The Torrance Teachers Association is sounding the alarm on Project Veritas recording teachers and exposing indoctrination.

Yes, they should be scared. Parents and students shared with me all kinds of crap going on in Torrance Unified school district over the last two years. MassResistance was more than happy to get involved and expose this nonsense, too.

School districts are failing students all over the country, all over country, and even in Los Angeles County. I have discovered massive misuses of funds in the Palos Verdes Unified School District, in which the district paid $15,000 to overpaid DEI consultant.

In Hermosa Beach, parents told me about another overpaid consultant from Loyola Marymount.

Redondo Beach parents told me about teachers who were putting bad flags or who were handing out materials saturated with Critical Racist Theory content.

But let's get back to the Torrance Teachers Association.

Here's the Facebook post if anyone cannot read the picture above

Beware of a new Project Veritas campaign targeting
teachers.  Project Veritas is an
organization that harasses educators and students by secretly recording
encounters and then distorting the content to make public schools look bad.  Project Veritas has a new campaign starting
up that purports to reveal a “secret indoctrination curriculum” in public
schools.  Please be on the lookout for
any sort of nefarious activity like this. 
Strangers who claim to be reporters, parents, concerned community
members, etc. may actually be Project Veritas supporters who try to unwittingly
draw our members into secretly recorded conversations that can later be taken
out of context, distorted, and publicized. 
NEA monitors Project Veritas and issues alerts to our members, too, so
please follow NEA communications on this subject.

First of all, Project Veritas has not harassed anyone. Bad teachers, bad union reps, bad school officials who get exposed will always cry victim.

Second of all, secret conversations cannot be disclosed in the state of California. California is a two-party consent state. For this reason, Project Veritas has treaded very carefully along the West Coast. If anything is revealed or shared, the teacher had to consent to the recording.

Hence, one could forcefully argue that the Antifa Soyboy teacher in Natomas Unified School District was really arrogant–and stupid–to brag about the hateful indoctrination he was imposing on his "captive audience" of students.

Be aware that a number of our teachers were targeted in
similar fashion last year by another local group, so this is something very
real in our community. We will continue to update on these issues and posting
links to CTA and NEA updates as well.

"Targeted"? Really, as in their lives were threatened? Give me a break!

Even retired school board member Don Lee is wondering what is going on. And he just had to ask about me (LOL!):

The Torrance Teachers Association is crying victim for their members because of the work done by me, MassResistance activists, and also South Bay Parents Pushback, headed by the fearless Summer Bailey.

Again, the teachers' union in Torrance, and teachers unions everywhere else should be afraid.

They should be afraid of assuming that they can push left-wing SJW trash on students.

They should think twice about politicizing their classrooms, all while ignoring their basic responsibilities to … teach.

Frankly, the COVID-19 ourtbreaks, for all the problems which ensued, at least gave parents across the country the opportunity to really find out "Your teaching my kids what?!"

And boy, did they find out, even in Torrance.

One former teacher informed me that one of his colleagues ended up complaining about me. "I remember Arthur when he was a student. He was so nice. What happened to him?"

What happened to me? The real questions that parents, students, and other stakeholders need to ask is "What happened to our schools? What happened to the teachers? What gave them the right to turn their classrooms into SJW laboratories to push cultural Marxism under the guise of "diversity, equity, inclusion" and other educrat buzzwords with little sense of excessive sentiment? "

I can't wait to see what Project Veritas releases in the next week. If Torrance Unified gets some extra scrutiny, then so be it!

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