110 Ways Citizens Can Make a Difference Now! 



At a time when our country and state are in disarray and crisis mode, I am reassessing how I will spend my time and energy to improve government and keep our great Republic intact.  Each of us should do this now, if we want to leave a lasting and positive legacy to future Idaho generations.  I still believe all governing power is in the people and when exercised in positive and purposeful ways, it is still the most powerful tool to overcome any societal issue.   We should never be waiting for a government fix because it is always more expensive, incredibly time consuming, and it discourages interpersonal dialogue.    We need to look no further than this “pandemic” to see how ineffective government can be with its “one size fits all” solutions loaded with hidden agendas and consequences. 


In an effort to move towards more self-reliance and less government reliance, I have developed the following list of 110 suggested steps you can start doing today to make a difference and keep our Republic. These are meant to be a starting point and I am sure each of you will think of more.  I encourage you to pick three things to start with and attempt to accomplish them before the November election.  Please vote in November, since the fate of your state and country depends upon it.

110 Things You Can Do Now by Rep. Heather Scott

  1. Understand where your rights come from, what they are, and what unalienable means and be able to explain this to another person.
  2. Stop supporting any and all biased media or social networks that distort the truth, censor facts, and stifle free speech.
  3. Support local businesses who provide local jobs, help local communities, and respect your rights.
  4. Work to change the political campaign finance laws by pressuring your legislators for change and exposing special interest groups and lobbyists who use their influence money to promote increased government regulations, stifle competition, breed crony capitalism, and buy elections.
  5. Understand and believe that our Constitution works because all power is in the people, not government.
  6. Remind your elected officials regularly that they are there to serve you, the people. You are their boss, and when necessary use your vote to remove them from office.
  7. Stop worrying about what others are not doing, or what you think they should do, and take action and responsibility for yourself.
  8. Host or be a catalyst for regular gatherings to discuss current issues and solutions with friends and neighbors and develop a plan of action for uncertain times.
  9. Turn off your TV and consider opening your Bible.
  10. Understand the jurisdictional boundary of every government entity that collects tax or fee money from you to run government programs. Start by looking at your property tax statement.
  11. Be educated about your local politics because these issues impact your life much more than national issues.
  12. Take a state or federal Constitution class.
  13. Respect, and demand respect from your elected officials and unelected bureaucrats, even if they don’t agree with you.
  14. Take a civics class.
  15. Donate to a candidate who shares your values.
  16. Learn what legislative district you live in, who makes the decisions on your behalf at that state level and study their voting records.
  17. Learn who your federal congressional representatives and senators are and what congressional district you live in.
  18. Meet an elected official for coffee and begin developing a relationship.
  19. Attend a school board meeting, observe if and how they respond to public input, and check out their school policies.
  20. Take the lead on an issue that needs fixing.
  21. Understand regional government and be able to identify regional governing bodies that are making decisions for you.
  22. Share your knowledge and skills with others.
  23. Know where your line in the sand is when it comes to defending your rights.
  24. Build a network of likeminded neighbors and friends so there is strength in numbers when issues arise.
  25. Learn how to communicate with elected officials.
  26. Learn the state process of making law.
  27. Understand state sovereignty and why it is critical to the future of our Republic.
  28. Meet your sheriff, understand his authority, and make sure he understands it.
  29. Understand the role of your county prosecuting attorney and how they prosecute or defend the current laws.
  30. Attend your county commissioners’ regular budget hearings.
  31. Help a home school parent with knowledge or a skill you have.
  32. Get out of debt and stay out of debt. Live within your means.
  33. Attend a town hall meeting.
  34. Read your state constitution.
  35. Attend a rally, protest, or event to fight for a cause you believe in.
  36. Organize an event to educate.
  37. Know what precinct you are in, who your committeeman is, and where you vote.
  38. Educate your elected officials on your concerns through the sharing of concise facts and real experiences.
  39. Run for an elected office or serve on a committee.
  40. Support good elected officials that share your values with your time and resources. Recruit people who you trust to represent you at all levels of government.
  41. Apply to be a poll watcher or poll worker.
  42. Look at your county, city, school, and state budgets and provide input.
  43. Look at the state executive budgets and provide input on spending.
  44. Treat everyone as an individual, don’t stereotype or group people.
  45. Help a candidate that shares your values through the use of a special skill set you may have.
  46. Register to vote.
  47. Vote.
  48. Stop complaining about politicians that are outside of your jurisdiction.
  49. Help an elderly or handicapped person get to the polls.
  50. Spend a few hours a week with someone under the age of 25 and mentor them.
  51. Research your current local elected officials and understand their voting record on all issues.
  52. Do a records request to get information on government actions, government contracts or memorandums of understanding for regional agreements.
  53. Understand the importance and difference between primary and general elections and share that information with two other people.
  54. Understand how long the terms of the elected officials in your area are and when they meet.
  55. Join a special interest group or political party that promotes a policy or cause you care about.
  56. Home school your children.
  57. Read the Declaration of Independence.
  58. Work on talking about politics or religion in a respectful way.
  59. Attend local meetings: city council, county commissioners, library taxing districts, etc.
  60. Volunteer at a local charity and meet new people.
  61. Rely on various legitimate media sources to inform yourself on the issues and performance of elected officials.
  62. Read a book on history or civics. History will repeat itself so know and understand it.
  63. Respect others thoughts and decisions, even if you do not agree.
  64. Write a letter to the editor about an issue that concerns you or a candidate you support.
  65. Sign wave for a candidate.
  66. Help register a new voter.
  67. Trade, barter, or share your skills.
  68. Put a political sign in your yard.
  69. Learn the structure and role of a state agency. There are plenty to pick from in Idaho! 
  70. Try to help yourself with an issue before running to an elected official (government) to fix your problem.
  71. Attend a planning and zoning meeting and look at your county zoning maps.
  72. Compare an elected official’s or bureaucrat’s words with his actions and demand an explanation if they conflict.
  73. Speak the truth.
  74. Stand up to bureaucratic bullying.
  75. Encourage your church leaders to teach the whole Bible and address civic, cultural, and political issues.
  76. Don’t be afraid to question comments, actions, or policies from elected officials or bureaucrats.
  77. Understand “Critical Race Theory”, how it is destroying our country’s foundation and why it is being taught in most of our law schools and government run schools.
  78. Educate yourself on who is influencing a candidate’s platform or voting record by looking at their campaign finance reports at the Secretary of State’s website.
  79. Publicly expose corruption and crony capitalism any time you encounter it.
  80. Put a bumper sticker on your car to promote an issue or candidate.
  81. Strengthen your local neighborhood by focusing on issues you agree on, not disagree.
  82. Don’t be discouraged when you realize how upside-down government is. Be patient and learn the process.
  83. Try to focus on the system of government as much as you focus on the issues in government. The system needs maintenance!
  84. Learn to navigate the legislative website to email or call your legislators to let them know how you want them to vote.
  85. Build a relationship with a veteran and share their stories with others.
  86. Help organize a homeschool co-op or alternative leaning center or donate your location for use.
  87. Don’t get bullied by a bureaucrat. Stand up. #EndBureocraticBullying
  88. Don’t ignore the little battles, stand up for what is right.
  89. Push back on government overreach and do not submit to tyranny.
  90. Remain vigilant.
  91. Learn to be self-sufficient and provide for others.
  92. End your support for businesses who don’t share American values
  93. Understand what administrative rules are and how you can change them.
  94. Understand how to influence your elected official.
  95. Start being the leader you have waited for.
  96. Simplify your message to bullet points.
  97. Promote healthy conversations and debate.
  98. Offer solutions, not problems.
  99. Donate a book of stamps to a candidate or help them stuff envelopes.

100.  Write a bill to change or eliminate a law.

101.  Know what the law says and where to find it.

102.  Understand the limitations and the authority of the elected official you are asking help from.

103.  Visit your courthouse and sit in on a few trials to better understand the judicial system.

104.  Establish your credibility by offering good, truthful information.

105.  Defend our country.

106.  Report disrespectful treatment by government workers to their supervisors.

107.  Let government officials and bureaucrats know when they are doing a good job.

108.  Don’t complain about things you are not willing to work hard to change.

109.  Stop waiting for someone else to tell you what you should be doing, take initiative, and lead.

110.  Pray for our country and state and our elected leaders daily.


Ultimately, we are the government, and we will get the government and society we allow.  We owe it to our founding fathers, our veterans and our families to do everything in our power to avoid violence or a civil war.  What will we give to the next generation?

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