotry. This week, Roth followed up with another report filled with falsehoods about Israel's 11-day military escalation with Hamas in May.
Earlier this month, Ken Roth had the audacity to blame the skyrocketing antisemitism in the United Kingdom on the Jewish Nation. After causing massive outrage, even amongst some of his most loyal supporters, he deleted a tweet in which he blamed the author of the article he linked and the users for not understanding his true intentions. This wasn't Roth's first time blaming Jew-hatred on the Jews. In 2014, he tweeted nearly the same message blaming the antisemitism in Germany on "Israel's conduct in Gaza".
Hostility and hypocrisy are Ken Roth's hallmark traits when it comes to the Jewish people and nation. While HRW under his leadership keeps tabs on human rights abuses in 100 countries around the world, Roth obscenely focuses most of his work and social media vitriol on Israel while ignoring actual global atrocities.

Most troubling is Roth's role at the United Nations. Despite his antisemitic bias he continues to be viewed as an expert on the Israel/Palestinian conflict. He will be front and center at this year's Durban Conference, an international Israel-bashing session taking place this September, where he will be able to spread his antisemitism to a larger global audience.

Final Reflection

A number of Jews think it is cool, chic to bash Israel. Reminder: Israel is a Jewish state, and Jews are bashing this state on a constant basis.

Kevin MacDonald has never answered this credible challenge to his central thesis in "The Culture of Critique." Just sayin'.
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