For now, here are all the photos that I took at the event.

I will have the write-up ready very soon.

Just a few notes for now.

A large police presence was ready to serve and protect.








We talked with a few protesters along the way.

Some of them were actually quite civil:









In the photos below, the LAPD motorcycle police force escorted us back to our cars for our safety:





Lots of great patriots were there to show their support for President Trump and for his enforcement of our immigration laws.








The the pro-illegal open borders crowd was not nearly as large as expected.








Some of the people protesting let their ignorance show for all the world to see:










“Abolish ICE” has become the new rallying cry for the regressive, anti-Trump, anti-American Left.













I was able to talk to some of the people protesting the President, the enforcement of our nation’s immigration laws, etc.







Lots of crazy signs abounded!












Check out the patriots!














The people yelled at us all kinds of crazy nonsense. They told me to “Go back to Europe.” One guy told me to get back on the Mayflower, and then he told me to go back to Russia.

Which did he want me to do?








Hey Robin!





Cyrus made it on the Fox 11 News!





This is America, folks, not Mexico!

































Go Omar!

Vote on Maxine Waters!





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