I think Republicans are finally learning how to play this game called "media."

For the last twenty-something years, Republicans have signed up to get slaughtered on the left-wing hexing, vixen hatefest called "The View."

The three or four liberals (really communist regressives) routinely get away with sparring and slamming anyone who is right-of-center, and they allow little room for difference of opinion or debate.

Meghan McCain was the last Republican, in reality a full-on anti-Trump RINO, who waded (or waddled) into the crocodile swamp, where she was beaten, snapped at, stomped, smeared, and repeatedly shamed.

To be clear, I have no respect or any sense of compassion for McCain. She chose to sell out and harm herself on the show for the views, the clicks, the clout, whatever.

Finally, she quit the show, and she dished extensively on what a hateful bunch of harpies the rest of The View cohosts turned out to be.

And other Republicans have taken notice, and no one is signing up to take McCain's place.

Of course, The View's producers have outlined a whole host of limitations, caveats, and expectations for the potential new "Republican" co-host.

Politico reports:

Sources close to the show said that the search has stalled
as executives struggle to find a conservative cast-member who checks all the
right boxes. They will not consider a Republican who is a denier of the 2020
election results, embraced the January 6 riots, or is seen as flirting too
heavily with fringe conspiracy theories or the MAGA wing of the GOP. But at the
same time, the host must have credibility with mainstream Republicans, many of
whom still support DONALD TRUMP.

So basically the producers do not really want a Republican. Any serious conservative who wants to be a true spokesman for the new, proper, growing brand of populist Republicanism will assert that the election was stolen. The evidence is too widespread to ignore.

They want a wannabe Republican who will basically agree with the rest of the co-hosts about another range of issues, as well. What kind of debate/talk show is this, really?

It's a progressive hatefest, nothing more. Politico itself has wandered into conspiracy theory precisely for denying the truth that there are considerable election irregularities which took place during the 2020 election and afterwards. No one should be blind to these facts. What's more, no Republican can be taken as a serious Republican if they do not support Donald Trump. It's just that simply.

The View cannot have it both ways. They either get a real Republican, one who supports Trump, or they get nothing.

Another problem which the producers face is that they cannot bring in wimpy, simpy RINOs who are actively liberal post-Trump:

At the same time, the anti-Trump conservative can’t be seen
as too chummy with the other co-hosts, as the network’s market-research shows
that the audience wants to see the women spar. Sources said that this has hurt
the chances of ANA NAVARRO, a regular fill-in on the conservative chair who
worked as a surrogate for JOE BIDEN in 2020: She is perceived by the producers
as too.

Again, any Republican who is chummy with those left-wing cacklers is not a Republican.

So, what can we conclude from this dearth of willing GOP victims?

Republicans are finally getting smart. Instead of attempting to have a civil debate with such uncivil people, Republicans, real conservatives who want to take Trumpism to the next level and really shape the culture, refuse to waste their time getting hen-pecked by liberal hate-mongers. It's all for the best that no Republican steps up. The show's ratings will finally start declining, since no one wants to watch four ugly liberal women talk about how they think America is ugly, but they are beautiful.

This is it, Republicans. It is time to get smart and stop playing the left-wing media game. We need to give up this notion that corporate media wants to have an audience and open dialogue on serious issues. They seek nothing more than blatant left-wing propaganda and accommodation, and they seek token "Republican" opposition to give themselves the appearance that they are diverse and balanced.

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