Well, check this out!

Equality California is panicking because the Supreme Court may end up declaring that killing babies is no longer a constutional right!

WOW! Shameful, but true: the LGBT lobby is committed to baby-killing as much as it is committed to marriage destroying and break-up of the natural family.

Shame on them!

Check out their latest fundraising push:



Yesterday, the Supreme Court heard a case that could potentially overturn Roe v. Wade — and initial reactions from the Justices do not look great.

But know that Equality California is committed to this fight. We’re standing with our friends at Planned Parenthood and NARAL and millions of Americans across the country to do everything in our power to protect reproductive freedom. 

Please take a moment to read the following note from my dear friend and Planned Parenthood Los Angeles's President & CEO Sue Dunlap and consider making a contribution to join this important fight Â»

– Tony

Hello Arthur,

My name is Sue Dunlap and I’m the President of Planned Parenthood Los Angeles. I’m also a proud member of Equality California’s board of directors.

The Supreme Court just heard a case about a Mississippi law that bans abortions after the 15th week of pregnancy. This case is widely considered to be the most dangerous threat to Roe v. Wade in decades.

The fight for reproductive rights is also the fight for LGBTQ+ rights. Not only because LGBTQ+ people need access to reproductive care, but also because the right to privacy is the central tenet behind both legal precedents.

If we lose Roe, all of our other victories could be on the line.

As a board member of Equality California and someone who cares deeply about reproductive freedom and LGBTQ+ equality, I’m asking you to join our fight by making a $15 donation now:

If you've saved your payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately:

This year, state legislatures all across the country launched relentless attacks against reproductive rights.

And to some degree, they’ve already accomplished their goal. This, of course, was to hand the Supreme Court a case that could overturn Roe, and the new conservative justices on the bench will deliver them a win.

Let me just say this: If the Court rules in their favor and guts Roe v. Wade, at least 21 states will immediately ban abortion. That means millions of people across the country will lose access to critical, life-saving care. They will lose agency over their own bodies. And we will be rolling back decades of progress that we fought so hard to secure.

We need to be ready to fight back. This is too big a fight for Planned Parenthood to shoulder alone. We need our partners with us on the ground — and I’m so proud that Equality California is answering this call.

Please consider making a donation right now to help us protect reproductive freedom:


I sincerely hope that you join us because this is a fight we just can’t afford to lose.

Thank you so much!

– Sue

Sue Dunlap
President & CEO of Planned Parenthood Los Angeles

Final Reflection

First goes Roe v. Wade, then falls Obergfelle.

It is time for us to correct the ship of state, and that starts with the Supreme Court putting itself back in its proper lane, and to get out of forcing perverse outcomes onto a country which does not celebrate sexual perversion or the destruction of life.

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