I am aware that teachers have their ideological bents, one way or another. That's their business.

And that's the point: it must remain their business, and not the classroom's business. Students should not be brought into the ideological fights. They should be free to learn, to think, to inquire, to take on the necessary skills to succeed in life.

But Mr. Welch doesn't seem to agree with that mindset.

He's a determined, liberal partisan, and he even took it as as badge of honor that I exposed him:

Truly honored to be singled out as a “bad teacher” by a local reactionary blogger.

— Mr. Welch (@mister_welch) September 6, 2021

Well, it appears that it's Mr. Welch who is truly reactionary.

Here's another testimony from a student:

Hi Arthur,

My daughter during Covid school shutdown had Mr. Welch for her senior year of highschool. Mr. Welch flunked her for her first semester and was forced to drop his class or she wouldn’t graduate. We believe that it was due to him somehow finding out that we were a Republican family. A lot of times teachers from Bert Lynn and West high make the kids do assignments that try to find out whether they’re students come from Republican or Democratic family backgrounds.

I remember a teacher both my girls had at Bert Lynn named Mrs. Irwin, the history teacher. Every school year at the beginning she would have her students interview 5 people on political issues. Many kids naturally choose their parents because it takes time for kids to find 5 people to interview when everyone’s schedules are just so busy especially when kids do sports! I made sure my 3rd child/ son never took Mrs. Irwin and moved him [to] Jefferson middle school. Jefferson was a great school and the staff was extremely warm and welcoming compared to Bert Lynn which had a very cold vibe. Many of the teachers at Bert Lynn I heard don’t even get along.

Please let me know what you’ve heard about Mr. Welch. I heard another student telling another teacher that Mr. Welch is so paranoid about getting the coronavirus that he is lecturing at his doorway entrance and when he speaks he faces the right and not directly at the students. Very strange teacher.


Well, well, well!

More will be revealed soon enough about Mr. Welch! He was pushing "Black Lives Matter" bigotry with his facemasks, he pushes sustainability indoctrination, and calls it "education," (and what does it have to do with English, by the way?).

Is this Mr. Welch? Will the real Mr. Welch please stand up? If anyone has other information about this English teacher, please email me:


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