
There is a new fashion among Christians, even among Pastors:  They refuse to discuss issues vital to the Nation on the grounds ‘they will not discuss politics!”  I have never got a response to my question: “Is there anything that is “political’ that we must not talk about; that is not also something ‘moral’ that we must talk about?”  By our failure to discuss vital issues, we have ceded the public square to the country’s enemies, who are rushing feverishly into the most disgustingly evil abyss – 'aborting' a baby even after it is born; 'grooming and transitioning' underage Californian children w/o telling their parents; and now kidnapping little children from other States and taking them over State lines to California where they can be castrated…. Are we going to remain silent on these issues because they are ‘political’? 

This, of course, is diametrically opposed to how our forefathers behaved.  They were Christians.  They founded our nation as a Christian nation.  Their pastors were leaders who protected their settlements; fought in their wars; were leaders in the fight against slavery; were embedded in our World Wars to the point of landing on the beaches of Normandy with their troops.  It was Christians who founded our great universities, hospitals and other public institutions.  It is Christian beliefs, behavior and mores that produced our Constitution and our Bill of Rights that created America, the greatest nation on earth.  Why are we throwing away our heritage and turning into a cowardly people who are ashamed of being white; embarrassed to stand up for our values; and allowing our enemies to destroy our families, our Christian culture and our country?


On the one hand Gov. Don DeSantis, is courageously firing a Soros-funded Biden-approved prosecutor who refused to obey State Laws protecting minors from gender transitioning treatments.  On the other hand, California’s Gavin Newsom is not content with approving a bill that permits a little baby to be murdered any time before birth, or up to 28 days after birth.  Or approving transgender mutilations w/o disclosing this to the Californian child’s parents.  Newsom will soon authorize yet another bill permitting California Courts to take ‘temporary’ custody of underage children who can be kidnapped from the custody of their parents in some other State and brought to California so they can be given extremely harmful gender transitioning hormones.  The FDA has just added warning labels that these drugs  can cause lethal side effects, including tumors in the brain.  Then the little girls are given double mastectomies, have their vaginas sewn up and their thighs sliced up to create a new penis to be attached to them; and the boys are castrated, with their testicles and penises sliced off. 


Newsom’s Bill actually encourages the kidnapping and the mutilation of little children and violates the rights of all parents throughout the Country.  It also violates States’ Rights and creates an exception to those who kidnap and transport children across State lines even for the purpose of child sex trafficking; provided they also arrange for the genital mutilation of these children.


Thank God we live in the State of Florida with Gov DeSantis protecting our little ones.  But don’t forget Nancy Pelosi is next in line for President if Biden is removed for inability to function and Kamala resigns.  Pelosi just undertook an unprecedented State visit to Taiwan.  Her nephew Gavin Newsom just visited the White House while Biden was abroad.  Pelosi could easily appoint him as her VP and then resign.  What will you do then?


We have to pray for both DeSantis and Newsom.  But, at the same time, how can anyone refuse to discuss this issue on the grounds it is a “political issue?”  We have to speak out and prevent this evil from spreading across our country.


Somewhere, you have to find the courage Our Lord Jesus showed us when he publicly called out the evildoers:  "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, (which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean.  In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.

—Matthew 23:27-28


Rohini DeSilva, Esq

August 5, 2022

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