Liberty Counsel is sounding the alarm on the DIS-Respect for Marriage Act.

Here's their latest eblast summoning everyone to sound out their US Senators on their opposition

I have some important news to share below, but first, the U.S. Senate is poised to vote on HR 8404, the oxymoronically named “Respect for Marriage Act” that serves to undermine marriage, religious freedom and states’ rights. This matter is urgent. If passed, this bill will impose any radical (and wrong) definition of marriage on every state if just one state or territory recognizes it. While erasing states’ rights, the bill also forces all states to accept even polyamory, polygamy, child bride “marriages” and any other perverted corruption of marriage you can imagine.

This bill will not just repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). It will also codify the Supreme Court’s 2015 unconstitutional 5-4 opinion regarding same-sex marriage (SSM) in Obergefell v. Hodges. But this bill goes much further.

Already, five Republican senators have expressed support for HR 8404. About 15 more Republicans are undecided or considering voting in favor. If just five more Republicans cave, HR 8404 will pass.

The Senate Republican leadership does not appear to be whipping votes against this bill. It is up to you to contact senators and let them know that we strongly oppose HR 8404, a bill that will deconstruct marriage, assault religious freedom and override states’ rights.

Rush your urgent faxes to the Senate to block this attack on our nation, on our freedom and on marriage. — Mat


Justice Clarence Thomas is right. The Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage opinion is on the same shaky legal ground as abortion was—as a made-up “right” pulled out of thin air. Those pushing the LGBTQ agenda are in a tailspin about this fact.

Misnamed the Respect for Marriage Act, this bill undermines marriage in several ways:

First, when Obergefell is overruled, HR 8404 will continue same-sex marriage.

Second, HR 8404 goes far beyond same-sex marriage because it empowers one state to set national marriage policy—including incestuous marriage (father-daughter or mother-son) and more.

Third, while it currently applies to “a marriage between 2 individuals,” the bill would open the door to polygamy and polyamory by simply striking “2” before or after the bill is passed.

Note, the bill does not say that marriage is only for two individuals, but that the bill requires a state to recognize “a marriage between 2 individuals.” The deconstruction of marriage is the stated goal of some LGBTQ advocates.

The bill could allow one person to enter more than one marriage between two people all at the same time, thus authorizing polygamy. Every House Republican member from Utah supported this bill.

That is one of the many perversions of marriage allowed by this bill. It has no limits on the age of the individuals, no limits on family relationships and no requirements of the marital status of someone who wants to marry.

The Senate is very close to passing HR 8404. The senators must hear from you. STOP HR 8404 with your urgent faxes to the Senate.

When the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on marriage in Obergefell v. Hodges, some Justices warned that the decision could have a damaging and serious impact on people of faith. Chief Justice John Roberts took the unusual step of reading his dissent from the bench. He referred to the five Justices as “lawyers” who imposed “an act of will, not legal judgment.” He also said, “Just who do they think we are?”

I have been on the front lines of defending people of faith and the warning in Obergefell has come true. The Kentucky clerk, Kim Davis, was the first person to face persecution and even jail.

Business owners are being bankrupted and shut down if they do not accept and promote same-sex marriage. Even schools are worried about their accreditation status, and organizations are worried about their tax-exempt status if they do not comply.

Justice Clarence Thomas wrote in a later opinion that “Since Obergefell, parties have continually attempted to label people of good will as bigots merely for refusing to alter their religious beliefs in the wake of prevailing orthodoxy.” Regarding Kim Davis he wrote, “those with sincerely held religious beliefs will find it increasingly difficult to participate in society without running afoul of Obergefell.”

Thus far, this level of persecution is happening under a Court ruling, but under a federal law, the ability to target and attack people of faith will increase!

We have a short window. Tell as many senators as you can to stop this bill! Click the button below to send your faxes now and keep reading to get a chilling glimpse into what we are fighting against.

Now that this bill is in the Senate, we are anticipating Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) will try several different strategies to get this on Joe Biden’s desk. Schumer said, “This legislation is so important. I’m working with Senator [Tammy] Baldwin, one of our Senate leaders on this bill, to get the necessary Republican support to pass it in the Senate.”

Every minute of every day we need one conservative senator on the floor to object to a voice vote. This will force a full vote.

The Senate vote on this bill will be very close. We need every senator we can get to stop this bill. YOU can make the difference.

Working together, we can stop HR 8404 from passing! Everyone must speak up NOW by sending a fax and signing the petition!

BIG LEGAL NEWS! Last week, Liberty Counsel settled the nation’s first class wide lawsuit for health care workers over a COVID shot mandate for more than 10.3 million dollars. The class action settlement against NorthShore University HealthSystem is on behalf of more than 500 current and former health care workers who were unlawfully discriminated against.

This is a historic, first-of-its-kind class action settlement against a private employer that unlawfully denied religious exemption requests to COVID-19 shots. I will share more about this groundbreaking case next week.

Without you, NONE of our work is possible. Please prayerfully consider making an automatic recurring monthly donation to fund our legal work. Thanks to generous supporters, our Challenge Grant will effectively DOUBLE YOUR DONATION. PLEASE, be a part of the blessing today by selecting here or the button below.

As always, I appreciate your prayers for our nation and for our team!

Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel


P.S. Our Challenge Grant will DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT today.


Prefer a petition instead of a fax? Select here.


“Obergefell v. Hodges.” Legal Information Institute. Cornell Law School. Accessed July 25, 2022.

“(Order List: 592 U.S.) October 5, 2020 CERTIORARI — SUMMARY DISPOSITIONS,” 2020.

Schumer, Chuck. “Last night, the House. . .” Twitter account: @SenSchumer. July 20, 2022.

Liberty Counsel is a 501(c)(3), tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

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PO Box 540774
Orlando, FL 32854

We need as many people as possible contacting their US Senators. We cannot allow the falsification of marriage, meaning that more than two people can marry, or that two people of the same sex can marry. Where do people get this ridiculous idea that this stuff is acceptable?

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