Gov. Greg Abbott cares more about dogs than kids. Really? Where is the legislation to ban sex mutilation of minors? This is beyond outrageous!

Good morning, 

left town last week without putting in place real, broad-based property tax
relief for Texans. That’s the topic explored in the One Click Survey. 

But first,
here is today’s Texas Minute.


– Michael
Quinn Sullivan

Wednesday, September 8,
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But first… donors have asked
how they can get extra copies of the monthly Texas Scorecard print
edition to place in their business’ reception and checkout areas. It’s
easy: send me an email to get

FWIW, the print edition goes to Scorecard’s donors.


Third Special Session Starts
Sept. 20

Gov. Greg Abbott has officially set the expected third special
session of the Texas legislature to commence on Sept. 20 –
with redistricting leading his agenda. Brandon Waltens has the details.

Rounding out the rest of the governor’s agenda: protecting
girls’ K-12 sports from intrusion by gender-confused boys; appropriating
federal coronavirus relief money; addressing vaccine mandates (not banning)…
and restrictions on dog tethering.

Several conservative priorities are curiously
absent. Perhaps most notable is his unaddressed (abandoned?) item
from the last special session to prohibit school mask mandates.

And what else is missing? Based on his agenda, Greg
Abbott is more interested in protecting dogs from bad tethering than he is in
protecting children from being forcibly coerced into gender transitioning. He’s
more concerned with how dogs are treated, than providing Texans with real property
tax relief. Amazing…

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