Louisiana's Supreme Court has struck down further injunctions, and abortion is now banned in the Pelican State!

Operation Rescue reports:

It’s Over! Louisiana Supreme Court Denied Appeal to Block Trigger Laws
Baton Rouge, LA – The abortion industry lost at the Louisiana Supreme Court today after filing an appeal intending to unblock the state’s abortion ban for the third time since Roe’s overturn in late June. The court denied the case altogether.
After more than a month of chaotic flip-flopping, the end has been reached. Abortion remains illegal in Louisiana. The state’s three trigger laws remain in effect. Abortions, including mail-order abortions, remain illegal in all cases, except when giving birth would threaten the life of the mother. Any person who performs an abortion will be punished by 1-10 years in prison and fines of $10,000-$100,000.

And Idaho has good news to share, too!



Here's breaking news: As of this afternoon, the civil enforcement mechanism of our Idaho Heartbeat law is in effect!

That means abortionists can now be held civilly liable for nearly every abortion they perform after a preborn baby's heartbeat can be detected!

Just minutes ago, the Idaho State Supreme Court vacated its stay blocking implementation of the civil penalties section of the Idaho Heartbeat law. In their decision, the court stated that Planned Parenthood is unlikely to succeed on the merits in its lawsuit challenging the civil enforcement mechanism and the criminal penalties created by the Heartbeat law signed by Gov. Brad Little earlier this year.

As a result of the order issued this afternoon, the civil enforcement mechanism of the Heartbeat law is currently in full force and effect. Furthermore, the criminal penalties of the Heartbeat law will become enforceable next Friday, August 19, as scheduled.

This is the day that the pro-life movement has worked towards for decades! Precious children with beating hearts now finally have legal protection in the state of Idaho—and to God be the glory!

We will keep you updated!

Idaho is a very Republican state, but it has not been a very conservative state. Getting this strong abortion in place took a long time a great deal of work behind the scenes to make it happen. Governor Brad Little is a big government liberal, as well, who never saw tax increases or increased revenues that he did not want to spend away.

But to get a bill like this passed, which puts abortion clinics under civil liability for baby-killing, is a real win, and Gov. Little knew that he had little choice but to sign on!

Two more states have banned abortions. More lives saved, and our culture is getting stronger by the minute!

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