Say NO to Mike Lawler for Congress

Congressional Candidate Mike Lawler: TALK Right, WALK Left

Aug. 22, '22

Is N.Y. Assemblyman Mike Lawler spouting Humor or Abomination? To precisely WHICH "PROVEN CONSERVATIVE RECORD" does he pompously refer in this self-adulatory ode?


"… Here is the truth: My opponents are attacking me because they can’t compete with my proven conservative record, …"

Does Lawler mean THIS "proven conservative record"?

° 1) S6501 [A9648]: LGBT Task Force, just as NYS seeks to incrementally control religious schools;

° 2) A1880A [S2534]: LGBT indoctrination for Home-Health Aides;

° 3) A3355 [S1351]: de-enforcement of anti-prostitution statute, thereby escalating threats to human-trafficking victims, including minors;

° 4) A6593: LGBT & criminal Housing privileges;

° 5) S0774B/ A2632-A:  collection of transgender demographic statistics;

° 6) A5913A/ S0123-A: Establishes a statewide propaganda campaign for the "acceptance, inclusion, tolerance and understanding of diversity," read: alienation of adherents of Torah values {03/30/2022}

° 7) S4402: Transgender drivers license bill

Additional examples of  Lawler jumping onto the BGTLQ legislative bandwagon:

° A2004/ S3070: To help ensure "diversity in recruitment and hiring in the public sector," meaning, among other things, the increased hiring of flagrant homosexualists and persons parading as the opposite sex, in the Public Sector (as if the Public Sector suffers from a deficit of Sexual-Identitarians); 05/19/2021.

° A5278: LGBT military discharge benefits; (exploiting patriotic sentiments to undermine the very values previous generations of heroes died to safeguard);

° A2230A/ S0070-A: "hate-crimes" data collection bill, (promoting LGBT dogma by exploiting violence against various groups;)

°  A2206/ S0623 [2021]: promoting LGBT by exploiting an anti-Cyberbullying bill;

In addition to his rich resume of BGTLQ-advocacy, "Pro-life" freshman Assemblyman Mike Lawler also voted for this pro-abortion bill: S0399A/ A0616-A: [Floor Votes: 06/11/2021]



  "  24    4. Upon admitting a woman known to be pregnant, or  upon  learning  of pregnancy status, the chief medical officer of each correctional facili-ty  housing female inmates, including the medical professional responsi-ble for each local correctional facility housing female inmates, or such officer or professional's designee, shall immediately inform such  woman  of  the option of participating in pregnancy counseling services and the  right to abortion services.  …"

As observed previously, if an expectant woman is in prison, and being "counseled" about the downside of NOT having an abortion, doesn't that seem quite close to cajoling her into aborting? … "Choice."

Bottom Line:

If Lawler has a solid record, it's a record of faking Right and voting Left – on foundational morality and decency. There's nothing meaningfully "conservative" about empowering the transgender Mafia to advance their predatory agenda, all the more so in the midst of a national transgender crime wave against women and children. Nothing.

We thus strongly recommend voting for William Faulkner in BOTH the Republican and Conservative primaries. 

PS: "Right to Life Party is endorsing William Faulkner for Congress in the 17th Congressional district over Lawler, based on our two telephone interviews TODAY (Friday Aug.19th)." 
Please alert as many registered Republicans and Conservative Party members as possible.
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