Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers is right. California is lost.

Voter fraud is indeed rife in this state, and I submit that has gotten this way in large part because feckless political authorities have refused to do anything about it.

However, I have to concede that it was not mere voter fraud which propelled Newsom to defeat the recall. The moral malaise that has become so commonplace has induced people to go along with the cult of the progressive left, nothing more than that.

Here's the rest of Wendy Rogers' latest email:

Hi Arthur,
Many people ask me why I'm working so hard for audits and election integrity, traveling the country and developing the network of leaders who will lead election integrity efforts everywhere.

As if the disaster of the 2020 election wasn't enough, what has happened in 2021 in the California recall election is proof that our elections are rife with fraud.

I'm Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers. I am an Arizona State Senator fighting nationwide for election integrity! Please help me continue to fight for election integrity measures!

California leads the country in lots of crazy ideas. I hope they recall Newsom, but the $100 million the Dems poured in to save him have bought them a lot of fraudulent votes. 
Two weeks ago FOX News reported on this:

Torrance Police recovered more than 300 unopened California recall election ballots inside the vehicle of a suspect who was found passed out in his car at a 7-Eleven parking lot, along with a gun and drugs, authorities said Monday.

Investigators are now trying to figure out how the election ballots ended up in the suspect’s vehicle and what their intent was in having them.

Torrance Police officers arrested the male suspect on Aug. 17 and charged him with numerous weapons, narcotics and forgery charges. The suspect's name was not released.

And today, during in-person voting, many Republicans were surprised to find that they had "already voted":

Provisional ballots were given to voters in a Los Angeles neighborhood who fell victim to a glitch in which the system erroneously showed they had already voted days ahead of recall Election Day.

Two locations in Woodland Hills were affected over the weekend, according to the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder's office, which blamed the problem on electronic poll book devices used to check in voters.

“The voters who experienced this issue were offered and provided a provisional ballot, the fail-safe option to ensure no one is turned away from voting. After troubleshooting the issue, the equipment at the locations was replaced and voting continued," the office said in a statement.

Provisional ballots are counted after election officials confirm voters are registered to vote and have not already voted in a given election.

Monica Almada, who encountered the glitch at the Disabled American Veterans 73 Vote Center, called it a "pretty serious glitch," recalling how a clerk informed her that other voters were struggling to check in to cast a ballot.

Sure. A "glitch". 

I'm sure the Democrats' money bought many such "glitches". I'm sure their crazy mail-in ballot schemes, and print-at-home ballots, and lack of scrubbing the voter rolls, have presented them with great opportunities to steal this election.

In California, Democrats are good at that. Stealing elections.

But that is why we are pushing for election integrity measures everywhere else. We can't let the media and the Democrats do to us what they have done to California.
Win or lose, the California recall has been a painful lesson in what lengths the Democrats are willing to go to steal an election.

Here in Arizona in 2020, we had hundreds of thousands of altered votes. More than enough to change the 2020 results. 

And the full AZ audit report still to come, likely any day now. 

We need changes, nationally. Our elections are a sham right now and we need to fix them.

The media mocks us, but we are taking on the Left and the media and we are winning with hard work and FACTS.

Will you help me work for audits around the country? We need to show what actually happened these elections!

Our elections need to be fair and secure. Right now they are not. Help us push for audits and election integrity measures!

Biden and the media are trying to discredit us. But they can't fight our facts! Join our fight and help us stop the fraud!

Thank you so much.

America First,
Wendy Rogers, Lt Col USAF (ret)
Arizona State Senator
Arizona's 6th Legislative District
P.S. George Soros and the leftwing billionaires are going to target my district again with millions of dollars in attack ads like they did last time. I need to raise $100k by the end of this month to stay on track to keep my seat. Will you contribute today to help me get there?
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