It's been 2+ years since COVID-19 was foisted upon the world, and in that time parents realized that they needed to fight back against their local school boards to ensure the health and well-being of their children.

It was a disastrous overreach to an illness that was an overhyped version of the flu, nothing more. Sadly, the whole world panicked and went into shut-down mode all over. Later research has confirmed that masks do not work, that they were never necessary in the first place, and lockdowns had a negligible effect (if any) in stopping the spread of COVID-19.

Parents learned what many pro-family activists had been saying for years: the schools are not safe for kids. They are indoctrinating children with all kinds of filth and perversion and calling it "good." They don't put the well-being of the children first. They care more about which political lobby has the power in the school district: the teachers unions and the contractors and the administrative bloat within the school district and throughout the state.

School districts are not safe paces. They are pushing mental illnesses like homosexuality and transgenderism, all under the guise of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. They are teaching kids to hate themselves and to hate each other because of their skin color.

They are not teaching children who to read, write, do math, think, create, build, or grow.

There is no accountability in government schools, since once a teacher passes tenure, it is almost impossible to fire a teacher

A number of parents started to band together to fight back against the health overreach as well as the critical racist theory and sexual degeneracy being pushed on children. But they didn't want to fight it as hard as it needed.

I remember meeting with a number of parents, telling them that they had to confront school board members and teachers, call them out for the abuse that they were visiting on students in the classroom. A Some parents were willing to share tips with me, and some other residents in the city also let me know what was going on.

However, when I told parents how they had to confront and call out teachers, not just the elected officials, I was surprised by how many of them balked at the idea. They didn't want to go aggressively after the very people who were pushing all the bad stuff on the children in the first place. In one Zoom meeting, a parent actually told me that she was friends with one of the teachers whom I was exposing and confronting! I was sickened!

That parent was more interested in maintaining a cordial, civil friendship with a creepy teacher instead of fighting back and protecting her kids and other kids in the local school district. This was really frustrating.

The more that I think about it, the more outraged I become. I hate to say it, but some of these parents were de facto enablers of the very abuse and bad policies that they wanted to stop, or rather that they claimed that they wanted to stop!

In contrast to a number of the parents I tried to work with in the South Bay section of Los Angeles County, I just found this incredible mother, a real profile in courage, in Northern Idaho. She and other parents work with the Idaho chapter of MassResistance, the organization that I work form, too. For the last year, they have been confronting and calling out the local library board for allowing all kinds of lew materials in the children's section of the library.

In the latest library board meeting, this one mother chewed out the entire library board and the library director for allowing filthy, pornographic books in the local library. (Click here)

Awesome Idaho Mom

Check out some of her remarks:

Yes, this is pornography. Will you just get over yourselves
and get rid of these books? You people are disgusting! Disgusting! How dare you
have books like that in the library? You need to quit. Because you people are a
den of perverts!

When they tried to cut her off, and when they told her to abide by the library code of conduct, this mother doubled down on her outrage:

You’re so civilized that you allow things like this for
12-year-olds to read. You are really beyond belief. If we didn’t have that
special clause in the law, you would all be going to jail for providing this
stuff to children.

The special clause is the obscenity exemption, which allows libraries and schools to push all kinds of filth on children under the banner of "education."

This is the kind of outrage that I was hoping to see from more parents in the South Bay in Los Angeles County. I was really hoping that parents would get this angry, outraged enough that they would confront the evil in the local libraries and the local schools. Sadly, too many of the parents wanted to stay civil, they wanted to ensure that their friendships with local groups did not get jeopardized. All too many of the parents were A-OK with homosexuality and transgenderism, just "don't push it on the kids …." What an abusive outrage!

It just sickened me, and I got so tired of this cowardice. In contrast to the relative weakness of parents in Los Angeles County, I am glad to see parents in Idaho, Virginia, and elsewhere rising up with unfettered vehemence, demanding an end to this perversion in the local libaries. They are targeting the staffmembers that allow this trash in the libraries, as well, which is all the more important!

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