Dear Torrance Unified School District Board:

My name is Arthur Schaper, and I am the Organization
Director for MassResistance.

For over a year, I have been working with parents here in
Torrance Unified, as well as parents in different school districts throughout
the state of California and across the US.

Here in Torrance, however, we have exposed Black Lives
Matter and LGBT propaganda in the classroom and in the several schools here in
the district.

Parents have shared with me horrible stories of teachers who
whine about their “white privilege,” harming the students in their class with
this push of false identity politics.

Teachers like Sara Pearlman at Richardson Middle School have
set up so-called “Gay Straight Alliances,” pushing all kinds of sexual
perversion on students, many of whom at that age are already dealing with a
great degree of confusion, transition, and turmoil.

Teachers like Margaret Cunningham promote hate groups like
“The Human Rights Campaign,” whose leadership included a man charged with
sexual battery against minors, and the previous president was forced to resign
after coaching disgraced former Governor Andrew Cuomo how to cover up his
sexual misconduct against staffers in his office.

Marianne Pignotti of Torrance High School actually said that
there were “Too many white people” on some of the posters in her classroom on
the first day of school. What kind of bigotry are we allowing these teachers to
push on students today?

You have teachers like Junius Welch and Nicholas Weber at
West High School also pushed BLM ideological talking points in their classroom,
as well.

I am further disturbed to find out that disgraced former
superintendent Luvelle Brown and his Critical Race Theory racket is coming to
Torrance High School later this week. How much is the school district paying these
overheated consultants to stand around and tell teachers and students that they
are racist or they oppressed simply on account of their skin color?

Yes, I am naming names. It’s time for Torrance Unified
School District to do its job and start crafting some serious policies to deal
with this massive problem.

Trustee Gerson and Superintendent Stowe informed me in the
past that they were crafting a policy to ensure that no student or teacher ever
misused an official logo within the Torrance Unified universe. How about some
clear policies which crack down on rank, brazen politicization in the
classroom? This is not a freedom of speech issue. Students in a classroom are a
captive audience. They do not have the freedom to walk out or object when
teachers are pushing their own program or their own agendas.

Furthemore, normalizing hateful ideologies like the LGBT
agenda or the Black Lives Matter should be strictly banned. If teachers want to
create a set of activists to push these harmful programs, they should go work
for an advocacy group or some other non-profit.

They have no business normalizing sexual perversion as a
civil right.

They have no right implementing systemic racism, all under
the petty pretense of trying to eradicate systemic racism.

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